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chocobuun May 29, 2024 2:50 pm

I saw some sneak peak images of the latest chapters and I didn’t mind the new art, but in the later chapters like 68-70, there seems to be no usual shading underneath their eyes- so it looks like they got wrinkles lol. It looks off rather than their usually dark under eyes. I know it was changed to it no longer being black under eyes to more tan under eyes, but in the recent chapters- the under eyes are pale like the rest of their skin and only the lines/wrinkles show

chocobuun May 29, 2024 1:25 pm

Reading the pages of comments is so funny cause there’s so much mixed hate for BOTH minato and shizuma lol.

Anyways on another note, I personally hope there isn’t a side story for the boss (he can have his own separate story, I just hope it’s not mixed into this one). It’s not even the fact that he may be a potential rival, but more so that the way he is as a boss truly pisses me off. Sure he’s changing now but I still can’t get past it. Him being blatantly inconsiderate and not giving a shit what his employees have to say or their personal life being interrupted, is so terrible of a boss to do. He dragged shizuma around to fix HIS OWN messes cause he didn’t wanna learn how to fix his mouth. Giving unnecessary and unwanted advice to their employees relationship is crazy. Crossing boundaries and making his employee hang out with him with no connection to their job is not it. Realistically only desperate people for money would want to stick around a boss like that. He belongs to the list of bosses you definitely don’t want to work for.

chocobuun May 28, 2024 2:05 am

Ngl the amount of slow ass people in the comments amazes me. Y’all might think it’s harsh but it must be said.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Y’all lack critical thinking skills and reading comprehension. The dark text and images while the FL is asleep, literally shows that she DREAMING/having a nightmare and imagining him with someone else. If you use your brain to connect context clues, you see before the night she dreams of him- she was anxious and insecure. Aka leading her to dream about him being with someone else. And then one person tryna be doubtful and be like: there’s no indication it’s a dream- that’s an assumption! It was a dream. There was no indication he was interested in anyone else but the FL the entire story.

My main issue and why y’all might find me harsh is because I can see many of you guys definitely have double standards. In the beginning of the story, the FL was willingly and happily having an affair with her lover (the blonde guy) and hating the ML, her husband. No one cared cause they justified it with the ML being a bad dude. Now that things seem to be going well, y’all get upset by a dream sequence you didn’t understand and are angry saying “he better not cheat!! I’ll kill him!” When he didn’t, y’all just don’t know how to read. And y’all also didn’t see the problem with the FL cheating. But only hate it at the possibility of him doing it.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 9:26 pm

    “Double standards” bro he raped her and she wasn’t with him willingly. You really out here pulling a “no one cared when she cheated on her RAPIST”.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 9:44 pm
    “Double standards” bro he raped her and she wasn’t with him willingly. You really out here pulling a “no one cared when she cheated on her RAPIST”. Grey Goo

    Wtf are going on about?? Are you actually stupid for you to not realize the point here? I’m SPECIFICALLY talking about the people who literally cared more about cheating than that and those that didn’t give af about her own cheating then.

    Not a fucking word was mentioned about the rape part. You’re literally purposefully missing the point. Why don’t you go talk to those that cared more of the potential of him cheating than rape? The double standards was only meant for the cheating part. Don’t act dumb when you should know damn well what I meant. Unless you’re one of those people rn now mad over a fucking dream of him potentially cheating, then I have nothing to say for your own mentality.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 9:48 pm
    “Double standards” bro he raped her and she wasn’t with him willingly. You really out here pulling a “no one cared when she cheated on her RAPIST”. Grey Goo

    I would also like to say that she was seeing her lover, before, during, and after their marriage. So she was cheating before the rape happened as well. She is a victim however she also aint stupid and you wanted to make excuses for her cheating because of that. “She wasn’t with him willingly” is so idiotic and definitely shows your mindset of how you think any arranged marriages or relationships should let their partner cheat if they’re not with them willingly. If that’s not how you think, then I guess you know how it feels to assume and overthink like you just did.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 9:48 pm
    Wtf are going on about?? Are you actually stupid for you to not realize the point here? I’m SPECIFICALLY talking about the people who literally cared more about cheating than that and those that didn’t give... chocobuun

