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thisislele May 18, 2024 5:44 pm

god damnit

thisislele May 18, 2024 11:50 am

he should just get hit by a truck tbh

thisislele May 18, 2024 11:40 am

oh calling him little brother is so sickening

    yaoilover04 May 21, 2024 4:24 pm

    I really desperately hope that was a translation mistake but I'm not sure

    thisislele May 21, 2024 8:44 pm
    I really desperately hope that was a translation mistake but I'm not sure yaoilover04

    with the story being about these two guys who were supposed to be like brothers and the younger one wanting a brother i highly doubt it

thisislele May 17, 2024 10:40 pm

he’s so funny i love him

thisislele May 17, 2024 12:11 am

i love mimi cat

thisislele May 16, 2024 2:49 pm

kageo L

thisislele May 16, 2024 11:43 am

end him!!

thisislele May 16, 2024 11:37 am

wtf minerva is so broken

thisislele May 16, 2024 2:07 am

i really don’t care about this piece of shit’s sob story i just want mc to get his revenge

    Ace May 16, 2024 3:13 am

    Tell me one thing he did for your mediocre ass to call him a piece of shit. You rude have never read one story in your life and don't know what's what and go around calling everyone a piece of shit. Get some comprehension skills before reading next time

    L.Lyle May 16, 2024 3:35 am
    Tell me one thing he did for your mediocre ass to call him a piece of shit. You rude have never read one story in your life and don't know what's what and go around calling everyone a piece of shit. Get some co... Ace

    Maybe the rape and murder he’s commited idk maybe the fact that he’s literally a cruel piece of shit??

    ash May 16, 2024 3:48 am
    Maybe the rape and murder he’s commited idk maybe the fact that he’s literally a cruel piece of shit?? L.Lyle

    they read this story with their eyes closed I guess

    Ace May 16, 2024 4:14 am
    Maybe the rape and murder he’s commited idk maybe the fact that he’s literally a cruel piece of shit?? L.Lyle

    Rape? Girl go read the story yourself. The uke approaches him first. Lose your pot for a few seconds before you start reading shit lol. And murder? Girly pop, it was literally king's orders. The way you average IQ girlies read stories is the funniest most entertaining thing to watch.

    Lightsaber May 16, 2024 4:41 am
    Maybe the rape and murder he’s commited idk maybe the fact that he’s literally a cruel piece of shit?? L.Lyle

    Rape???? Didn’t the mc offer himself to him so how is that rape ?

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 5:45 am
    Tell me one thing he did for your mediocre ass to call him a piece of shit. You rude have never read one story in your life and don't know what's what and go around calling everyone a piece of shit. Get some co... Ace

    Dam he's a fictional character he's not gonna fuck u

    Camelia May 16, 2024 5:47 am
    Rape? Girl go read the story yourself. The uke approaches him first. Lose your pot for a few seconds before you start reading shit lol. And murder? Girly pop, it was literally king's orders. The way you average... Ace

    Exactly, and sometimes people doesn't understand that it's set in quite distant past, if you went against the word of a ruler, you would be dead. And it would probably be painful death. Also, war change people, things he saw and had to do aren't small. I understand that noone likes to see violence, especially not in sexual acts, but this is story for grown up people, it's way more than the 2 of them just having sex (plus it's bl manhwa, how anyone expected vanila, loving and pure sex?!). The way people were risen and told what to do is a way different than in modern times. Wealthy ones with power possessed the poor. Poor ones weren't people but things, they were not able to have their voice in anything and were treated like livestock. So powerful person treating the slave the way he treats him isn't just because he's piece of shit or whatever but because it's what they did back in the day, it's what was normal to do. Not justifying it tho, just saying what's the reason behind certain behaviours. Same with POTN (I'm not saying Seungho didn't have his fair share of shit, I wanted to punch his so badly) but considering the time it's set in and social status of people, it's quite realistic. Noblemans didn't give a shit about lowlifes (aka more than half of the nation).

