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If they put Edmund to death, this story will become irredeemable. This is the result of all the adults’ inefficiency to properly safeguard the two princes. Imagine being Emperor and Empress, with enormous power and owning a big guild, holding great suspicions on several people, yet still failing to put adequate protection and eyes on two young royal heirs.

I really really dislike the adults on this story. Like all of them.

ginaddict created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade

HaJin finally in the arms of a man who truly cares for him.

Royal politics is truly mindboggling. They need the sister of the emperor to be there as a witness to the safe birth of a possible heir or be a hostage if things didn’t go as plan. Remember, aside from the emperor, she is the only one from the direct line of succession. And she has three children who are also eligible to ascend the throne. Not to mention she and her husband, along with their children, are quite popular among the nobles and commoners alike. Its a risky situation, being in line to the throne during the medieval period.

Acensio!! How I miss this crown prince. I cannot wait for him to ascend that throne and safeguard those he loves.

ginaddict created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Kill them all!! No! Better yet, let JeOh kill them all. Oh I love this power couple. HeeSeon Ahjumma may think she became more powerful than them but she should remember what SeongRok and JeOh did when they practically have nothing.

ginaddict created a topic of Waterside Night

Imma support Taeju on the murder spree he will embark on until he finds EiuHyun. He will do nothing wrong.

ginaddict created a topic of For You Who Grieves

LOL, dont fall for his kicked puppy act. HanGyeol is an apex predator who knows how to camouflage himself to make DoYoon think he is a harmless kitten. He is the same guy who could put the fear of God onto someone with just one word or a stare. He’s only soft on DoYoon aiyooo

ginaddict created a topic of Waterside Night

Ladies and gentlewomen, they are BOYFRIENDS!!

And someone tell them they are doing a smashing job raising EuiYoung. They let him be curious, be independent, strong, and kind. EuiYoung is gonna be a good Alpha someday.

ginaddict created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

you are unredeemable if you go after kids. thats why the saying “pick your own size” should be “pick your own size AND age”. and never mix kids with adults’ mess. as an adult, have some shame and let kids stay on the worry free zone.

Oh no…no…no dear boy please. Someone save Edmund. Just…get him as far away as possible from his evil parents. Goodness. I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again…don’t care whatever succession games the adults are playing, they are all useless anyways. Just save the kids. They are innocent about the adults incompetency to resolve their issues.

Oh sweetheart, loving parents dont leave their kids when they are sick. One of them would stay with the sick one while the other tends to the rest of their children so they dont feel neglected. Thats the ideal scenario.

I need Elisa to be reunited with her sons. Its been awhile since I saw her with Asencio

ginaddict created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Noo!!! As much as I want 003 to be eliminated…I know she is capable of hurting the numbers while the operation is going on. Ugh! What a dilemma. Get rid of her and risk death to their rank or let her plan a new attack on them.

Gods, I hate this.

Their family is expanding. I hope every rabbit will come to the 99th floor and live like they are in peace again.

Well, this is a new way to flirt ha ha

ginaddict created a topic of Gig of the Day

Oh TaeSeo seeing a glimpse of how YeoMin looks once YeoMin stopped pining for him. I hope that image pester his mind so he’ll get some clue that if he hurts YeoMin enough, the little innocent rabbit could run away from him. Running is YeoMin’s expertise after all.

ginaddict created a topic of Eleceed

Pluton has a move thats named “Meteor Fall”, meteor…the thing that wiped out the dinosaurs? Oh no…no…no, this mf doesn’t stand a chance.

ginaddict created a topic of 19 Days

It should be the other way around. That gege should be the one hiding from them after what these four done to his place LMAO

ginaddict created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I want this story to surprise me and show that he indeed fared well with his father. I’m so tired of bastard fathers in bl stories

ginaddict created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Luca, my sweet intelligent boy, let them live lmao.