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Nipsy March 11, 2021 6:26 pm

I get why he felt like he needed to become his own person, but I hate it when they do that at the expense of the other person. I feel like totally cutting off contact and suffering in order to do your own thing was totally not necessary, and it was super painful for the seme. It seems like it just made them both suffer without achieving anything. Why couldn't the uke come into himself with the seme there? They could have had a serious talk about him needing a job. the seme loved him and wanted to take care of him and that's why he saw no problems with their arrangement. I doubt he'd have locked the uke up, he could have given him an ultimatum like I'll leave if you don't let me work. It's like the uke pushed it to the worst case scenario by practically ending their relationship himself. Who leaves someone in order to stay with them? Couples live together all the time without it being about dependence.

Nipsy March 7, 2021 6:13 am

Does the main couple sleep with anyone but eachother?

Nipsy February 28, 2021 3:40 pm

This author is so good at drawing sex scenes! the way she positions their bodies... *chefs kiss*
I read this and think "I wanna be held like that..." too good

Nipsy February 27, 2021 1:50 am

Is the seme the omega?? For both couples?

    hellohello February 27, 2021 2:08 am

    no, eunho is the uke and the omega in his relationship and yoon is the uke and omega in his relationship

    Nipsy February 27, 2021 2:16 am
    no, eunho is the uke and the omega in his relationship and yoon is the uke and omega in his relationship hellohello

    Thank you!

Nipsy February 26, 2021 7:13 am

"If you can make me come ill be your call boy"

What the fuck... and then he lasted like literally 30 seconds... at least put up a fight goddamn... ruined it for me

    Nipsy February 26, 2021 7:27 am

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? HE LITERALLY GETS SO ANXUOUS HAS CANT EVEN COME WITH HIS LOVER BUT HE COULD FUCKING EASILY COME WHEN SOMEONE HE DIDNT LOVE WAS SUPPOSEDLY BLACKMAILING HIM? WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN ANXIOUS AND UNCOMFORTABLE? Wow this really went downhill... I could have let it pass but the fact that this author did this whole "I cant come with my lover" thing... wow just wow he should've dated the damn panther, apparently their chemistry is off the charts

    Roseytayler April 21, 2021 3:26 pm

    Thank you this is what I was saying like this makes no sense and it made me so mad I wanted to scream at the uke

    Nipsy April 21, 2021 7:31 pm
    Thank you this is what I was saying like this makes no sense and it made me so mad I wanted to scream at the uke Roseytayler

    I'm getting angry again just remembering

Nipsy February 21, 2021 6:34 am

Please please please someone translate the rest of the side stories!! I cannot edit or i would do it myself they are sooo cute

    _asdfgyaoi February 21, 2021 10:01 am

    so you know sa link for raws or when can I read it?

    _asdfgyaoi February 21, 2021 3:05 pm Nipsy

    thank you!! i saw the remaining chapters, is this still ongoing? i don't understand anything when I saw it, yet I still cried lmao

    Nipsy February 21, 2021 8:59 pm
    thank you!! i saw the remaining chapters, is this still ongoing? i don't understand anything when I saw it, yet I still cried lmao _asdfgyaoi

    What is on this website is everything I think! Unless she decides to write more frequently story is done

    Nipsy February 21, 2021 9:00 pm
    What is on this website is everything I think! Unless she decides to write more frequently story is done Nipsy

    More, this story**

    Don't know how that autocorrect happened

    _asdfgyaoi February 22, 2021 10:32 am
    What is on this website is everything I think! Unless she decides to write more frequently story is done Nipsy

    I think the story is not ending yet, I visit the link again and I saw the date of the last chapter. It was around this month (Feb), can't wait to someone who'll translate this in english :<<

    Moneycakes February 24, 2021 11:38 pm

    I’m thinking of translating the bonus stories since I want to make use of my photoshop software I barely use and payed for My Spanish isn’t fluent but I think I’ll be able to do it, if my school and college classes doesn’t get in my way :)

    Nipsy February 25, 2021 1:10 am
    I’m thinking of translating the bonus stories since I want to make use of my photoshop software I barely use and payed for My Spanish isn’t fluent but I think I’ll be able to do it, if my school and coll... Moneycakes

    PLEASE DO! That would be amazing!!