    Kiki May 16, 2024 5:48 am

    But the revenge is tied to the political intrigue in this flashback that led to that noble family's demise. Much more than a "sob story", it reveals the high stakes of Yeonjo's plan and the impossible future choices Hee-ryang will be forced to make. When he and his army attacked Yeonjo's family it was a move against a vulnerable child ruler. In contrast, Yeonjo on his own is planning to strike not just against Hee-ryang but the ascendant king. And Hee-ryang, although he's pretending otherwise, knows that his loyalty is already shaken. He knows Yeonjo's plot and should have killed him long ago. If the wrong person finds this out they can undermine his position with the current ruler which would leave both Hee-ryang and Yeonjo in grave danger.

    lady eboshi May 16, 2024 6:31 am

    This way of reading stories will lead you to have little critical thinking

    Janu May 16, 2024 6:38 am

    Goodness gracious, the story would not be good if it's rushed, just wait for the author to lay out all the plot points, show each characters' inventions and shit.

    Janu May 16, 2024 6:38 am
    Goodness gracious, the story would not be good if it's rushed, just wait for the author to lay out all the plot points, show each characters' inventions and shit. Janu


    pennyinheaven May 16, 2024 7:34 am

    Yeah revenge on someone who was just working - in a time where taking lives was the norm and common exchange. Knew it from the start that the story is biased coming from a single character's perspective. But of course, readers still fell for it.

    Ace May 16, 2024 8:59 am
    Dam he's a fictional character he's not gonna fuck u Liilii267

    When below average bitches like you have this lame ass comeback to when normal people try to put things in perspective, i just know what kind of person you are lol. Got 3 brain cells in inheritance, lost 2 already and the last one is fighting for its life

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 10:34 am
    When below average bitches like you have this lame ass comeback to when normal people try to put things in perspective, i just know what kind of person you are lol. Got 3 brain cells in inheritance, lost 2 alre... Ace

    When normal ppl try 2 put things into perspective

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 10:38 am
    But the revenge is tied to the political intrigue in this flashback that led to that noble family's demise. Much more than a "sob story", it reveals the high stakes of Yeonjo's plan and the impossible future ch... Kiki

    YESSS this def makes sense bc I feel like the back story didn't have a sad heartbreaking air around it, it's more so (as u said) showing who we r dealing with and what at stake

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 10:43 am
    When normal ppl try 2 put things into perspective Liilii267


    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 10:57 am
    When below average bitches like you have this lame ass comeback to when normal people try to put things in perspective, i just know what kind of person you are lol. Got 3 brain cells in inheritance, lost 2 alre... Ace

    U brought nothing of actual essence into the convo, just spewing insults in these comments cuz ik damn well ur 2 scared to say this irl in case youd get yr ass beat. Ur losing urself on a manga website, dw we can all see what kind pussy U r

    thisislele May 16, 2024 11:20 am

    some of yall dick riding SO hard…. call me stupid for wanting the mass murderer dead i really don’t give a fuck LOL

    Ace May 16, 2024 12:52 pm
    U brought nothing of actual essence into the convo, just spewing insults in these comments cuz ik damn well ur 2 scared to say this irl in case youd get yr ass beat. Ur losing urself on a manga website, dw we c... Liilii267

    All the 'low comprehension skill,victim card holder, haven't read one story in their life' girlies banding against someone who's trying to make y'all understand the point of story and trying to tell you that the seme isn't a mass murderer like your non existent brain thinks he is but an army general who was ordered to do a job is enough to show me that y'all have never ever ever understood one story you have read in your life, so most of you are not even qualified to hold a normal conversation about the topic anyway. Kinda pitiful:(. Calling that "dick riding" is so funny coz I just know since y'all got skill issues where you find it hard to understand basic English sentences and basic political and social topics of the present and past times so you just call everything dick riding instead of really understanding characters but all you are gonna do with your pea sized brain is tell people that they're gonna get their ass beat for making a point. Pffftttt. Pretty sure you look as funny as you sound. Lol. Well if that works for you, sure.
    So anywayyyy cope harder. Keep crying. Stay mad. Pretty sure that's all you're capable of doing anyway.

