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chocobuun June 14, 2024 7:49 am

I just noticed when rereading that there was a change in the art style, it’s not a huge difference but if you compare images of the characters from the latest chapters to the beginning chapters or even up to chapter 35, there’s definitely a difference. Ngl I think the characters looked a bit more attractive in the older art, the newer one seems more simplified.
Anyways onto talk about novel spoilers:
People may say that cliff was basically influenced or brain washed by the power of the author, and that may be true in the beginning but after the exceptions were met and the author had no power anymore, the characters seemed to have more common sense. But by the end of the story, cliff talks to the lizzy (forgot if her name is spelled differently in the manhwa, but it’s the blonde heroine), and said that he suspected her intentions towards Edith before. And that if she wanted Edith dead, he would’ve happily helped her. Anyways he basically goes on to continue to defend her until the end and still wants to be with her no matter what even if he knows her true personality. The duke is the one that acts more distant and the duchess still thinks of Lizzy like her daughter so she wanted killian and Edith to have some mercy towards lizzy. Lizzy and cliff end up getting married.

THOUGH in the side stories, it looks like the family isn’t doing well after Edith and killian left LOL. Basically lizzy now openly showed her true personality, free from not having to act all naive anymore- and it’s all a mess. She made everyone sick of her. The duke is upset with and the duchess hardly wants to visit her anymore, distancing herself from her. Cliff seems to be upset with her too and seemed to be getting tired of her LMAOO.

That’s all for now, I’m still reading the side stories so no spoilers past that point pls lol. The novel should be able to found by someone who left spoilers and links down there.

chocobuun June 13, 2024 7:20 am

Dang i must be the only one that’s happy lmao. I’m not satisfied with the professors of nest (except the one in a coma and the smoker), but I’m just glad he can come back to the friends he wished to see this whole time. Like it or not, with more people there at nest I’d think best is still safer than the new group since the group is so small and their hideout is difficult to defend. There’s still things to learn about nest as well. I like OG group as well, and I’m unsure if they’d leave nest without a good reason

chocobuun June 12, 2024 4:59 am

Oooh this is interesting and new

chocobuun June 11, 2024 10:31 pm

Ngl I honestly think it’s sad with the situation between the mc and his brother. It’s very obvious that the brother has a huge inferiority complex even when he was a child. I’m not saying I care that much about having the brother have character development or anything. But it’s more-so sad that mc seems to seriously care about his brother but is upset when his brother can’t even trust him. He doesn’t want to be on bad terms with his brother. Hurts to not be trusted by someone you care about :/

At least I hope the brother realizes he was wrong eventually. This story feels different from all the other usual siblings fight for the position as head of a company. Usually the antagonist sibling would feel more unhinged and ridiculous that I cant take them seriously. But in this case it feels more like an actual complex relationship where one side cares and the other is close to believing but got immense trust issues. The only reason why I can’t fully hate the brother is cause looking at the three older adults in the family, it’s no wonder everyone is messed up. The father, mother, and grandfather are pieces of trash.

    Alphawchimno June 11, 2024 10:46 pm

    If someone is about to blame are their parents, he was a manipulative kid since the beginning but their parents nurture that behavious by neglecting yigon so they can focus on making hakyung the sole heir. The one who obsessed first was their parents. The only problem solver is hakyung growing a big heart that yigon has done nothing other than loving him as a brother rather than thinking he was competing for the status only

chocobuun June 11, 2024 10:39 am

People when the ML isn’t a red flag:
“The ML is so boring!!!”

Lmaoo it’s the truth though. I noticed how I never see such comments on red flag ML stories. When we finally get a decent or green flag ML, people always got something to complain about. Saw similar comments about the ML in Sister, I am the Queen in this Life.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    kuroe June 11, 2024 10:43 am

    You are right but I wouldn't call the ML decent or a green flag though

    chocobuun June 11, 2024 10:57 am
    You are right but I wouldn't call the ML decent or a green flag though kuroe

    Well he is to me
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Usually I consider red flag characters who mostly do bad things including to the mc (I don’t consider characters as red flag if they only have a few red flag traits along with good)

    Shadow June 11, 2024 9:02 pm
    Well he is to me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭Usually I consider red flag characters who mostly do bad things including to the mc (I don’t consider characters as red flag if they only have a few red flag traits along wit... chocobuun

    He rejected her for years and then the moment she stops loving him and respects his boundaries, he switches up and falls in love with her. Then he stalks and harasses her the exact same way he said he hated. He constantly crosses her boundaries and even cornered her physically and pushed her down. You think these aren't red flags??

    chocobuun June 11, 2024 9:49 pm
    He rejected her for years and then the moment she stops loving him and respects his boundaries, he switches up and falls in love with her. Then he stalks and harasses her the exact same way he said he hated. He... Shadow

    I would like you to kindly reread my comment word for word again because you seem to have missed the point. I didn’t mention any specific actions and I never said that he doesn’t have any red flags. If you read my reply thoroughly the first time, you would know exactly what I’m saying. But I guess I’ll have to repeat myself in an easier way for you to understand:

    Red flag CHARACTERS for me, are considered characters that are nothing but bad, their entire personalities are just red flags. Then I differentiate that with characters who have a few red flag traits mixed with good traits. I would not consider him a red flag character, in my opinion, because he’s not a total bad person to me. If I were to consider people as a complete red flag merely due to having a few red flag traits then multiple people irl would be considered total red flags for that logic. It also helps that I actually give a crap what the FL thinks, and at this point she’s fine with him and likes him if I read the story correctly.