    But don't stress yourself :)) school come first

    _asdfgyaoi February 25, 2021 7:32 pm
    I’m thinking of translating the bonus stories since I want to make use of my photoshop software I barely use and payed for My Spanish isn’t fluent but I think I’ll be able to do it, if my school and coll... Moneycakes

    yes pls!! :<< we'll be waiting hehehe but put your priority first :))

Nipsy February 20, 2021 3:56 pm

Honestly people are so young in middle school...

Why tf has he been holding onto this grudge...

He talked behind your backs (kind of) once and you guys shunned and shamed him in front of the whole class... its one thing to be mad then but to still be proud of what you've done now as an adult too... wow just wow

    vidawin February 20, 2021 8:34 pm

    and he didn't talk behind their backs, he was being helpful but they were too immature to understand, smh

Nipsy February 19, 2021 2:30 pm

Is there ever any real doubt or conflict in their relationship? Any attempted or legit cheating? And wavering in their feeling? Just finished very angsty yaoi and I'm looking for more of a fluffy, smutty story... please let me know if this is a good choice

    Brii February 19, 2021 2:36 pm

    I mean there is one thing but it's not a big deal wait no there's two things.

    Nipsy February 19, 2021 2:58 pm
    I mean there is one thing but it's not a big deal wait no there's two things. Brii

    Can you spoil it for me

    EsuteruNoKitsune February 19, 2021 4:18 pm

    it's... not really on their side of things.... they both like each other. It's just those assholes that try to butt into their relationship taking it a bit too far...

    Brii February 19, 2021 6:14 pm
    Can you spoil it for me Nipsy

    The alpha's friend is inlove with him but doesn't really try to get between them. The dad doesn't suppirt them

    Nipsy February 19, 2021 9:27 pm

    Nice thanks for the help!

    Brii February 20, 2021 3:49 am
    Nice thanks for the help! Nipsy

    I meant support

Nipsy February 18, 2021 5:30 am

How can taeyul ever trust the uke ever again... goes from desperately begging for trust to literally breaking up with him the next day?? And the exact reason that the seme was scared of all along... I really need to see the uke suffer for what he did to the seme... literally repeated his trauma

How could the uke do exactly what the first seme did to him to the second seme...

    Loulyss February 18, 2021 6:40 am

    Hold up.

    I can't believe my eyes reading your comment.

    Are you saying Taeyul is a victim?!

    LynxSeoltang February 18, 2021 6:45 am

    Did we read the same manga? Because as far as I know, the uke was blackmailed that's why he left the seme. How was it his fault? You might just be reading what you wanted to see and nothing else

    dazaislittlewhore February 18, 2021 8:14 am

    lol what

    Fujoshi0Maniac February 18, 2021 3:16 pm

    Uhh...? what? they all had traumas, they all had misdoings, so how did everyone elses (excluding Taeyul’s) got filtered? LMAO

    Nipsy February 18, 2021 3:26 pm

    I'm the one asking if we read the same manga... you guys realize he has no responsibility to sacrifice his life and terribly hurt the people he loves and who desperately loves him all for someone who cruelly abandoned him to chase his own agenda, right? Even if the first seme did consider for a second running away with the uke he never really considered it... he was planning to ask the uke to wait when his wife threatened him and said "all or nothing". and he promptly broke up with the uke without telling him a damn thing...

    But the uke heard about what was happening and promptly betrays the man who supported him through his heart break and who he was supposed deeply in love with. He was literally the one chasing the second seme and he ended up making the seme gay for him. They both have relationship issues and we watched them learned and grew together and they don't see how what the uke does is terrible?

    They talk about how they both want an absolute love and they basically promise their unending, enduring love for eachother and the uke gets over his belief that everyone will leave him eventually. But literally the moment there is anything to do with the second seme the uke is interested or doesn't act normal so the semes trauma is triggered. So yeah he gets really possessive and it worries the uke a bit, but they have a good talk about how the uke will never leave him and how the seme needs to believe in and trust him, the uke literally begs. And the seme agrees and makes an effort to relax and show his trust.

    But Wait you know what? On his first trip out he literally GOES OFF TO SEE THE SECOND SEME?! Like if that bitch pulled her car up and asked to talk and i knew that was exactly what the man I loved and was trying not to hurt or betray was worried about, I WOULD NOT GET IN... would you?? No wonder the seme didn't trust him, he can only think about the first seme. It's just that what the uke does totally reveals that he still has feelings for the first seme. He did whatever it took just to help him, not even be with him but just help him indirectly... and he was fine doing that at the expense of the man that he apparently loved more than the first seme... he could have bargained and been like "if I can convince taeyul to leave with me without yelling him about this is that fine?" But no he doesn't even try to find a way to stay with or not hurt the seme he just marches back home and breaks up with him. AND HE USES THE SEMES GREATEST FEAR TO DO IT!