    You specifically mentioned people only caring that he possibly cheated and not that she “cheated” with the ex-fiancé. I think you need to calm down kid because you’re not making any sense. The “double standard” you mentioned was people only caring if he cheated and not if she did… but bro no one cared that she “cheated” bc ml is a rapist who forced her to be with him. Idk if this is news to you, but you can’t cheat on a rapist. The two situations you’re calling a double standard are in no way comparable.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 9:53 pm
    I would also like to say that she was seeing her lover, before, during, and after their marriage. So she was cheating before the rape happened as well. She is a victim however she also aint stupid and you wante... chocobuun

    “Arranged marriage” bro at that point she was lead to believe he killed her family and used the chaos of the situation to force a marriage through and take everything away from her. This wasn’t just an “arranged marriage” are you even reading the story or is your superior intellect incapable of understanding context?

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 9:55 pm
    You specifically mentioned people only caring that he possibly cheated and not that she “cheated” with the ex-fiancé. I think you need to calm down kid because you’re not making any sense. The “double ... Grey Goo

    Honey are you everyone? Do you actually think your mind is how everyone else’s works and you speak for everyone? There were genuine people who literally didn’t give af about the rape. Please stay on the fucking topic I originally said about CHEATING and cheating alone. If you bothered to read I also mentioned the ML being a bad guy in my original comment but you failed to see that. Which literally means I’m talking on the specific part of cheating. The double standards exist solely on the cheating part and this is also referring to other stories I’ve seen this crap on even green flag MLs. This comment was directed towards those that do like the ML, didn’t care about the rape, and hate him specifically for thinking he cheated.

    This obviously wasn’t for you, who clearly hates him for rape regardless.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 9:56 pm
    I would also like to say that she was seeing her lover, before, during, and after their marriage. So she was cheating before the rape happened as well. She is a victim however she also aint stupid and you wante... chocobuun

    “If you’re married to someone against your will and they repeatedly rape you, you should still respect the sanctity of that marriage” what are you smoking to get these kinds of morals

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 9:57 pm
    “Arranged marriage” bro at that point she was lead to believe he killed her family and used the chaos of the situation to force a marriage through and take everything away from her. This wasn’t just an �... Grey Goo

    I honestly believe that you are continuously making excuses for her that you can’t even acknowledge a single wrong thing. Turns out she was wrong about him killing her family, now what? Just makes her more embarrassed that she now knows she was cheating with her family’s actual killer and cheating on a man who she hated without knowing the truth.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 9:59 pm
    Honey are you everyone? Do you actually think your mind is how everyone else’s works and you speak for everyone? There were genuine people who literally didn’t give af about the rape. Please stay on the fuc... chocobuun

    Again, you can’t cheat on a rapist so what she was doing was in fact, not cheating. There is no double standard.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:00 pm
    “If you’re married to someone against your will and they repeatedly rape you, you should still respect the sanctity of that marriage” what are you smoking to get these kinds of morals Grey Goo

    Mf are you actually brain dead??? Do you purposefully see what you only want to see. I very clearly spelled out for you that she was cheating BEFORE the rape as well. But you found an excuse for that. Why are you so hell-bent on trying to make me look evil when you are trying SO HARD to miss the point in order for you to have a better argument. If you’re not gonna bother reading or understanding then why tf are you even here? To have a one-sided argument and only talk about what you want?

