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ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He’s not oohlala in game but oohlala gaming in real life. He’s freaking dashing. Level up your game my man

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I love how clumsy Cirrus when he’s inlove.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

He's an asshole but he dedicated himself to this job to the point of overworking himself. It's not fair.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung would be 100% frantic and go batshit crazy without actually verifying anything in the next chapter. My boy can only handle one thing at a time and he decides to be like this

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Half of Me

It is strictly for Minjae and business only

Get off your head and be honest. Don't make this hard for you and for me

There’s a part of me celebrating that finally she’s the empress but my man Doha I can’t deal with this

Just please get past your trauma, please I wanna see you dating

If the POV is from the emperor. Praying that they include some storytelling from his point of view. I'm too thrilled and curious about the idea lol

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

He does deserve some losing on his winning streak he's a prick.

He’s just unstoppable no?

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

But this story's chapters are shorter