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Wooloo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It’s an Americano!!!??! That’s literally just espresso and water, how does it taste like shit??? You’re just drinking water Heejae!!! How do you fuck up your own drink? that’s just shots in water— of course it’s gonna taste like shit… Sorry a little barista trauma kicked in…

Wooloo like the answer
Konnichiwa, watashiwa Naruto desu, ohayo gozaimasu uhhhh daisuke mangas UWU, saranghae oppa Jungkook, ai ai ai , Hah - nah, Dool ,Seht smooth like butter like a criminal under cover, DNA!!!, ohhhh it's a love shot na na na naaaaaa, you make me feel like mmmm mmmm mmm
Wooloo answered question about question
I… like cliche stories. Even better if they have a happy end, i like being delusional. Because to me at the end of the day it all falls down on how the characters are written. Having an unlikeable character doesn’t make it a bad character, it’s about how the author portrays them in their character depth and how that reflects/impacts back on t......
Wooloo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Now to go back and reread everything knowing what I know

I’m so glad I gave this story another chance, it’s hitting all the feels right now!

The solution is to break his sword, snap that shit in half and we get a happy ending (break his will/resolve). That is the only ending that should be allowed

Wooloo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Round of applause you guys, round of applause

Wooloo created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
Wooloo created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Clearly I did not read the last chapter correctly, because I was confused on why he was calling him “babe” too. I just thought he was being cringe lmao

Wooloo created a topic of Jinx

I’ve been holding off on reading this story. Because of the reviews have been noted to be very toxic. First impression? Idk what to tell you Dan just likes them toxic, he gone to the abyss ain’t no saving him. On the other hand yess, we’ve been building up to jaekyung’s downfall for the WHOLE fucking seasons. AND I AM HERE FOR IT! This shit me on the edge of my seat

Wooloo asked a question

I would love some angsty story recommendations, been watching a lot of gut wrenching things lately and I’m looming for more

Wooloo created a topic of Esther's Garden

As an Asian I just don’t know why it’s so important to point out that he’s Asian. Cause now he looks like an exotic bird. I also feel like they could’ve done show not tell instead.

My brain: Um okay, Is this going to add anything his character? What’s the point. Representation???wha?

Also my brain trying to justify why he’s Asian: “don’t worry young master, I understand what it’s like to have to be flawless. I told my father ‘I don’t want be a doctor, I wanna be a gardener.’ And he said to me ‘How can you be gardener when you can’t even get A+ in math’”

This is by far the weirdest world building I’ve read. It just keeps reminding me of Chongyun… with all that Yang energy—

Wooloo answered question about question
Mines are weird, there’s no outer force or demon to scare me during my sleep paralysis. But my breathing gets super heavy like I’m suffocating during sleep so I try doing everything I can to wake up. For example: moving my hands and head, or rolling off the bed if I’m really desperate. But that just puts me in this dream loop of me waking up ......
Wooloo created a topic of Warrior’s Adventure

I didn’t think I would actually get invested in their relationship now I just want for fluff or stories about their chaotic love

Wooloo answered question about question
We’re gonna be homeless together, he doesn’t even have a room
Wooloo answered question about question
I wanna befriend artists from here, I have friends who read bl but nobody who draws them. I just think it’d be fun to share artworks together cause I need someone to instigate me into drawing more bl anyway, someone to bounce drawing ideas with ✍️
Wooloo answered question about question
Feeding Lamb (maybe not strangest manga, but it stands out a lot when compared to other stories on mangago) Very gorey, very shitty/manipulative characters, very traumatizing. But when you look at the author’s catalog of books they’ve written there’s this appreciation I have for them, being one of the few authors to draw and write a dark and ......
Wooloo answered question about be controversial
I fucking love tomatoes, love mushrooms, love bitter melon. I know there’s a lot of ppl like me where we don’t hate food we’ll eat anything and everything, we just have a tier list of what we’ll fuck up more. Umm… I’m lactose intolerant but sometimes I just pretend it’s not a real thing, it can’t keep me away from my milk tier list.
Wooloo answered question about question
I got introduced to this anime through doujinshi, never a great way for first impressions. But that still got me interested in the actual anime, which did not disappoint. The voice acting surprised me but I’m 100% here for it. My thoughts on the community? I think they’re funny as people, harada’s insane (but I kinda love her work??? ) and th......