    I don’t get the reason why you brought up the first sentence since it makes sense to feel different when your boundaries are respected and she’s a whole new person lmao. Regardless, you can think what you want, you can consider him a red flag character- I don’t. For me, I wouldn’t care, you care more about those things still doesn’t change what I believe.

    chocobuun June 11, 2024 9:53 pm
    He rejected her for years and then the moment she stops loving him and respects his boundaries, he switches up and falls in love with her. Then he stalks and harasses her the exact same way he said he hated. He... Shadow

    Anyways the point of the entire thread was aimed at specific people who comment “ML is so boring” on stories with a ML that isn’t a total red flag. I don’t know why you wanted to steer the topic onto a discussion about if he’s a red flag or not, because my original comment was not focusing on that. It was mainly focusing on people who only like red flag characters. You can discuss such debates on your own thread please and thank you.

    Shadow June 11, 2024 10:24 pm
    I would like you to kindly reread my comment word for word again because you seem to have missed the point. I didn’t mention any specific actions and I never said that he doesn’t have any red flags. If you ... chocobuun

    Idk if you missed the part where she admitted that she was the real Kayena the whole time but she is definitely the same person.

    chocobuun June 11, 2024 10:32 pm
    Idk if you missed the part where she admitted that she was the real Kayena the whole time but she is definitely the same person. Shadow

    I did miss that part but then I guess that just means the ML and FL are basically the same types of people who did the same things just at different times lmao. So I wouldn’t see how it matter if he has some red flags when she did as well. But I wouldn’t consider either of them to be a total red flag character.

chocobuun June 11, 2024 7:01 am

The second hand embarrassment is realll. I don’t blame her too much cause she doesn’t know the stalkers face- ALTHOUGH the stalker actually going to the cafe shouldn’t have been expected lol.

For the guy, it’s partly on him lmao. It’s his fault he don’t even remember the girl’s face that he’s supposed to meet and usually when introducing or asking someone you go on a blind date with- you CONFIRM if it’s them just in case you’re mistaken. Like, “are you (name)?”
Anyways I liked the FL’s personality, she’s cool and funny

    Replica June 11, 2024 11:34 am

    Its 100% on the guy. Her only fault was not giving him a chance to explain himself and no stalker would be "thats me ehe" so thats understandable. But how can you not look at a fking picture or even get her name. Thats stupid. I also like her personality for now bc she was so calm and collected

chocobuun June 8, 2024 2:38 pm

This story is bad for my mental health because of the amount of stress, anxiety, and anger it only gives me lmfao. Contains mentions of spoilers:
Anyways I’m convinced that I only want the ending one of two ways:
Either the mc ends up independent and successful alone or she ends up with a COMPLETELY NEW guy, not at all connected to the weird group of people. If she ends up with either Keith or Howe, I don’t even wanna read the ending lmao. MAYBE if Keith genuinely changes for the better on his own before getting back together.
The reason being is that I gave benefit of the doubt to Keith for him to improve and just when I think he actually made some progress by himself without anyone’s help- he’s back in the cycle, convinced so easily by the creepy long haired guy.

Howe, I wouldn’t agree that the mc should be with him despite everyone knowing he’s the best guy, there’s too many issues and my personal opinion. Howe is very overprotective of his sister, aka the homewrecker. MC HATES the homewrecker sister. So imagine them being in-laws? A nightmare. If the sister and MC ever fight, who do you think howe will defend? He’s already shown who he sided with before and got mad at the mc. His wife never had any issues with his sister so that was never a problem he had to choose. But with MC, there’s no way that wouldn’t be an issue. As well as the fact that Howe’s wife was literally the love of his life. He’s basically settling for the person who happened to be there at the right time to comfort him during his wife’s passing. I don’t doubt mc wouldn’t feel overshadowed by his wife. And it’s still feels weird that mc got along well and knew his wife. I personally just don’t like the ship at all with the many issues.

It’s unfortunate that fans on the official site want Howe to be with the mc so badly cause he’s the best, but don’t recognize the potential problems. Nor do they care about his wife and how odd it is to make him move on like that.

