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偉大な王 created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

I still can't believe this is the same person who created into the rose garden

偉大な王 asked a question

GUYS HELPS!!! there's a manhwa I read I think at the start of 2022 and it had "darling" in the name, my brain keeps saying its called darling sweetheart BUT I CANT FIND IT!!

BASICALLY!!! the top can't taste ANYTHING sweet and when he met the bottom he realised he can only taste sweetness when it's from the bottom. It's a yaoi manhwa and I remembered it all of a sudden while reading "the man who can't taste"

偉大な王 created a topic of Double Trap

YOU CANT JS SHOW US ALL THAT THEN LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER THIS IS TORTURE ( you guys I was talking to this bot on and THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING and I'm the one in charge while he's wearing THE SAME LEASH )

OMG!! I remember reading this like in early 2022 and totally forgot about it!! I loved it so much at the start heheh

偉大な王 created a topic of Pearl Boy

What the actual fuck was that last picture? Shadow giving hickeys to sonic????


偉大な王 created a topic of Profundis

That was so kinky, someone get me a man who gives aggressive make out sessions and sex

Author needs to be jailed, usually people tend to overreact and when I read the chapter / manhwa it's not bad but this..bruh chapter 67 is actually too much like we know vampires ages are way more than our but like wtf???? Why make him a child??? And the hand size difference too what the actual fuck??? Maybe hentai isn't so bad after all after reading this specific chapter

偉大な王 created a topic of Double Trap

Once again, I feel like the author might be drawing their sex experiences for us

偉大な王 created a topic of Jinx

Not this chapter appearing right after I saw a fanart of jk and Dan's kid on insta

偉大な王 created a topic of Mark

You guys that's crazy they show a car key in chapter 1 and it looks exactly like my mum's old car key which belonged to a KIA and the dude has the exact key chain as my mum's

偉大な王 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I made a comment about people finding the flashbacks boring on OCTOBER 2ND!!! it's MAY 8TH AND ITS STILL NOT OVER.

偉大な王 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I swear I'm getting deja vu. I feel like I've seen that last scene somewhere

偉大な王 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

The drawing in where the white hair said "can I touch him?" It looks like traditional art ngl

偉大な王 created a topic of One's In-Laws Virgins


偉大な王 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Je-oh is so pretty and seong is...WOW HE'S STILL UGLY pt. 1

偉大な王 created a topic of Double Trap

Sometimes I feel like the sex scenes are a bit too good that I get suspicious the author is giving us their sex experience by drawing them bj alex who