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ginaddict created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

You see how many froggy plushy Minato has. This boy is loved and spoiled. He knows he is loved thats why he is confident to say whats on his mind and heart. Naoto and Hazuki are raising him well.

I love it. Their special family is growing. Cant wait for more

ginaddict created a topic of Jinx

It should be illegal to be as cute as baby Potato. I mean, that kind of adorableness is lethal

I’m sorry, this is BL now. A part of Sung HyunJae is inside YooJin and a baby will be born in that union…this proof is undisputable. Its an omegaverse bl T T lmao

I just love them all. They skipped the part where WuHee was hesitant to be nice to this JaeWoo bec he wants HyeoJin to keep loving the old JaeWoo. But to see them happy again, oh everything is right in this world.

ginaddict created a topic of Gig of the Day

Did you hear that? The poor boy needs sleep and proper rest. Stay away from him for a couple of days, you horny jerk. Grrr

I think I will stop reading for awhile. I dunno what kind of pressure the author is in but this all feel like a rush like…you cannot savor anything and it kinda feel stupid. As always, I am rooting for the innocent princes. I hope every adult would just abdicate and let the ruling to the kids. Them holding power they dont even use correctly makes me cringe.

Wow, I love ambitious and empowered woman but damn, she’s on a different level. Then again, thats the sad reality for empress’ like her.

ginaddict created a topic of No Moral

There is a special place in hell for parents who consciously neglect their child. Its abusive. It horrible. Better to put them on adoption than let them suffer from neglect.

Start an epic love affair! They are so beautiful together. Dorothea and Ethan

ginaddict created a topic of Nerd Project

His toes curling…oh it was THAT good

ginaddict created a topic of Redeem: Only One Forever

I dont know if I should be happy that he told the kid that its his brother who killed TaeHyuk. On one hand, HanGyeol is a kid. But on the other hand…he has memories of being 21. And it would also opened up HanGyeol’s eyes to be wary of his psycho brother. But wont that be too much for a person with an 11 year old body to handle? Argh, idk anymore. He he

ginaddict created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

oh someone is about to fail big time bec ijin got his eyes on them early. oh well…

ginaddict created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

minato! you precious baby!

we need more volumes of this wonderful family. i’ll be okay reading until volume 100 he he

I think they are becoming one family. Pls, let them stay together. They dont ask for much. Just to be by each other’s side.

Oh these two need good smacking. Maybe a punch or two each. Hays

Someone wake the Crown Prince up and tell him he doesn’t have to inherit an empire at such a young age after all. The boy was stressed and he is only six years old.

I love a couple who are also partners in crime. Like yes, lets talk about civil war and rebellion against the monarchy in the flower garden he he

Para paraan din itong si Rishar eh LOL. Puwede naman gisingin para uminom ng gamot