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Nipsy February 16, 2021 2:39 pm

Keith actually said "but you marked me, now you can't mark anyone" he's not worried about himself he's shocked the uke would give that up just for revenge

Nipsy February 10, 2021 9:47 pm

I've read the raws and if I remember correctly the mark is temporary but...(spoilers below)
I think he does end up marking him permanently without his permission later... the uke is mad for awhile but ends up forgiving him. I think they're soul mates or something and the alpha has always known and is frustrated that the uke doesn't realize. It's kind of a rollercoaster but they end up happily together so there's that at least

I think i remember the first couple being like "don't you care about his happiness?" And the seme was like "I will make him the happiest" so that is kinda his vibe: slight yandere, possessive seme but mainly because he is confident no one can love the uke more than him

I dig it but I know it's not for everyone

    Jsx February 10, 2021 11:09 pm

    Raws Please

    Matcha_v February 10, 2021 11:43 pm

    So Matthew never like ian in the first place?

    Nipsy February 11, 2021 12:32 am
    So Matthew never like ian in the first place? Matcha_v

    I dont think that was ever really a thing? It was for like 2 chapters when they first met but I don't remember them ever really making it a thing, he's liked his uke for years (or at least a long time before he met ian), since they met at work. So no he didn't like ian

    Nipsy February 11, 2021 12:33 am
    Raws Please Jsx

    Sorry I'd have to find it again, I know it was commented a few before mine if you go back to the main Manga page you should be able to find it in the comments. If you can't find it come back here and I'll dig it up

    Jsx February 11, 2021 2:35 am
    Sorry I'd have to find it again, I know it was commented a few before mine if you go back to the main Manga page you should be able to find it in the comments. If you can't find it come back here and I'll dig i... Nipsy

    I found it. Thank for your reply.

    Nipsy February 11, 2021 3:07 am
    I found it. Thank for your reply. Jsx


Nipsy February 8, 2021 10:58 pm

Is the uke okay with polygamy? Cause Luca seems on board with it and they never talked about it... I feel nervous for the uke

    misanthrpic February 8, 2021 11:04 pm

    I think Luca realised polygamy is not a part of Makoto’s culture/within his boundaries and is fine with that. For example when he turned that girl down, he told her he was dating Makoto (and therefore could not date her).

    misanthrpic February 8, 2021 11:05 pm

    So they’re in a monogamous relationship!

    AsteriaMabel18 February 9, 2021 2:28 am
    So they’re in a monogamous relationship! misanthrpic

    Yep.. i guess he's saying that polygamy is normal in savanna. I think he's father is not in a polygamous relationship either

    shinz February 10, 2021 6:47 pm

    One of the main things about polygamy is the consent from their partner, it's just cheating if the other one isn't fine with you being with other people and Luca knows that. It's already implied that Mako isn't fine with that by the way he got jealous with the girls and Luca noticed and decided to respect that, actually a lot polygamous people are in a close relationship for the very same reason. Though imo Mako is open to try it if Luca open the topic, he seems very open minded about a lot of things and go with the flow most of the time.

Nipsy February 7, 2021 4:33 pm

If anyone wants spoilers i typed this out for another comment but decided not to post it there... didn't want to waste my effort so here is a brief summary about the rest of the plot
So In the next few chapters there will be some conflict because I feel like I remember there being some distance (either emotional or physical) between them and then the seme freaks out and kinda locks up the uke for around a month at which time the seme decides to take the uke out for the day and while they are out the uke end up getting kidnapped by the semes older brother and past lover (the one who was at the dinner in the 1st chapter). He manages to start his heat so the cops which were coincidentally outside the car would realize something was wrong and they send the uke to the hospital at which time he is told that his pheromones are going crazy and he needs surgery which would, as a side effect, damage/stop his pheromones for a few years (meaning no heats or bonding). He decides to risk permanently damaging his glands to wait for his alpha to come and help him by biting him which may help. (I should've mentioned that the uke was chill with the whole being locked up thing, he was more upset that he didn't get to see the seme more cause he was busy during this time) the seme is looking for him but for some reason it's taking a while (I think he business might be going bankrupt and he has to deal with it cause by the end he's started his own company or something) but he manages to find him in the hospital and they bond! The bite thankfully helps the ukes problem so everything is dandy by the end! I think my summary ends on ch 82 and after that they're starting a side story about these two set a little I'm the future.

