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偉大な王 created a topic of Jinx

LMAO yall genuinely thought he was a nice guy?? Yall gotta watch those theoretical videos about this manhwa they make sense even tho they're theoretical and prepares you for the worst

Honestly I can't bring myself to laugh anymore when I this manhwa, it's so good that u have to be serious all the time

偉大な王 created a topic of High Clear
偉大な王 created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Honestly I genuiley can't handle this, the father is too weird especially when he said "I'm legally your father too" like ?????

Man I love this manhwa sm I've read it like thrice but I hate how the sex scenes are always dry

偉大な王 created a topic of Jinx

I hate heesung with a passion. It's not cannon yet but someone made a theory that the pictures of Dan and JK alone were all taken by heesung and the person showed proof of older chapters where heesung was at the same place as Dan and JK when those pictures were taken ( after they finished their conversations )

偉大な王 created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Him silencing him reminds me of a dark romance book called "that sik luv" when briony told aero she was sure she loved him but he didn't let him finish that sentence because "love is beneath us" and that he won't be able to say it back ever.

In the end he always told her how much he loved her and I feel like the same will happen in this manhwa

偉大な王 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Damn I really need to get used to that new artstyle

偉大な王 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Lil bro yells alot even I would be annoyed

Ggs yall this was good ( idk what to say )

偉大な王 created a topic of Jinx


偉大な王 created a topic of Jinx

Haven't read it yet but WOOHOO I feel like I've let out a huge sigh of relief that we're getting a break from this manhwa

Yall forgetting lyle LITERALLY consented this and he knows what type of alpha Ash is so his rut isn't like a normal alpha's rut