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Wooloo answered question about question
Currently wondering how long my friendships will last with my friends. The first one does everything to piss me off while I’m pretty sure my best friend and I are drifting apart but she constantly says “no I’m always thinking of you were like that one TikTok: He may be cheating but at least he knows where home is.” Glad I could be a safe ba......
Wooloo answered question about question
As a flat chested freindo I’ve come to love my boobs but also as an artist I’ve spent time learning how to draw big manboobs and womanboobs. During middle school i felt uncomfortable just drawing boobs so all my character man/women were all flat. But I think everyone is free to draw whatever they want, me personally I draw the line when they ar......

Wow! They solved the misunderstanding in 1 episodes?!?! That’s amazing!!!!

Wooloo answered question about question
Megalo Boxing Joe is bbg
Wooloo asked a question

Any recommendations where it’s story first smut second?

Wooloo answered question about question
Himbos or egotistical idiots. They both have no thoughts in their brain.
Wooloo answered question about tried to kill yourself
I don’t think about it anymore, the results to that is that you’re very happy, at least on the outside. I think being an adult is realizing you’re too busy to be depressed. Because once you are it’s like the world is ending, and I know how hard it is to pick myself back up and feel motivated. So I never think about killing myself anymore, b......
Wooloo created a topic of Jinx

I’m so here for the angst AHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Wooloo answered question about question
The Russians what now..I… ..I just think that’s how it goes with friends. You have people who come into your life for a bit and then they leave.
Wooloo answered question about question
I’m starting to recognize more and more mgg users. However I’ve never followed anyone here on/off mgg, it’s a pretty small community especially on the forums. Conversations can get pretty heated and I don’t want anyone sending me death threats because someone wanted to know what we randos thinks about a story. But I do love interacting with......
Wooloo answered question about first kiss
I was an obsessed 13 y/o it was ride or die, And we died. we lost the fucking war and it led me down a dark path. This is my latest ship, the best thing I’ve learned from this experience is to not be crazy, cause you’ll end up hurt.
Wooloo answered question about first kiss
I took it as drawing reference, even found my own favorite bl and bara artists.
Wooloo answered question about question
Made in Abyss Heavenly Delusion Not really books, but still disturbing. These are my biggest betrayals and one of the top reasons why I’ve stopped watching anime. I got hooked on the world building and started to care too much about the characters and their goals. But istg that’s how the authors gets you cause once you’re invested they start ......
Wooloo answered question about looking for yaoi manga
Wooloo answered question about real life problems
He has a TV for a head and he lives in a Vaporwave dimension. That’s all I got, this character was always meant for more aesthetic backgrounds then something story driven. But I’ve had more of a hard time trying to find someone to commission. Not a lot of artist I follow are use to drawing muscular bodies, and im not looking to challenge anyone......
Wooloo answered question about question
Breath of the Wild. I started playing winter of last year and I’ve been trying to beat this game without searching up any walk throughs, but these side quests.. OHHH THESE SIDE QUEST. They’re getting one over me, where tf did she wash away to?? I swear to god your wife is DEAD cause I followed this stupid ass river all the way to Hyrule’s Bri......
Wooloo answered question about not having a boyfriend
I like her research in the video on this topic, it just gets you thinking no matter which side you’re on. Personally I’d like to believe that as the internet has aged people’s morals have also changed. Wether or not people consider themselves to be a fugoshi or above one, doesn’t quite matte......
Wooloo answered question about question
Pretty accurate, I do love me some artist made gifts, and I can’t lie at all (it always back fires anyways so why lie in the first place) 100% eye contact when you’re talking to me and if I like you a lot (which the bar isn’t hard to reach) then ima help you anyway I can even if I’m so pose to be off the clock.
Wooloo answered question about not having a boyfriend
Idfk I’m single and yet my best friends treats me like I’m their boyfriend. They call every night and if I leave them for 1 day they says I’ve been gone for 2 days. If I take interest in a person (even just as friends) they says “oh you’re cheating on me” Don’t get me wrong I do love their presence, we’ve been friends since we were ......
Wooloo answered question about shipping
I don’t give no fucks about your ships. I just wish people would give the same treatment to me. It’s not that serious but it gets annoying when you start noticing how hypocritical people are when it comes to shipping as well. For example: they fucking hate the implied ship in “Papa Wolf and the Puppy” but they love LOVE “Dawn of the drag......