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ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Eleceed

Hamil said “oh well maybe not on this lifetime” cause he’s looking forward to another one

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Debut or Die

Let’s go guys! Let’s make this webtoon an anime or kdrama hahahahaha

Eita-kun is so serious I thought he would value more someone's personality. Anyway, preference is not bad.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

Dan has enough on his plate. Jaekyung doesn't give a fudge. Well at least for now

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade

It leaves a bad taste knowing that all of them could have been friends but yeah it happened.

Pls just give me overwhelming wealth Lord like the FL

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

Well, we are all aware you are this type of person. Waiting for Dan's pursuit arc. Put him in his place bestie.

I know lírica is in distress but I appreciate her crying face here

But now I look back it makes sense Did Hamil put something on the leaves she used when she brew? sorry our spring fairy Hamil, I have been doubting you since the start of this