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Wooloo created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

Idk who it was, but someone totally predicted the plot that he would bring back that S toy I just didn’t think it would this soon

Wooloo created a topic of High School Boy

This author never fucking changes huh
• Perverted female characters into little boys
• Incest
All that’s left is throwing a pedo into the mix from them

Wooloo created a topic of Dirty High

Let the misunderstanding ark begin

Wooloo answered question about lmao
I think you send in a request and tell them why you’ll never break the laws of asking for manga recommendations again. But tbh I’ve never heard of anyone who actually got unrestricted. Best to start a new account now if you wanna write comments
Wooloo answered question about lmao
I uncontrollably laugh at people when they’re crying over silly things. Ex: crying over Sir Pentious’s death scene
Wooloo created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Y’all were right, he does look better without that ugly yellow strand of hair

Wooloo answered question about anime op and ed
I’m sorry I had already started writing all of this down before I read your question.. Wild Side by ALI from Beastars. OP is animated in stop motion and the instruments hit hard. ALL the Openings in Love is war by Masayuki Suzuki. The man looks like his lyrics. Paradise by Rude-a from Sk8 The infinity. Fire by Queen Bee from Dororo. She’s s......
Wooloo answered question about turn into a guy
Scum Villain, Thousand skies, Heaven’s official blessing. Now hear me out, I’ve never once read a single one of these and yet somehow someway I have bought all the volumes to these books. Why? My friend is obsessed with this author and this year I am expected to spend at least 300 on books because she spent 300 on my b-day gift. It’s not that......
Wooloo answered question about turn into a guy
I kind of get where you’re coming from? My sister asked me something similar and I gave her an answer saying I love the way she already looks. But thinking back to this I hate the response I told her and if I could go back 100% I would tell her yeah go for it! There are some things I want to do to that wouldn’t get approval from my family as we......
Wooloo answered question about liked someone i shouldn't like
Read everything. For me I read all the stories I was interested in and when people recommended me stories; I had already read it or I wasn’t interested in it at all from the beginning. I realized there’s nothing left for me to do but wait until something new comes along. Which can take a week to a month. Ig it’s not really self control but it......
Wooloo answered question about question
My pet peeve is calling the characters uke and seme. I’m not judging anyone cause I even find myself saying these words, but I can’t help but think that there has to be better phrases out there right?? Like uke and seme just sounds so degrading and mostly cringe
Wooloo followed question about read oldest comment on mangago

This random person left a message on my message board saying that people are talking trash about me now...which I’m highly doubtful of bc as far as I know none of y’all even have any idea who I am... But if there is drama about me someone please direct me to it because I’m intrigued LMAOO

29 04,2024
Wooloo answered question about question
When I’m deeply concentrated in a project. The happiest memories for me are moments when I’m focused on doing what I love
Wooloo answered question about question
Here’s my toxic art tips cause everyone else is already giving you great advice. But you sound like an envious artist just like me. • if you think you can draw it better, prove it. To yourself, to the world, but especially to those who you’re trying to beat. For example: a Contest or a DTIYS • Don’t have an art style you like? STEAL. The......
Wooloo answered question about question
Winter cause I keep sleeping more then 8 hours a day
Wooloo answered question about healthy convo
I wish I didn’t recognize anyone. I miss when I just blissfully read a story, instead now Im blessed everyday getting to read dumb opinions from “popular users”.
Wooloo answered question about healthy convo
unOrdinary everyone in the story angers me
Wooloo answered question about being awake for far too long
Anything by Avogao6. There’s just so much story in every one of their post/videos that each one will leave you depressed.
Wooloo created a topic of Suicide Boy

Before I finish this dumbasss story, I just have to say Sanya is the worst fucking character who is to stuck up their own ass to think about anyone but themselves. I had a feeling from the start that Lemon Fairy was actually just giving genuinely good criticism to help improve Sanya’s story which is exactly what happened. But Sanya has to put down others to boost themselves and frankly they are so fucking sexualize I wish they would just blow up. He literally doesn’t have a reason to exist in this story. Take him out and everything will still end up the same. Fuck Sanya’s character what a useless brat

Wooloo answered question about question
I was in a lot of fandoms growing up but I didn’t know some of the ships I liked was considered yaoi since people always referred to them as something else or its own thing.