    Ace May 16, 2024 12:56 pm
    some of yall dick riding SO hard…. call me stupid for wanting the mass murderer dead i really don’t give a fuck LOL thisislele

    Okayyyy low critical thinking slayyyyy

    Kiki May 16, 2024 1:53 pm
    YESSS this def makes sense bc I feel like the back story didn't have a sad heartbreaking air around it, it's more so (as u said) showing who we r dealing with and what at stake Liilii267

    Yah exactly! It's valid to hate Hee-ryang. He admitted himself in the flashback that he's done vile deeds and we've witnessed them first hand. But it shows that he wasn't just a faceless soldier on the periphery who rose up the ranks by carrying out the actions of a king he didn't know. The future king himself plucked him from obscurity and handed him power. Hee-ryang doesn't even have family loyalties to contend with that might interfere with that tie. The king is his family, in that sense. I hope we learn more about their relationship.

    thisislele May 16, 2024 2:37 pm
    All the 'low comprehension skill,victim card holder, haven't read one story in their life' girlies banding against someone who's trying to make y'all understand the point of story and trying to tell you that th... Ace

    so being ordered to murder mass amounts of people, and you do it, doesnt make you a mass murderer. got it. LOL throwing phrases like reading comprehension around all willy nilly with this level of logic is crazy.

    ash May 16, 2024 5:03 pm
    some of yall dick riding SO hard…. call me stupid for wanting the mass murderer dead i really don’t give a fuck LOL thisislele

    it's crazy how many people are eating you up for this. while I don't necessarily agree with you 100% I can still see why you'd want to focus on the plot that got you reading in the first place: revenge

    thisislele May 16, 2024 5:39 pm
    it's crazy how many people are eating you up for this. while I don't necessarily agree with you 100% I can still see why you'd want to focus on the plot that got you reading in the first place: revenge ash

    it’s the way they are so confident i didn’t understand the story just bc i disagree. i understand perfect fine, it’s just that a mass murderer isn’t suddenly innocent bc he had a shitty childhood and was under orders.

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 6:28 pm
    All the 'low comprehension skill,victim card holder, haven't read one story in their life' girlies banding against someone who's trying to make y'all understand the point of story and trying to tell you that th... Ace

    Bro yr not a scholar, in this entire manic episode u have 1 sentence talking ab the actual manhwa. Yes he was under pressure bc of an order and uts understandable but we can still take a look at him and see that he killed innocent people, thusly, a mass murderer.

    Liilii267 May 16, 2024 6:29 pm
    it’s the way they are so confident i didn’t understand the story just bc i disagree. i understand perfect fine, it’s just that a mass murderer isn’t suddenly innocent bc he had a shitty childhood and wa... thisislele


    lady eboshi May 16, 2024 6:38 pm
    it's crazy how many people are eating you up for this. while I don't necessarily agree with you 100% I can still see why you'd want to focus on the plot that got you reading in the first place: revenge ash

    how will revenge make sense if you only see the story of one character involved? If the manhwa were like this it would be a lazy narrative. this narrative isn't Kill Bill where Bill is just a horrible sociopath, this character obviously has more layers, but some people seems to want to ignore it because they already decided he's a one sided villain. this is sad to see as a reader and writer

    thisislele May 16, 2024 7:28 pm
    how will revenge make sense if you only see the story of one character involved? If the manhwa were like this it would be a lazy narrative. this narrative isn't Kill Bill where Bill is just a horrible sociopath... lady eboshi

    LOL. revenge makes perfect sense bc bro is a mass murderer who killed the mc’s family. as if he isn’t a mass murderer just bc he’s a person with “layers” like the rest of us. as if him dying would suddenly remove all depth to his story, or his story altogether. this logic is just flawed and based on weak assumptions.