    Their love can never be the same because the uke did that to the seme without a single regard for his feelings. They were supposed to have an absolute love but the uke ruined it and broke it and revealed that he always loved the first seme too. And then he only reflects on how maybe he should have found a way to not hurt the seme so much months later. I needed to see the uke apologize and prove his love cause the second seme once again being the one chasing him didn't resolve the issue for me.

    I genuinely don't understand how you can't be annoyed with the uke... its not like I hate him like I get it, I'd he hadn't done it the guy would probs die but that doesn't excuse the fallout of his decision. He chose the let that guy live rather than not betray the second seme. He effectively chose the first seme over the second which was the second semes greatest fear. Regardless of how necessary the decision was, he can undo the fact that now he has betrayed the second seme and that can't be undone... which is why I'm wondering how the seme could ever trust him again. He thought he could the first time and see how that turned out?

    Nipsy February 18, 2021 3:33 pm
    Uhh...? what? they all had traumas, they all had misdoings, so how did everyone elses (excluding Taeyul’s) got filtered? LMAO Fujoshi0Maniac

    The ukes trauma was that no one would really love him for his whole life. WHICH WAS RESOLVED BY THE SECOND in what world would that justify him betraying that person who will love him for someone who left him cruelly?? And even if you're gonna defend the idea that he was fine leaving the second seme cause he figured he'd be happier without him (which was part of his trauma) then that just means there's horrible writing cause who would totally undo all their character development right at the end of the story... and then never resolve it... either the uke did something shitty or the writing in the last 15 chapters gets bad... not like I'm saying the uke is the worst person ever but surely you can't say that what he did was smart or that it wasn't horrible to do that to the second seme...

    Nipsy February 18, 2021 3:35 pm

    I just needed to see the uke really regretting what he did and being torn up about it but we barely if at all get to see it... it was just way too easy for the uke to get everything he wanted even after doing that to the seme

    Loulyss February 19, 2021 1:20 am

    Oh my god. After reading your comment I am litteraly not beliving it. You and I have very VERY different perspective on reality.

    The uke, who's name is Soo Han (by the way), litteraly sacrifices his own happiness for a few chapter, his own freedom and liberty, JUST so that Taeyul feels less concerns.

    He DOES NOT go out. DOES NOTHING. So that the Seme, little insecure baby that he is does not feel threaten. If that isn't a sign of self sacrifice? What is? Taeyul acted entilted. Being hurt. Being hurt in a past relationship excuse NOTHING of what Taeyul made Soo Han go through. Then... When finally Soo Han can go out. He realise that the man that PAID his way through education, loved him for half his life and sacrificed himself for him will Die if he does nothing. And in that situation, your argument his that he should have let a man die to protect Taeyul ridiculously petty feelings?

    Sure. They have issue to discuss, and there were definitely things Soo Han could have gone better. But, none of what he did was selfish. He Always picked the man he loved first (Taeyul very much so). So, yes, Taeyul did save him from a bad break up, but Soo Han paid back this debt long time ago.

    Fujoshi0Maniac February 19, 2021 2:45 am
    The ukes trauma was that no one would really love him for his whole life. WHICH WAS RESOLVED BY THE SECOND in what world would that justify him betraying that person who will love him for someone who ... Nipsy

    So is locking up the person you so call love justified by the fact that he loved him so dearly, and insecure about his previous relationship? What is wrong is wrong. The thing is Taeyul’s realized his wrongdoings from his previous ex-fiance and the audacity to repeat the same thing to the person he so dearly loved? it seemed more like extreme possessiveness and obsession to me. (Though that was resolved in following chapters)

    I have to agree the last chapters were kinda rushed, but why blame the uke? In his situation, seeing the person who even gave him the chance to start-off anew and follow your passion, provided his daily necessities and the sole reason why he was where he is now, and also the person that introduced him to the person he now loved (which is Taeyul). Just rot in a mental hospital, knowing that it was the same place the murder of his mother happened? It may be irrational and dumb, but in the worse case scenario if he didn’t do what he did in the last few chapter the second male lead might truly have died, and another trauma would develop for the uke.

