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Noa June 25, 2021 4:27 pm

No one cares that you're upset. The previously uploaded quality were terrible, and because of that mangago deleted them—also, because they were from kunmanga. If mangago had no problem with them, they would still be up. Nine times out of ten, kunmanga has terrible work. I don't want to hear that they are "doing their best" because it clearly isnt good enough, and someone else is already translating it—a group who ACTUALLY cares about the quality of the work they're putting out because they realize that even though its an illegal fan translation, it still impacts the authors works and the attitude surrounding the author's works. Fan subs that detract from the work decrease the audience to that work, as no one will read or care about a story that they find hard to understand. If it gets licensed and translated to English officially, no one would care or notice because they already lost interest in the story due to bad translations.

If you're so pressed about these kunmanga chapters, go read them at kunmanga. They're still there, and thats the reason kunmanga uploads here—to drive traffic to their website. But, I'll wait for pairof2. Not only were they translating this manga first, they actually care about the work they put out.

And if kunmanga uploads another chapter here with subpar work, i'll simply report it.

Also, no matter what you may reply to me, my stance is still the same. Save your breath, and energy. Because while I typed this out, I wont be resding any essays you type in my replies.

    RukaX June 25, 2021 4:31 pm

    all i'll say is i Agree with you 100%

    URIEL June 25, 2021 4:59 pm

    I was the same i commented that but most comments disagreed with me saying im not grateful. But im just waiting for the official translators not the people who are trying to steal jjst to get attention from their website. I am grateful for the translations but some are bad and it ruins the joy of reading

    Laibali June 25, 2021 5:02 pm

    I love what u said dude !

    alex June 25, 2021 5:23 pm

    took the words outta my mouth. im ready to wait however long it takes as long as it has a good quality. i don't wanna read such a good manhwa half heartedly with shitty translation. i used to actually look forward to the updates but now it's just annoying with how childish kunmanga grp is being

Noa June 21, 2021 7:57 pm

Noa here!

I just wanted to say that i am NOT a part of NASS, but i am simply uploading the chapters they meant to upload to mangago here. I did that because I kept seeing arguments about the bad quality translations, and decided to upload them here instead. People were defending kunmanga, and calling people ungrateful when complaining about the translations they couldnt understand. I hope those people, after seeing NASS scans, understand that its not about being ungrateful—its about quality.

Hopefully NASS comes back, or someone else picks up this manga.

    Squared Bunny June 21, 2021 10:33 pm

    @Noa Thank you so much for the upload!

    Tbh I haven't followed the discussions here as several chapters were mediocre in translation, so I just skimmed them, thankful that it was not s2manga quality (although definitely not perfect either).... Those chapters uploaded in February and March are credited to zinmanga - don't know if they are somehow related to Kunmanga?

    However, I see a clear difference in the chapters you uploaded and those existing ones (yes, re-reading a few chapters side by side for comparison). Besides an overall much better picture quality the flow is superior. It is a joy to read now - thank you Noa! The old upload I had to skim 'cause some of it did not make that much sense, and I could not be bothered to slow down and make it make sense (story flow was gone). And some the translations are ... 'interesting' when compared (like the letter exhange in ch 83 - how many spotted the incest feel in the zinmanga translation?).

    I fully agree with you on the value of a good translation - even when it is fan and/or illegal translation. And me comment to those who think complaining is being ungrateful:
    - A fan/illegal translation is still a presentation of someone's hard work, aka another means to get out to a wider audience who actually might go buy it. Trash it, and noone will care for more than a split second.

    Lily :(: June 21, 2021 11:37 pm

    tysm ^^

    Kalexi June 22, 2021 3:37 am

    Wow, I had this bookmarked waiting and waiting for a better translation, I was even considering reading it in Spanish, thank you so much for uploading it ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

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Tumalina June 21, 2021 11:19 pm

Thank you soooo much

Azianime June 21, 2021 6:55 pm

Thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Noa June 21, 2021 8:26 pm

You're welcome

thdkah June 21, 2021 6:17 pm

u’re a god(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Noa June 21, 2021 8:26 pm

I upload from fime to time. I dont really leave reviews, though, its too much effort to keep track of everything.

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