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Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

Wow that escalated quickly, but still... You go girl!!
I love her! She has character AND brains! And a good heart too... She's doing all this for her nephew
Good girl *sob*

Giu7ia created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

That's karma lil' Zeo lol

Giu7ia created a topic of Secretary to Stage

He's for sure one big perv!
But I totally love that about him lol


I still think this would've been better off as a GL (<_<)

Giu7ia created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Black-haired beefcake team for sure!

Giu7ia created a topic of Give It Back! My Dildo!

What do you mean by "the end"?!?!
That was totally left mid air!
So disappointing... Really

Honestly I didn't think at first that it would have much plot, thinking it would be one of those BL titles full of clichés, but damn! The story has depth and the plot is thickening!
Liking it a lot as of now ♡

Giu7ia created a topic of Half of Me

Things are starting to get spicy I see ❨<.<❩

Giu7ia created a topic of CUFFED!

I liked this at first, but seeing how it's going I'm starting to feel like that it might not really be my put of tea...
I mean the two top being trashy is one thing, but the MC being a pushover and ASS but passing it off as being "innocent" is just not my style

Giu7ia created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Please no bro... PLEASE stop
Don't go back to that shitty poor excuse of a man please!!!

Giu7ia created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

Finally wow took forever if you ask me

Giu7ia created a topic of CUFFED!

This last chapter was just awful...

Giu7ia created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Please just DON'T get back with that piece of shit for lord's sake... Please!
Either stick with the dad or just go without them, I beg you just don't get back with him... Please... Sob

Giu7ia created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

Soooooo... Am I the only that whishes Hawa could just kindly get out of the way so we can get more of the Adam x Rozy?
Actually... To be honest I was so hoping this was going to be a story of, you know, the TWO of them
(< <)
Enemy, lovers anything is fine really! Just more of them please!! I've seriously been wondering what the hell have I been reading even through the cover is like that *sob*

Giu7ia already read

South Korean high school 3 Ha Yuan-an who ruined the water test by a marking mistake. In front of hi...

  • Author: 화재 시리즈,팀 다람 스; 이환
  • Genres: Action / Fantasy / Slice Of Life / Supernatural

Plot wouldn't be so bad, but everyone and I mean EVERY SINGLE character is just so stupid, it's just beyond agonizing to watch...
I tried to pick it back up a few times, but it's just so frustrating every time that I don't believe it's worth it anymore.
Hoped things would improve but apparently not even after a whole season anything changed so... bye