    Guilt or self-blame might develop, knowing that he was given the chance and option to get Mr. Yoon out of there, knowing the uke even if it wasn’t really his fault a new cycle of psychological issues would have arisen.

    Nevertheless, all is well, i don’t even know why I’m writing this when the person that deserved some sort of retribution was the Fiance, seriously if she hadn’t threatened the second male lead, he was ready to leave and give up everything to runaway with the uke.

    And also, dafuq? If she wanted to seriously get the man out of there she could’ve done it without threatening the uke to even break up with the man he was currently together with, utmost it would’ve sufficed that staying away from Mr. Yoon would have done the job.

    But no, she was insecure at herself in a relationship she knew full well was doomed from their first meeting. Why did she have to blame the third-party (the uke)? (In this case tho she seemed more like the third-person...) That’s what I don’t get in this kind of relationship they don’t blame their partner, and the audacity to even get angry for Mr. Yoon? dafuq was that? “It infuriates me that you’re out there enjoying the money from his pocket, while he’s fighting against deaths door” ????

    If he had that problem in the first place, he would’ve shut down the whole company. And I know she knew that too

    Nipsy February 19, 2021 4:19 am

    You're right I'm misdirection blame at the uke when I'm really blaming the author... the ukes decision was warranted because he was directly faced with the death of someone who was important to him in the past. (Although he knew the seme would've run away with him so I am super mad that he literally put no effort in trying to stay with the second seme) the issue I have is is that what happened has serious implications on the reality of the relationship between the uke and second seme (and I refer to them like this so those who do not remember the names know who I'm talking about). As hard as the decision may have been, the uke did chose the first seme over his relationship with the second seme and this only confirmed taeyuls greatest worries and don't think the author properly resolved that at all.

    The uke got a resolution arc where he got over his trauma and could confirm the semes life-long love for him, but the seme never got that. In fact, in stead of a resolution arc, he trauma got repeated by the uke in the worst possible way. But then there is no arc where we get to see the resolution between them. The uke left the second seme for the first seme, even if it was because of a valid reason it doesn't negate the impact that decision had on the second seme and it upsets me that taeyul can only feel safe in their relationship because he knows the first seme is out of the picture and not because he knows the uke would always chose him no matter what. I guess I also wanted them to have an absolute love and that isn't really how it turned out.

    The seme would have done what ever it took to stay with the uke and save the first seme which is the only reason I'm mad at the uke. He very easily gave up the second seme without fighting for him at all

Nipsy February 17, 2021 2:33 pm

Any cheating? Dont want something like what happened in totally captivated.... just can't handle that angst today

    Action Fantasy February 17, 2021 2:40 pm

    I don’t think there’s Cheating. In fact I really do respect and like his previous partner and currently partner. A lot of manga prev partner r douche but this one actually have my genuine admiration since we know his circumstances and y he chooses to step away and down sighsss.

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 2:46 pm
    I don’t think there’s Cheating. In fact I really do respect and like his previous partner and currently partner. A lot of manga prev partner r douche but this one actually have my genuine admiration since w... Action Fantasy

    Somehow your response makes me feel like there is some cheating... cause apparently it's up to the viewers opoinion whether it's cheating

    Action Fantasy February 17, 2021 5:32 pm
    Somehow your response makes me feel like there is some cheating... cause apparently it's up to the viewers opoinion whether it's cheating Nipsy

    Hmmm loll I just went back and reread it and I guess maybe yes?????

    Some spoilers

    Appartently the prev partner is married but from arranged marriage so there’s no mutual relationship between them only his wife unrequited love(?) toward him. Actually idk if it’s love or that she just think he’s the “best” partner with his position and background etc. wait the wife also had a child I think when she married him but that child is not his and people know about it so ig she married him since they have no relationship and he also doesn’t care whether that is someone else’s child.....anyways in some sense mc is the third wheel in the marriage aspect??? sighsss

    Ik the wife knows about his relationship w mc but I forgot when does she knows also At time when when he’s in relationship w mc he was filing divorce since he already found someone he likes and I think the wife(her family pretty powerful too) knows about mc

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 7:00 pm
    Hmmm loll I just went back and reread it and I guess maybe yes?????Some spoilers Appartently the prev partner is married but from arranged marriage so there’s no mutual relationship between them only his wife... Action Fantasy

    Yeah but it’s nothing much to crack.
    I don’t call it cheating. I wouldn’t call it cheating.