    Ash June 9, 2024 4:47 am

    All valid points

    Pernux June 10, 2024 9:31 am

    Idk ive liked Howe from the very start and im not mad that he might be endgame. I HATE that his wife had to die but i guess thats how life goes sometimes? Howe has been on her side numerous of times and is the only one that tells tommy how it really is! The issue with his sister is a pretty big one but it has been years and linus and the sister have divorced and I think Howe has changed too (we’ll have to see) with keith, while i like him, he is WAYYY too wishy washy I mean he tries to change but it ultimately leads him right to the same spot. I don’t think it would have worked. With a completely new guy, sure but I feel like that will be a bit lackluster bc its a bit late to introduce a new character and have the audience connect with him. I dont mind her ending up alone that would be nice too, I would hope she gets therapy tho and works on herself cuz tommy also has some issues but I must admit, Im one of the few that ships Tommy and Howe.

    chocobuun June 10, 2024 11:18 am
    Idk ive liked Howe from the very start and im not mad that he might be endgame. I HATE that his wife had to die but i guess thats how life goes sometimes? Howe has been on her side numerous of times and is the ... Pernux

    A part of the reason why I despise the ship is because I genuinely loved his wife’s character. She was literally the most wholesome character in the entire series. It was so messed up the way the author took her out. You can tell they killed off her character in order to provide an opportunity to have the MC be with Howe. Mainly because the author barely had anymore scenes with MC and her, and despite them being nice to each other, they didn’t get closer (or else it would morally feel worse if they became good friends and she ended up being with her man). As well as the author not hinting at all about her illness, it came out of no where especially it being suspicious that it happens during the end of the season right when mc broke up with her bf. It felt like they had to kill off his wife because they couldn’t think of any other good reason to break them up, cause they were just that good of a match together. A part of Howe’s whole character was about loving his wife. That’s literally part of him. It felt like a poor writing choice for the sake of the world that revolves around the MC. I just felt so uncomfortable with the ship after that. Had the wife not been such a sweet character, I don’t think I would’ve cared as much about the ship.
    Anyways the issue with the sister is not so much the history between her exbf and the sister. But more so the sister’s personality. She showed no signs of changing the entire time and was a total brat and super disrespectful. That may come from the fact that she’s also spoiled by the grown men around her, which would continue by Howe and Keith. With the sister divorced I can only imagine she’s worse when she faces the mc. Anyways with a new guy, you never know because I’ve read a 3 season story and the mc ended up with an entirely new guy in the final season (Spoiler ALERT:
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    chocobuun June 10, 2024 11:20 am
    Idk ive liked Howe from the very start and im not mad that he might be endgame. I HATE that his wife had to die but i guess thats how life goes sometimes? Howe has been on her side numerous of times and is the ... Pernux

    Oh to add onto the wife part. It’s funny cause the author introduce the wife having an illness and then killing her off completely off-screen. It’s like they did that on purpose to ease whatever guilt readers may have if they actually saw the progression of her illness.

    Pernux June 11, 2024 11:17 am
    A part of the reason why I despise the ship is because I genuinely loved his wife’s character. She was literally the most wholesome character in the entire series. It was so messed up the way the author took ... chocobuun

    Hahah i get what you mean lool! I will say, edith ending was so lackluster for me, the guy she ended up with was okay? but it just felt like he wasn’t really part of the story and I just felt like so many relationships and feelings werent dealt with or something idk. But yh your points are valid for this series, I kinda always liked Howe and thought Tommy needed a guy like that hence maybe why im not super against it and also even though him and his wife were great, they werent really shown together much so I think thats why im not super attached to them. Though, irl I HATE the idea of a partner moving on after their partner passes especially only after a few years

chocobuun June 7, 2024 5:20 pm

I saw some comments calling the purple chick sweet and ngl I wouldn’t agree with that. She had the plan figured out but she didn’t care to share her thoughts to the FL. In the process of her plan, she let FL get hurt thinking she was the other woman (she technically was even if she was pretending to like the guy, she still carried out the actual actions). She also insulted the FL saying “what does he see in her?” without the guy himself ever hearing at the very beginning so??? That had nothing to do with the plan. I just think that even if her plot would’ve worked to get revenge on them, it’s not so much caring about the FL- but just her own wants. She doesn’t care who got hurt in the process of carrying out her plans.

chocobuun June 7, 2024 10:52 am

I can’t with the jiho defenders. Most of them are saying to give benefit of the doubt or things like “we haven’t seen him do anything bad yet.” Contexts clues have already been shown in the story showing he has bad traits. Is it not a bad thing to disrespect the husband and full on say/imply that he’s gonna take his wife?? He’s fighting with the man, but doesn’t give a shit about what the FL thinks. The FL already chose someone that isn’t him, and he can’t STAND IT. Those are red flags in of itself. If he was as good as y’all hoped he was, he would’ve just been happy to see her happy. Also the whole benefit of the doubt is based on OTHER stories that have nothing to do with this one. They’re basing it off of usual stories having misunderstandings, but this is not the story y’all are wishing it to be.

chocobuun June 7, 2024 8:49 am

According to spoilers it looks like this’ll be a obsessed ML x obsessed FL, though the FL isn’t the same level of crazy, she’ll want him at same level as he does

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