    lady eboshi May 16, 2024 8:11 pm
    LOL. revenge makes perfect sense bc bro is a mass murderer who killed the mc’s family. as if he isn’t a mass murderer just bc he’s a person with “layers” like the rest of us. as if him dying would sud... thisislele

    you are making assumptions and closing off the possibilities of the narrative. If this ML really had orders to kill the MC's family, will the MC's revenge be completely satisfactory if he only kills the mastermind's weapon? and you won't know any depth if you choose to ignore ML's past and motivations. your argument is flawed

    thisislele May 16, 2024 8:50 pm
    you are making assumptions and closing off the possibilities of the narrative. If this ML really had orders to kill the MC's family, will the MC's revenge be completely satisfactory if he only kills the masterm... lady eboshi

    i’m pretty sure the current plan is already to not stop with the killer? besides it would still be plenty satisfactory bc he literally watched him kill his family lol. that also doesnt mean his back story shouldn’t exist. i just personally dont give a fuck bc it doesn’t change anything for me. i never made assumptions lol. and every decision made in writing closes off the possibility of other narratives. that’s what happens when you make a decision. this should be common sense.

    lady eboshi May 16, 2024 10:00 pm
    i’m pretty sure the current plan is already to not stop with the killer? besides it would still be plenty satisfactory bc he literally watched him kill his family lol. that also doesnt mean his back story sho... thisislele

    "that also doesnt mean his back story shouldn’t exist" great. you can stop right here thank you

    thisislele May 16, 2024 10:53 pm
    "that also doesnt mean his back story shouldn’t exist" great. you can stop right here thank you lady eboshi

    lmfaoo don’t act like you did smth after your assumptions about me were proven wrong

    Nataruma May 17, 2024 4:48 am
    Maybe the rape and murder he’s commited idk maybe the fact that he’s literally a cruel piece of shit?? L.Lyle

    What murder?

    Nataruma May 17, 2024 4:52 am
    it’s the way they are so confident i didn’t understand the story just bc i disagree. i understand perfect fine, it’s just that a mass murderer isn’t suddenly innocent bc he had a shitty childhood and wa... thisislele

    Ah you're still here. So all soldiers are mass murderers, your take is understood and still stupid. You ARE small-minded and ignorant and have zero life experience. Are you 13? You shouldn't be on here little child, these stories aren't for your eyes.

    Liilii267 May 17, 2024 6:16 am
    Ah you're still here. So all soldiers are mass murderers, your take is understood and still stupid. You ARE small-minded and ignorant and have zero life experience. Are you 13? You shouldn't be on here little c... Nataruma

    Why does everyone in support of the ml always say the same shit?? Ur a child, u can't comprehend this super duper complex social problem, you wouldn't understand cuz ur ignorant, yada yada yada

    Nataruma May 17, 2024 6:38 am
    Why does everyone in support of the ml always say the same shit?? Ur a child, u can't comprehend this super duper complex social problem, you wouldn't understand cuz ur ignorant, yada yada yada Liilii267

    Because idiots are gonna stupid and sometimes we try and educate people as a public service to improve the human race, however you can lead a moron to water but you can't make them drink.

    thisislele May 17, 2024 8:59 am
    Ah you're still here. So all soldiers are mass murderers, your take is understood and still stupid. You ARE small-minded and ignorant and have zero life experience. Are you 13? You shouldn't be on here little c... Nataruma

    depends on if they’ve killed a bunch of people or not lmfao??? news flash!! anybody is a mass murderer if they kill a bunch of people soldier or not!

    thisislele May 17, 2024 9:00 am
    Why does everyone in support of the ml always say the same shit?? Ur a child, u can't comprehend this super duper complex social problem, you wouldn't understand cuz ur ignorant, yada yada yada Liilii267

    they are way too confident they’re right and they think it makes them superior

    thisislele May 17, 2024 9:01 am
    Because idiots are gonna stupid and sometimes we try and educate people as a public service to improve the human race, however you can lead a moron to water but you can't make them drink. Nataruma

    your shitty insults don’t help any of your arguments btw lol

    Nataruma May 17, 2024 12:49 pm
    your shitty insults don’t help any of your arguments btw lol thisislele

    Holy moly, okay that's fine, at least I have brain cells.