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 7:02 pm
    Hmmm loll I just went back and reread it and I guess maybe yes?????Some spoilers Appartently the prev partner is married but from arranged marriage so there’s no mutual relationship between them only his wife... Action Fantasy

    But also, I remember feeling absolutely betrayed when he turned to Yul, because while the president went MIA, I remember something like... oh right, he never searches for him. Yeah.

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 7:45 pm
    Hmmm loll I just went back and reread it and I guess maybe yes?????Some spoilers Appartently the prev partner is married but from arranged marriage so there’s no mutual relationship between them only his wife... Action Fantasy

    So there's 2 semes and the uke dated one before and while they were dating the seme was getting divorced (or not but ita not super important) but now the uke is dating the main seme and and some point he disappears and the uke gets back with the first seme?or meets up with him? I'm confused cause you refer to a "prev partner" which im assuming his his previous seme? So the "cheating" would be the time when the previous seme was still technically married? Or is there only one seme and he's the one who is leaving his wife while dating uke?

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 7:46 pm
    So there's 2 semes and the uke dated one before and while they were dating the seme was getting divorced (or not but ita not super important) but now the uke is dating the main seme and and some point he disapp... Nipsy

    The seme dissappears*

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:13 pm
    So there's 2 semes and the uke dated one before and while they were dating the seme was getting divorced (or not but ita not super important) but now the uke is dating the main seme and and some point he disapp... Nipsy

    No, sorry I confused you. The ‘cheating’ they mentioned was on the legal wife.
    What happens is that the uke and the first seme are partners in the beginning, while the first seme was still legally married to his wife. The uke didn’t know that because it’s a whole life circumstance of the seme’s that the seme knew he had to deal with sooner or later by himself because he couldn’t get the uke caught up in it so he never told the uke about it, and was prepared to detach (;-;) and go alone.
    He disappears. Not because he was fooling his wife and just easily walks back to her, but because of this whole circumstance for which he just had to return and (;-;) had to stay.
    So on his disappearance, the uke gets together with the second seme. That’s not ‘cheating’ either.

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:15 pm

    This is angsty, for the record.

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:16 pm

    Not in the beginning tho.

    Action Fantasy February 17, 2021 8:30 pm
    So there's 2 semes and the uke dated one before and while they were dating the seme was getting divorced (or not but ita not super important) but now the uke is dating the main seme and and some point he disapp... Nipsy

    Hmm let’s refer seme 1 as boss since it’s reveal pretty early on like c2 or smth his boss is his lover/partner but I don’t think any of the co-worker like officially know since they never officially announced their relationship to them. Mc met boss back when Mc was studying abroad in US and boss was “sponsoring” him and paying his tuitions. Why he did that I forgot anyways that’s when they slowly developed feelings for each other (boss was already married then and mc know but he also knows I think there’s no mutual feeling in that marriage) and mc accompanied boss during boss’s most depressed state(when he found out his mother was murdered). Boss did rejected mc and his own feeling since he’s like 12ish years older than mc but mc persist so they are together and followed boss to this low-performance company.

    The wife knows about boss and mc and she doesn’t really interfere. And about this wife hmm it’s hard for me to say she doesn’t care about boss/her husband bc when she showed up into the story and expresses she doesn’t want to divorce w boss anymore as boss was being pressured by his family and threatened and under his enemy’s watch, she expresses that he should break it off w mc and only then will his revenge for his mother succeed as she will also do her upmost best to help him w her background. If he insist on divorcing her(as he doesn’t want the wife and her son to also get dragged into any further w his power struggle) and take revenge by himself, mc will be put into danger as she herself will also become boss greatest enemy. And in fact she did use mc’s safety to threaten boss and did have someone kidnapped and drugged(sleeping drug) mc but she didn’t go too far as all she did was kidnapped him and drugged him asleep for a car ride before returning mc back as a way to show she’s capable of harming mc and this is only a warning. After mc’s kidnapped incident, boss broke it off w mc so that mc doesn’t get dragged into his mess and power struggle anymore as it’s the safest way for mc. While I think since boss decide to compromise, the wife send also people to protect mc since if mc is dragged in then their compromise losses it point etc.

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 8:37 pm
    Hmm let’s refer seme 1 as boss since it’s reveal pretty early on like c2 or smth his boss is his lover/partner but I don’t think any of the co-worker like officially know since they never officially annou... Action Fantasy

    So only one seme?