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:02 pm
    Again, you can’t cheat on a rapist so what she was doing was in fact, not cheating. There is no double standard. Grey Goo

    You say whatever you want, that’s cool that is your way of thinking- but for many others cheating is just cheating. You like to change the definition of the word to suit whatever excuses you have for it. That’s not how it works either.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:05 pm
    Again, you can’t cheat on a rapist so what she was doing was in fact, not cheating. There is no double standard. Grey Goo

    Anyways kindly hop off the rape because this discussion was not about that. I specifically targeted a group of certain people who did not care about the rape and more of the possibility of him cheating, but for whatever you reason you keep missing that so I guess maybe you felt personally attacked and it applied to you?? Not once was my original comment for that and you wanted to twist my words to make it look like that to better your argument. If you don’t know how to have a debate or argument with someone, the obvious thing is to not involve shit that was never said.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 10:07 pm

    Bro she never agreed to be in a relationship, this wasn’t even arranged by the family. There was no cheating by her, she broke no trust. “Cheated before the rape” bro she did not marry him willingly, this was never a consensual relationship. There cannot be cheating if there is no relationship. Oh so “she emotionally cheated AFTER he killed her family, but before the rape, so that makes her a cheater” I mean. Where is your logic? You cannot cheat in a relationship you did not agree to be in. There is still no double standard.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 10:14 pm
    Bro she never agreed to be in a relationship, this wasn’t even arranged by the family. There was no cheating by her, she broke no trust. “Cheated before the rape” bro she did not marry him willingly, this... Grey Goo

    You tried to pull some 1000iq bs on how only you saw past the “double standard” and understood the chapter. Because you’re such a big brain elite. But that doesn’t work because with every new defense you make it’s clear you don’t understand context or nuance in stories.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:23 pm
    Bro she never agreed to be in a relationship, this wasn’t even arranged by the family. There was no cheating by her, she broke no trust. “Cheated before the rape” bro she did not marry him willingly, this... Grey Goo

    You can keep thinking that but that logic is flawed. The difference between your mindset and mine is that I can see situations like a husband abusing his wife as a cause for the wife seeing another man, and I get why she would cheat. I UNDERSTAND and don’t hate her for it. But I still acknowledge by definition for the word, what she did is cheating. I never said I hated her for it or am mad that she did, I just ACKNOWLEDGE she did the action.

    That’s what you’re just not getting. You seem to be aggressively misunderstanding that I’m hating on her when it’s actually me acknowledging the characters actions. You are the one, changing the definition of a word to suit situations you want. No matter what you say, all your reasonings are based on your own morals and beliefs, none of which are factual or based on the actual definition of the word. You’re here finding every excuse out there in order to not make it cheating. When you can just easily acknowledge that by DEFINITION it is, while also understanding why and agreeing with her.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:26 pm
    You tried to pull some 1000iq bs on how only you saw past the “double standard” and understood the chapter. Because you’re such a big brain elite. But that doesn’t work because with every new defense yo... Grey Goo

    Anyways I don’t even care that she was seeing another man, I only am arguing with you now because you insist that a word shouldn’t be used for a situation you wanna believe is justified. I’m having an issue with your logic, not her.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 10:34 pm
    You can keep thinking that but that logic is flawed. The difference between your mindset and mine is that I can see situations like a husband abusing his wife as a cause for the wife seeing another man, and I g... chocobuun

    The husband and wife you mentioned married willingly. If you threaten someone into marriage you are not in a consenting relationship. Locking someone up and saying “we’re married now” does not a relationship make. She did not cheat because she did not agree to be in a relationship in the first place. There were no vows to break. Saying her still being in love with the ex-fiancé, after essentially being kidnapped and unwillingly married to someone would be comparable to the ML sleeping with another woman after confessing his love and desire to be married are two very different things. The people who do not bring up her old affection for the ex-fiancé or compare it to the current ML possibly sleeping with another woman are not dumb, because those two situations are not comparable. She did not cheat because she was never with him willingly in the beginning. It was always under threat and coercion. She was not in a consenting relationship with him when she still loved the ex-fiancé, that means she did not cheat. You cannot cheat in a non-existing relationship.