    thisislele May 17, 2024 1:15 pm
    Holy moly, okay that's fine, at least I have brain cells. Nataruma

    when are you gonna start using them?

    slut May 17, 2024 3:46 pm

    he probably won't but go off queen

    thisislele May 17, 2024 4:08 pm
    he probably won't but go off queen slut

    Shashassshh May 17, 2024 5:55 pm

    these ml defenders are so cringey bruhh

    Liilii267 May 18, 2024 8:01 am
    Because idiots are gonna stupid and sometimes we try and educate people as a public service to improve the human race, however you can lead a moron to water but you can't make them drink. Nataruma

    Yes enlighten this idiot by defending a morally wrong person, u r saving the human race one insult at a time !!

    Nataruma May 18, 2024 2:34 pm
    Yes enlighten this idiot by defending a morally wrong person, u r saving the human race one insult at a time !! Liilii267

    Where did I say that they were morally right? My argument was that they are incorrectly labeling the ML as a mass murderer based on the situation, in fact I believe in another comment I distinctly say he comes off as a non-apologetic asshole. If I was to use the same logic and argument I would have to say someone who committed suicide is also a murderer because the reasons and conditions behind taking life don't matter. The premise of that argument is flawed.

    thisislele May 18, 2024 5:18 pm
    Where did I say that they were morally right? My argument was that they are incorrectly labeling the ML as a mass murderer based on the situation, in fact I believe in another comment I distinctly say he comes ... Nataruma

    are you being obtuse on purpose? or is this bait? you do understand that taking your own life is different from taking other’s right? your arguments have always been flawed and full of assumptions. whoever said taking all life was the same? who ever even brought up suicide? there is no logic in your comment.

    taking another life makes you a murderer. taking a lot of lives makes you a mass murderer. it doesnt matter what situation it happens in. mass murderer is not a term that comes with specific context. it is literally killing a lot of people in a single incident. which is something he has done multiple times, you could even call him a serial mass murderer. this is not an opinion, this is a fact. he is being correctly labeled by his actions. it doesnt matter what time period it is, it doesnt matter what your job is, it doesnt matter if you were ordered to do it. the only way for it to not be true is if he never killed multiple people in a single incident (multiple times).

    slut May 19, 2024 10:01 am
    are you being obtuse on purpose? or is this bait? you do understand that taking your own life is different from taking other’s right? your arguments have always been flawed and full of assumptions. whoever sa... thisislele

    bro would have hated being in an actual war lol. i dont wanna be part of yalls argument because i can understand that you dont think ml killing mc's parents is forgivable.

    but your logic on soldiers is so stupid. if you lived like a few decades ago and tge love of your life or you father or anyone had to enlist and go to war and kill people there. would you call him a murderer who deserves no love? usually soldiers dont like killing people but in a war under an order they kind of have to. Murder is murder and its always morally wrong but the world isnt black and white, you cant just label people good or bad.

    Nataruma May 19, 2024 11:51 am
    are you being obtuse on purpose? or is this bait? you do understand that taking your own life is different from taking other’s right? your arguments have always been flawed and full of assumptions. whoever sa... thisislele

    I know that, I'm using YOUR logic. According to YOU circumstances and causes in taking a life don't matter. A soldier to you is a murderer it doesn't matter what their reasons or circumstances are, similarly if someone takes ANY life it doesn't matter they're a murderer, ergo taking your own life = murder. That's what YOU'RE inferring, not me. It's an asinine take, but we won't come to any agreement on it, I'm just pointing it out. Just to be clear on your opinion so I am sure I am understanding you right, according to the logic you've applied to the ML, Ukranian soldiers defending their country right now who are caught in incidents where lives are inadvertently lost it follows then that they are mass murderers in the same way, yes?

    thisislele May 19, 2024 1:22 pm
    I know that, I'm using YOUR logic. According to YOU circumstances and causes in taking a life don't matter. A soldier to you is a murderer it doesn't matter what their reasons or circumstances are, similarly if... Nataruma

    this is why i said your arguments are based on assumptions LMFAO. use your head for the love of god! pulling “my logic” out of your fucking ass. let me make this abundantly clear for you since your comprehension is so dogshit my many other messages were unable to help you. i NEVER said circumstances NEVER matter. i DID say taking someone else’s life IS DIFFERENT than taking your own. dumb ass argument! however justified it may be, self defense resulting in the attacker dying is still murder lmfao! you think in such black and white terms it’s no wonder you dont fucking understand! ml was not defending anybody when he and his soldiers invaded people’s homes and massacred their families!! i don’t want to be mean but jesus fucking christ this is not that complicated!