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 8:41 pm
    So only one seme? Nipsy

    Ignore this didn't read all the comments ~~

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 8:42 pm

    Okay so does he end up with the first or second seme? The one he dated in the beginning who left or the one he dates while the first seme is gone?

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:42 pm
    So only one seme? Nipsy

    No, that’s the whole story of the first seme (the one that the uke doesn’t end up with)
    The other seme is the one the uke ends up with.
    There is only one seme in the sense that he never dates them together. He dated the first one, who leaves, and then he dates and ends up with the second seme.

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:43 pm
    Hmm let’s refer seme 1 as boss since it’s reveal pretty early on like c2 or smth his boss is his lover/partner but I don’t think any of the co-worker like officially know since they never officially annou... Action Fantasy

    Thanks for this :’)

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:44 pm
    Okay so does he end up with the first or second seme? The one he dated in the beginning who left or the one he dates while the first seme is gone? Nipsy

    The second one

    Nipsy February 17, 2021 8:48 pm
    No, that’s the whole story of the first seme (the one that the uke doesn’t end up with)The other seme is the one the uke ends up with.There is only one seme in the sense that he never dates them together. H... butipromiseihavehappypaws

    Peeeerfect that's what I needed to know! Thanks!!

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 8:56 pm
    Peeeerfect that's what I needed to know! Thanks!! Nipsy

    Great, then we’re all a happy bunch! *insert smiling hide-the-pain-Harold*

    Action Fantasy February 17, 2021 9:07 pm
    So only one seme? Nipsy

    Ah I only talk about seme 1 and his wife and realize I spoiled quite a bit and very long loll if u want more rambling spoiler then sure gladly service you~

    Anyways seme2 our ML the officially ultimate seme/ML
    He’s a new employee(that got fired/ or maybe he quit? a very high-performance company just a very well known company for whatever reason and was scouted(?) by the boss to come work at his low-performance company(boss purposely didn’t expand the small company to avoid go under his enemy and his half-brother radar)

    Oh yea boss is an illegitimate child which is y it’s much harder for him to get the company asset and get his revenge so his marriage w the wife is actually a chess that gives him more a little more advantage tho not a lot as compared to fighting w nothing. His half-brothers are his enemy and idk if there’s other enemy beside them but anyways.

    I’m just going to refer seme2 and ML
    seme 1 still as boss

    ML got hired into boss’s company in the beginning of the story so while mc and boss were in a relationship ML was just there trying to underrsanding the company and in the process of becoming friends w mc and other co-workers. He also was like a relation counselor to the mc and friend w mc. ML found out boss and mc were in relationship and when boss broke it off w mc, boss asked ML for help to get mc to forget blame boss and forget about boss. Boss didn’t tell mc y he want to break up w him and just gave a “I have a change of heart” excuse so mc won’t have to feel guilty or anything and just have to blame him. And the reason boss asked ml for help is bc ml also founded out mc’s “kidnapped” incident was actually targeting and warning boss so that’s y boss asked him for help.

    So yes ml came to mc and was like “you shouldn’t have gone for a married man w a child that entering junior high” but that shocked mc instead because he never knew boss had a child (tho ml concealed the fact that child isn’t biological but it will work in their favor to have mc to move one and give up on boss). So ml continued as said “since boss never even told u about that child it means boss doesn’t care about u since u don’t even know him that well” (yes ml bullshting right here and ml knows that he’s bullshiting but he’s trying to get mc to give up on boss on the prefix that boss already has a child and he’s playing with u so can u just give up)

    My question when reading was how does mc not know about the child???

    butipromiseihavehappypaws February 17, 2021 9:24 pm
    Ah I only talk about seme 1 and his wife and realize I spoiled quite a bit and very long loll if u want more rambling spoiler then sure gladly service you~Anyways seme2 our ML the officially ultimate seme/MLHe�... Action Fantasy

    Oh the ML came to the company for being asked by the boss, but he quit his other company because of a failed love with a girl whom he worked with. I don’t remember the full details.

    Nipsy February 18, 2021 5:34 am
    Ah I only talk about seme 1 and his wife and realize I spoiled quite a bit and very long loll if u want more rambling spoiler then sure gladly service you~Anyways seme2 our ML the officially ultimate seme/MLHe�... Action Fantasy

    I actually just finished it and the uke made me mad at the end... like it was really good up to the last 20 chapters but the uke didn't chose the 2nd seme like ever (like he only chose him when the first seme wasn't an option), he always prioritized the first seme and it made me feel really sad for taeyul :(

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