    chocobuun May 28, 2024 10:39 pm
    The husband and wife you mentioned married willingly. If you threaten someone into marriage you are not in a consenting relationship. Locking someone up and saying “we’re married now” does not a relations... Grey Goo

    You’re literally copying and pasting what you already said. I don’t agree with that logic. Simple as that. Until you decide to actually read and understand my comments, this conversation is worthless. It seems you seriously want to have a one-sided discussion only saying what you want and not bothering to understand the other person’s points. You’re stubbornly relating yourself with your own beliefs THAT ARE NOT FACTUAL. Those are subjective beliefs. Until you reread and bother to care for understanding points, this will be my last comment. Don’t even try to say the same copy paste crap I already said I don’t agree with. You changing that crap does nothing.

    Grey Goo May 28, 2024 10:58 pm
    You’re literally copying and pasting what you already said. I don’t agree with that logic. Simple as that. Until you decide to actually read and understand my comments, this conversation is worthless. It se... chocobuun

    Bro so you think a relationship isn’t between two consenting adults, but between a kidnapper and kidnapped? You just want to apply the term cheating to pat yourself on the back with the double standard comment. What I understand from your comment is if someone is forced to marry at threat of death and having everything taken from them, it’s still a real relationship? No matter the context, if you are unconscious and someone forces through a marriage certificate without your knowledge or consent, that you immediately try to get out of… it’s still a “real” romantic relationship where cheating is possible?

    Definition of cheating since you’re so hung up on it: “when a person in a monogamous romantic relationship has an emotional or sexual relationship with someone else without their partner's consent.” She was never in a monogamous romantic relationship with him, ever. She never consented to a relationship, so there was no relationship. There is no romantic relationship without consent. So no cheating occurred. I do not understand what you’re not getting. Unless you think it’s possible to be in a romantic relationship with someone… that didn’t consent to be in one.

    Becci May 29, 2024 7:11 pm
    Bro so you think a relationship isn’t between two consenting adults, but between a kidnapper and kidnapped? You just want to apply the term cheating to pat yourself on the back with the double standard commen... Grey Goo

    I think the context is more medieval where a woman is married off and the couple have to consumate the marriage otherwise it can not be recognized. Of course it was wrong but it is still common in these type of webtoons, more so when it is inspired by like a Tudor dynasty kinda thing. This also means that even though she didn't want the marriage she would have little say and her being with that other guy was technically cheating, but she also couldn't help herself because of the love potion so the whole thing is a gray area. I still think that the whole beginning was very weirdly written with the whole marriage being done with her literally unconscious. Super confusing but I was curious how the author would redeem it, also the only reason why I am still reading this. I don't really hate the MC tho, as it is common and usually used as a redemtion thing and as long as you can differ between reality and fiction I don't see it as a big deal. Plus I think that the main point of the original comment was also mostly pointed to those who couldn't understand that him being with that other woman was a dream and were condemming him for cheating even tho he didn't do that, which I found annoying myself.
    English is not my native language so I apologize for any mistakes, but I was also just very annoyed that people couldn't understand that the whole him cheating was a freaking dream so I really wanted to respond lol

chocobuun May 28, 2024 1:23 am

The audacity of the maid chick to say that when she’s literally also sleeping with the FL’s brother. And the FL’s brother sleeps around with MULTIPLE maids too. The only issue is that FL is a woman so it’s looked down on, of course.
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    stuffolooser June 3, 2024 9:01 pm

    Waitt, on what chapter does the manhwa shows her bro sleeping around?

chocobuun May 27, 2024 11:08 pm

Looks like MC naturally attracts criminals and unhinged guys. The blonde commuting crimes, the short haired guy being a yandere and hurting him, the ML, and the longer haired guy who apparently wrecked his house once before he left overseas.

chocobuun May 27, 2024 12:35 pm

Ngl I stopped reading this a while ago cause it felt like one of those stories that drag out the child arc too long. But now I see that it feels rushed when they add the times skips and so many new developments happening so fast. They basically had the detailed story in the kid arc and simplified story in the teen/adult arc. With the way they were building the story up, it felt like she was gonna discover or meet every jeweled eyed person and increase her powers when she’s more grown up- but I guess that wasn’t the case and all the power growth was just as a kid. When she’s older, they just focus on regular daily life and no more power focus.