    Nataruma May 19, 2024 4:18 pm
    this is why i said your arguments are based on assumptions LMFAO. use your head for the love of god! pulling “my logic” out of your fucking ass. let me make this abundantly clear for you since your comprehe... thisislele

    MC's family was accused of treason, it was Heeryang's role to rout the treasonous people, it's as simple as that. I suppose we just fundamentally don't agree on what constitutes mass murder and what doesn't. It's ironic you say I think in black and white terms when my point is the situation is nuanced and there's plenty of grey area especially when considering whether we have all the facts yet, you're the one who is adamant about it being mass murder *shrugs*. If it comes to light that he knowingly slaughtered innocent people while taking pleasure in it just to fuck with the MC then I'd have to say that's fucked and he's a murderer 100%. Sidenote, I'd still like him as a character. But that's my two cents on it and it's my last message on it too this thread's gotten too long and neither one of us is going to change our minds, that much is clear.

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:25 pm
    MC's family was accused of treason, it was Heeryang's role to rout the treasonous people, it's as simple as that. I suppose we just fundamentally don't agree on what constitutes mass murder and what doesn't. It... Nataruma

    it being mass murder is not an opinion lol it’s crazy how you don’t get that

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:28 pm
    MC's family was accused of treason, it was Heeryang's role to rout the treasonous people, it's as simple as that. I suppose we just fundamentally don't agree on what constitutes mass murder and what doesn't. It... Nataruma

    you also don’t need to enjoy killing, nor does the victim need to be innocent. those aren’t not what determine mass murder. its like you refuse to understand the language that you speak.

    Liilii267 May 19, 2024 5:31 pm
    you also don’t need to enjoy killing, nor does the victim need to be innocent. those aren’t not what determine mass murder. its like you refuse to understand the language that you speak. thisislele

    Oh dam they still going

    slut May 19, 2024 5:33 pm

    i love you guys completely miss each other's point lol.
    one lerso of says murder is wrong no matter the circumstances.
    the other says that despite it being wrong and must be punished, the person who does it is not always a bad person.

    no one will win this fight lol

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:37 pm
    i love you guys completely miss each other's point lol. one lerso of says murder is wrong no matter the circumstances.the other says that despite it being wrong and must be punished, the person who does it is ... slut

    that’s literally not it but ok lol

    slut May 19, 2024 5:39 pm
    that’s literally not it but ok lol thisislele

    no it is. what youre trying to prove is that hye rang is a horrible person because he killed people under orders.
    you keep trying to say that murder is wrong. we get it honey. we know it is

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:39 pm
    Oh dam they still going Liilii267

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:50 pm
    bro would have hated being in an actual war lol. i dont wanna be part of yalls argument because i can understand that you dont think ml killing mc's parents is forgivable.but your logic on soldiers is so stupid... slut

    i’m not sure why i never saw this message. obviously i would hate being in an actual war lol??? i literally said it in this thread but i never said that circumstances never matter. but just being a soldier does not make every kill justified? like i said before ml was not defending anybody, possible reason is not reason enough to invade someone’s home and kill their family. we still don’t even know if their accusations were true.

    thisislele May 19, 2024 5:54 pm
    no it is. what youre trying to prove is that hye rang is a horrible person because he killed people under keep trying to say that murder is wrong. we get it honey. we know it is slut

    well he is so yeah you got me lol :)

thisislele May 15, 2024 7:51 pm

patiently waiting for his bf to wake up

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