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My heart is so full just watching her giggling want a lovely daughter like her

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Infinite Mage

I feel the existential crisis from my screen.

That you’ll hate Matthias's guts. He’s a psychopath.

The cuteness I can’t handle bruuuu too much for my heart

She is dangerously cute…….. so dangerous…..

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

I’m so touched. I hope I got the courage and heart to do this too. Thank you author-nim for writing this beautiful story

ihavesinned:3 created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He's charming him slowly into him

I don't like the idea that her mother isn't desperate to see him. I just want him to heal on his own without reconciling with his mother. Is that the only possible way to get out of the trauma? Maybe I'm projecting my issues here. But people who left should be never in your present life. They lost you already. You forge your path and succeed alone without their assistance. People who left should be forever guilty of what they did and will come to terms with it in their deathbed.

I'd be super furious if you were. Just go with the flow and enjoy the moment

Don't mislead him anymore make it real

I want the slow and sweet seggxz bro too fast

Where I can officially buy the raws? I want to support the creator