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jistarlights created a topic of 5 Seconds

the main story was a good read the plot was original and smut scenes were chef's kiss but the other one shots are VERY questionable

jistarlights created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

everything happened bc of their dynamics none would've happened at such a young age if they weren't fated pairs in the first place since haruka hasn't presented yet so yeah it's mega fantasy fiction i won't bring in morals and such to judge a goddamn abo where omega males even get pregnant let's be ffr now... i enjoyed the relationship buildup (very typical tbh) and the art was beautiful

jistarlights created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

i'm screaming at the progress AND THE TENSION PLS KISS ALREADY

jistarlights created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

these two are leaving my heart in shambles their falling in love journey is so precious!!!!

as much as i liked the premise bc of how relatable the mc is i didn't like the way sex was present at almost every chap like i get it's part of their development as characters and a potential couple but bc of how much they're doing it i lost touch with the story progress like i'd be finally reaching that cathartic level of pain i identify with and they'd be at each other and ruin the depressive pleasure i get from angst it's a pity the smut frequency spoiled the story's essence to me so i couldn't help but drop i think i expected more since i specifically look for characters that need therapy and i didn't find the kind of consistent depth i was looking for

jistarlights created a topic of Sweet Heart Trigger

i loved the angst regardless of how extreme it was (guns offing and all) and i relate so much to cole except the fact that i can never project my own illness onto anyone like that... that part kinda threw me off like the toxicity is very clear but at the same time i feel bad for both him and alex bc the latter is clueless most of the times and the former never speaks up, if communication (and uh therapy) were present everything's would've been different in a good way but then we'd have no cole and alex bc that's how they're built and that's how their journey's supposed to evolve i'm really confused as to how this story is making me feel

i don't like how the angst was resolved nothing makes any sense and everything's dissatisfying... ig i just kept reading bc naho is a cutie pie and he's super sweet he deserves so much better

jistarlights created a topic of Sketch

we are def intruding

jistarlights created a topic of Blood Sacrifice

i just finished all 70 chaps last night and lost my shit bc i thought it's completed so i had to finish the last chap and extras by reading the raws since i can understand more korean than malay or other available translations and suddenly i get an update TODAY?? AFTER HALF A YEAR this feels like fate lmao the update is messy but thank you for the effort <3 this story was pretty addicting to me i loved oje and seoheo's character a lot the ending was quite predictable but satisfying nonetheless

jistarlights created a topic of Someone Like You

happiness looks the best on them!! this is such a heartwarming ending the playful bickering the gushing wind the sun's warmth and the memories of a first meeting on the rooftop whilst reuniting once again as a couple that's growing healthier emotionally and mentally <3

jistarlights created a topic of Mayoke no Darling

someone recommended this precious manga in the comments of shiba-kun to shepherd-san and i'm here for this fluffy super adorable wholesome pattern pls rec more cute works like these!!

so cute so sweet so precious so wholesome i couldn't stop smiling and giggling throughout the chaps and for those saying that he's being infantilised both in character design and treatment, petite sized males who're innocently child-like at that age (a fresh college student) and whose partners would dote on bc they're super adorable do exist irl though not so commonly i personally didn't think he's built in a way that's aiming to make it feel like shota or sth

jistarlights created a topic of 8nin no Senshi

this is one of the most unserious yaois i've ever read icb i'm finding this entertaining i need therapy

jistarlights created a topic of Love Sick Dog

i'm officially hooked on this story I LOVE THEIR DYNAMICS SO MUCH!!! the "he deserves to love" and "he deserves to be loved" are still stuck in my head i'm not okay

THIS IS WHAT GETS YOU FOR NOT SHARING SHIT WITH YOUR PARTNER like how is it you're buying promise rings when you're hiding one thing after another which you KNOW it'll eventually make you both drift apart... not to mention this secrecy is fueling seoan's anxiety and making him do shit like snooping around and fixing shit behind woowon's back *face palm* mututal honesty and trust have so much value than a box of matching rings sigh

jistarlights created a topic of Mary Jane

shit's abt to go down

jistarlights created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

i feel so bad for the mc but that's literally what he signed up for catching feelings in this type of workplace is like playing with fire

jistarlights created a topic of Crucial Point

we love accurate bdsm representation!!! i wonder how shit will go down once they catch feelings ouf