I should've mentioned that we find out a lot of back story like what the betrayal everyone keeps talking about is and basically the uke was told he wasn't good for the seme so he leaves him without knowing all the struggles the seme is facing in his new family so he was unaware of how the seme was suffering. It was all a manipulation by the mother and the seme never hated him we find out he has watched over the uke this whole time

    randomfangirl February 7, 2021 8:18 pm

    One thing I wanna know is, in one of the flashbacks we saw the seme telling the uke that his bio mom left after his birth. So is the mother that we saw actually a stepmom?

    Nipsy February 7, 2021 8:56 pm

    I believe so yes, his dad slept with a bunch of women in order to try and make an alpha, our seme was weak as a child so they didn't think he was an alpha which was why he wasn't raised there. After none of his siblings manifested as an alpha they came to hind the seme cause there was a chance he was one and they got lucky. So that woman is not actually his mom

Nipsy February 2, 2021 3:36 pm

Don't get me wrong I adore this couple...

But I kinda wish wooyoung had apologized more genuinely... or maybe intentionally is a better word

Nipsy February 2, 2021 2:26 am

That title is straight propaganda...

90 chapters and there was not a single boy pregnant at boys school >:((

Still... I'm glad I made to the end to see them happy

Nipsy January 29, 2021 7:13 pm

Sluts turn me off... no better way to make the sex feel meaningless than to have one of the characters regard it as totally unimportant. Except of course its important to make sure that their partner is good enough at it to keep around...

    Samkeesh January 30, 2021 12:12 pm

    Dude stop slut shaming

    Blaubeerchen27 February 1, 2021 12:27 am
    Dude stop slut shaming Samkeesh

    Dude said "Sluts turn me off", that's got nothing to do with shaming, but is called an opinion. Stop acting like opinions are illegal now.

    Samkeesh February 1, 2021 5:06 pm
    Dude said "Sluts turn me off", that's got nothing to do with shaming, but is called an opinion. Stop acting like opinions are illegal now. Blaubeerchen27

    You calling someone a slut is slut shaming

    Yuuri February 2, 2021 5:18 am

    ..... I hope you stub ur toe on a corner....... (︶︿︶)=凸

    Blaubeerchen27 February 3, 2021 2:13 pm
    You calling someone a slut is slut shaming Samkeesh

    I never even called someone a slut? The person in question simply said "Sluts turn me off", not sth like "Sluts are horrible". Stop making peoples opinions a big thing.

Nipsy January 27, 2021 5:50 pm

I cant imagine intentionally ruining or causing misunderstandings in another person's relationship... what a bitch... like maybe he ruffled your feathers a bit but to be that petty... wow

Nipsy January 27, 2021 5:37 pm

Uke is causing all the conflict in their relationship... can't stop getting drunk with another dominant alpha and won't look at things from the semes perspective at all... I love wooyoung and this story but I cannot stand this arc. Why does he keep hanging out with liam?? Like Liam is taunting the seme whenever he can... and even though he is pretty decent in the fact that he doesn't ever take advantage of wooyoung he still knows he's causing conflict in their relationship. But for some reason wooyoung is gonna not only keep hanging out with him but keep getting sloppily drunk with him and let liam take care of his drunk ass... has he not considered how that makes the seme feel?? What does he think the seme is mad at?? Cause even when he's trying to surprise the seme to apologize the moment the seme doesn't do exactly what wooyoung planned he goes out drinking with liam again... like wtf... ugh just want to be through this arc.... thank you translators for getting these updates out fast! Let's catch those raws

Nipsy January 27, 2021 3:07 am

Any cheating??

    ssinners January 27, 2021 3:09 am


    Avabobava January 27, 2021 5:12 am

    even if not technically, it will feel like it. there's sex with others while the main couple are getting together.

    Nipsy January 27, 2021 1:32 pm
    even if not technically, it will feel like it. there's sex with others while the main couple are getting together. Avabobava

    That's what I needed to hear. Thank you!!

    Avabobava January 28, 2021 4:56 am
    That's what I needed to hear. Thank you!! Nipsy

    you’re welcome! i totally feel you. i needed to know the same, checked for cheating tag and checked comments, felt assured by that “nope”, and then while reading was struck with “wait but... somone answered ‘nope’...” i had stopped reading midway specifically to respond haha. then kept reading to the end and am glad i did. ^_^

    Nipsy January 28, 2021 6:48 am
    you’re welcome! i totally feel you. i needed to know the same, checked for cheating tag and checked comments, felt assured by that “nope”, and then while reading was struck with “wait but... somone answ... Avabobava

    Is it worth reading by the end?? Ugh I hate when they sleep with other people after being interested in eachother...