I also skimmed through the later chapters and I’m wondering what happened to her brothers?? It seems like they had one chapter after she returned, and then their screen time was non existent. I tried skimming the things they were talking about and I don’t remember seeing their names being mentioned either.

chocobuun May 26, 2024 10:17 am

Okay to the dohwa defenders:

I personally believe dohwa deserves to be happy whether that he single or with someone new. The only thing is I don’t exactly approve of the way he decides to change his friendship with sooae. I’ve literally been in a situation like this and the difference between DISTANCING yourself is very clear.

If dohwa did it in a way where he just slowly lessens contact with her while maintaining a friendly air, then that’s the perfect way to do it. I know this from personal experience.

What he’s doing now isn’t the right way to distance yourself. He did it very abruptly, and he’s acting colder. This type of behavior leads to whoever it is thinking that they did something wrong. Why would you want the one you like or your friend to start blaming themself due to your coldness? His best bet right now is to just explain why he wants to distance himself to sooae. If he plans to end this friendship, he might as well confess why so she’ll understand. It’s understandable how he’s feeling but not right. Y’all can’t just excuse everything cause y’all like him. Acknowledge the rights and wrongs of characters. That’s what everyone did during the beginning when sooae was annoying and it was ok.
Sooae is not to blame for not recognizing his feelings because he never confessed and readers who say it’s obvious:
it’s obvious to people who are outside the story and are literally reading everyone’s POV. There’s genuinely people who do not notice others around them that have a crush on them. A lot of people also don’t want to overthink and make assumptions. Even if it’s obvious to you and you would notice it if it were you- YOU ARE NOT SOOAE. This isn’t about what you would notice.

    NEEMOH May 27, 2024 1:08 am

    Literally THAN YOU I’m tired of all these people who can’t think critically

    NEEMOH May 27, 2024 1:08 am

    Literally THANk YOU I’m tired of all these people who can’t think critically

chocobuun May 24, 2024 11:36 am

BRUH. Even up to the latest chapter, majority of the story so far is the two scums sex scenes. I’m seriously questioning who the main characters are rn. Because the way it’s being written out- the king and maid are literally having their whole tearful love story. Like it’s the fr cliche, dumbass ass king only treating the maid nice and falling for her (acts). I’m more pissed that the plot is giving them so much screen time instead of the actual two main characters.

chocobuun May 24, 2024 4:24 am

I really enjoyed this but ngl I put it on hold after reading a certain chapter and the mc being annoying asf. He did something I KNOW people would be mad about if the love interest did it. So basically, he was forcefully kissed by another guy. Which I didn’t blame him for. I only blamed him for how he decided to act after. He obviously wanted to hide it because of being scared (which is common whenever these situations happen in stories), but it’s when the ML confronted him. The ML noticed the MC’s swollen lips and could tell he was kissed. He asked MC to be honest and instead of MC just saying he was forced, he got mad at the ML instead and got all defensive, and lied that he wasn’t kissed. That fr pissed me off. It’s so odd because the MC’s personality was fine before that. I couldn’t continue after that, so if anyone else did read past it- please tell me if he actually apologized for lying to the ML and told the truth.

Anyways the ending was rushed. They did a time skip for the last chapter, I thought we’d see more of the romance happen when they were adults since that’s literally the time when the most important death happened.

chocobuun May 23, 2024 6:40 pm

Ngl I’m confused to the endings of the seasons lol. The first season finale said “the end.” And the second season finale said “to be continued” with the chapter titled the end. Which is it lmao

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