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Amsan created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I love the author so sooo much. All of their works are masterpieces including this one. I enjoyed every bit of it and hope that some of the side stories would cover their children's daily life. I wanna know more about their personalities. Again I love this(≧∇≦)/

Can somebody explain the storyline up till now?

Amsan created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Awww!!! So adorable!! So cute!! (*≧∀≦*)

Amsan answered question about question
My life is right now full of regrets.Geography major here. Wanted something bio related because I love biology. But for the sake of getting into a reputable university, my parents made me took geography cuz that was the only major whose seats were available. And do you know what is worse? It doesn't even have that much scope over here.
Amsan created a topic of Please no cure for me

Although I know Elf king is Tai Yan and should be rooting for him but I started to like Glouces more ( cuz of screentime maybe)

Amsan answered question about being black sheep of mggo
I would highly recommend this. Alice in Borderland is a Netflix thriller J drama and it's amazing. I was hooked from the first episode and it didn't disappoint until the end. It's been a long time since I've loved a drama so much. Again HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS.
Amsan followed question about being black sheep of mggo

I just finished watching Marry My Husband and My Dearest, and I'm currently watching Through the Darkness and Hidden Love; but I wanna stock up on kdrama recs too go through after these dramas. What I like: Comedy, thriller, horror, romance (not sappy or overly corny), crime. I especially love comedy+horror/crime, etc., like Fiery Priest, Extreme J......

25 02,2024
Amsan followed a list

Now this is interesting. Quite a refreshing POV of a generic theme.

Amsan created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Which two sides are at war? I forgot cause that dude on the opposite side is the one who wanted to become theo's capri right?

Amsan followed a list
Amsan followed a list
Amsan created a topic of Save my love
Amsan created a topic of Save my love

Oh Nooo!!!! Jiang Yunsu also woke up in Jiang Yunshu's body. I hope they don't switch back╥﹏╥

Amsan created a topic of In the Nane of Bai Ze