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I love how the season 1 ends

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

Doc Dan was even gentle with his words lol. If it were me I’ll list down every shit you did hahah

I can't remember any stories where the Male lead is extra elegant, pretty, and dashing. These days I encountered the typical rough/cool type or the sweet type.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Eleceed

Go Plutón! Wreck him to pieces!

I need it now. Is there a novel??? This is so goooooood

1. Get cheated on by someone you love. Check.
2. Be betrayed by a family/relative/friend you trust the most. Check.
3. Never see the one who truly loves you. Check.
She's on her way to her path of villainy.

Girl needs the rest and you want her to stay longer dude that's not polite.

Why we can’t break up with a family who doesn't treat us as one? Go pack your bags and run away. You deserve more Karhan.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

How dare that sick pervert bastard to cause pain to Cirrus. I wish I had been there as an adult to whack the life out of him.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Eleceed

Dogs are loyal and faithful so be loyal and faithful to what you uphold pluton. Gestella will understand

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Creative. I wonder if he also has another account ign more artsy than the first two

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Nerd Project

There’s no one who wants to practice with me though

The cold hard tiles is making me wince. You don’t fvck at the bathroom floor lol it’s such a pain. I care at the most useless thing lol HAHAHAHHA

Well he didn’t brush his teeth in his house so maybe? Lol kids

That’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. I can’t handle the cuteness arghhh I want moreeeee

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Eleceed

Cheesy and fluffy

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Jinx

Damn all the work and effort just because someone is keen making you fail and resorts to trickery. Mad.

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Eleceed