    Avabobava January 29, 2021 4:39 am
    Is it worth reading by the end?? Ugh I hate when they sleep with other people after being interested in eachother... Nipsy

    it gets... real rough. the non-exclusive sex was ultimately for tragic reasons. the story has serious angst. the healing was worth it to me - it's absolutely a love, loving, and lovely story with a happy ending.

    Nipsy January 29, 2021 4:44 am
    it gets... real rough. the non-exclusive sex was ultimately for tragic reasons. the story has serious angst. the healing was worth it to me - it's absolutely a love, loving, and lovely story with a happy ending... Avabobava

    Thanks for telling me I will most likely end up reading it

    Avabobava January 29, 2021 5:32 am
    Thanks for telling me I will most likely end up reading it Nipsy

    you're most welcome! i'd like to know what you think of it when/if you do. to be safe, have pure fluff lined up for after reading haha. fluff sandwich! ^_^

    Nipsy January 29, 2021 6:06 am
    you're most welcome! i'd like to know what you think of it when/if you do. to be safe, have pure fluff lined up for after reading haha. fluff sandwich! ^_^ Avabobava

    I'll make sure to prepare a good revocery Manga! I will be sure to tell you my review I imagine ill have plenty to say

    Avabobava January 30, 2021 5:25 am
    I'll make sure to prepare a good revocery Manga! I will be sure to tell you my review I imagine ill have plenty to say Nipsy

    yay! I saw you've also read a tooon of manga haha. i look forward to your thoughts on it ^_^

    Nipsy February 1, 2021 4:58 am
    yay! I saw you've also read a tooon of manga haha. i look forward to your thoughts on it ^_^ Avabobava

    You've read more than me so I guess we both both have an addiction so after reading it my thoughts are a bit conflicted. The first season was good, they had a clear understanding of no strings and I was prepared for the promiscuity of the uke so that was fine, and it was settled pretty earlier that they were gonna commit to eachother. Cuteness then ensues thankfully...

    BUT THEN in like the last five chapters there's a suprise rape?!?! I thought that was so random like it didn't cause or resolve any conflict it was just thrown in out of nowhere?? And the conflict that had been hinted at, the new coworker that was trying to capture the attention of our golden seme, is totally dropped and never mentioned again?? He didn't even get to really confess he was totally interrupted and then was never brought up again which seemed so random... but then so did the rape so I guess the author didn't have a complete plan on how they wanted to end it... thank God the uke actually fought against the rapest... nothing bugs me more than when a character gets raped and keeps their hands against against wall or something instead of trying to fight their atracker at all... my heart broke for the uke during that scene and when the seme comes

    Either way I'm glad I can add it to my collection of yaoi knowledge and the fluff in the middle of the story was super cute! And this artist sure can draw a hot seme and pretty uke, the read was definitely easy on the eyes. Now it's time to read that fluff I lined up and recovery after that rollercoaster

    Avabobava February 5, 2021 3:31 am
    You've read more than me so I guess we both both have an addiction so after reading it my thoughts are a bit conflicted. The first season was good, they had a clear understanding of no strings and I was prepar... Nipsy

    Absolutely an addiction! I’m returning after a few days of watching several live action BL’s, and now I’m back haha! My main rotation is yaoi and fanfics (also I love me some manga fanfics), and then sprinkle in the BL series haha. The live action I juuust finished is for the shounen ai: “Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” I hadn’t read it or even knew it existed since I don’t really look at ongoing haha. The live action was super cute! One complaint though... Sure it’s shounen ai, and I shouldn’t have expected the main couple to kiss onscreen.. but the side couple kiss twice! If they’re going to have kissing, gimme main couple kissing! So I’m back to yaoi for my smut fix. ^_^

    Should I have warned you about the surprise rape? Sorry! I was shocked and hurt that the uke had to suffer up til the end. Did author think his recovery, realizing his self-worth, and fighting for himself really need to be tested that last time? :( :( Maybe also they wanted a reason to have the guy locked up in jail as a conclusion? But that could’ve been resolved without the violent suprise rape. Rollercoaster that it was, the cuteness definitely made it for me, and the seme’s acceptance and love was just so beautiful!

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