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jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Ganjigarame

umm this was disgusting, BUT at the same time I wanted them to know about their feelings for each other lol. So as much as I hate incest, I also hate hidden requited love and sad endings.
Ultimately, I just wish I was not so curious cuz then I wouldn't have read this dumpster fire of a manga in the first place lmaoo.


I'm sorry but I loved Alex's character, I found him interesting asf. Even more so than the mc. Understanding him and his psychological issues plus watching what he was gonna do next was the highlight of this story for me. But ofcourse I'm not excusing any of his actions at all.
Anyways, I genuinely believed that almost everyone was gonna die when I got close to the end lol so I had my mind a little bit prepared, yet instead Alex dies and Clark goes scot free??? huh??? Especially when majority of what led to the ex getting killed was HIS fault???
I wholeheartedly believe that Clark should have died too. Everyone in the comments talks about how they love the ending but it was so unsatisfactory to me. But aleast no one ended up together, cuz everyone in this story is toxic as hell lmao.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Love for Sale

I've finished reading this and this is literally one of my favorite BLs in LIFEE. Sieon is my absolute fav. One of the greenest green flags an ml can be in BL history. I love him so much, highkey want someone like him irl lol.
But anyways, the plot, their relationship, the ARTTT, I absolutely loved it all<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Love Shuttle

This MIGHT be the best omegaverse ever
The side stories don't exist to me idgaf┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Mania

it was great just wish the uke never had sex with the friend (yes ik him & mc weren't together then but I'm still hung up on that lol( T∀T))
But fr, this was insane. it was so angsty yet really sweet and the ending was so satisfactory. It was an amazing story with well written characters.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Dropped it the moment the ukes "bff" came into the picture and that was really early on lol.

Idgaf even if it gets better later on(it probably doesn't from what I can tell from the comments), this shit is STRESSFULLL.

The seme deserved better than that uke and the drama that came along with him ┐( ・3・)┌

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Holiday

The story gets better as you go on but it would have been WAYY better without the rape and exposing him naked to his ppl like that at the beginning.
Still a good read tho and kinda wish it was longer.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Pick Up Love

Love the Pretty Seme x Buffer Uke dynamic. Plus they're so sweet together.
But I'm pissed about one thing, Leo was WAYYY too soft on those guys. He should have killed Kun and his other goons Or at least kick them out of the group for trying to KILL him. Ik thats part of his character but still, that could have died or gotten seriously hurt.
Like seriously, that bastard Kun got jealous, tried to kill someone who took care of him then stayed crying and playing the victim. disgusting.
He empathized with them way to much. Saying "no matter what I'll never force u guys out" tells me that if something like this or way worse happens he'll just let it slide again ugh.
Anyways, love the smut too<3

Pushover uke with no backbone and only tolerating everything happening to him cuz his bf looks hot .eww. Pushy ass seme that doesn't respect boundaries and doesn't understand the word "no" .eww.
This is my second & last time reading this and I don't even know how I got to finish this before. Even the sex scenes were just uncomfortable to read.
But the uke admitted to like it at the end soo...okay ig??

LOVED the smaller prettier seme x bigger thicker uke dynamic butttt
I'm sorry but imo their entire relationship felt SOOOO one sided, it's insane. And I'm not just talking about feelings here.
Seme was a shit guy at the beginning but he had so much character development, he did so much for this relationship to work, and put in A LOT of effort but the uke on the other hand... he did nothing. Seme put so much effort, time, commitment, communication and even; till the very end of the story, helped him with almost every single one of his troubles while the uke didn't do nearly as much for him besides reciprocating his feelings LAAAATTTERRR on. Even when the uke did reciprocate his feelings , he threw away their relationship and hurt the seme all over again. Ik he was afriad of love and the seme had been avoiding him and he definitely should have talked to him, but doing that to someone after everything they did for their relationship is insanity. This entire stoey was just a series of the uke hurting the seme ciz he had his "reasons" and the seme constantly running back to him, coddling and forgiving him. As much as they try to make it seem so cute and healthy with the uke finally learning to love, it's weird and unhealthy if u look at it from the seme's pov and without knowing the uke's inner dialogue.
At least they end up happy with each other at the end ig.┐(´~`;)┌

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of One more time sir

Smaller seme x bigger uke with huge tits. *Chefs kiss*( ・3・)
Haewon is cute; he gave me LOADS of second-hand embarrassment, but hes still cute and an great guy. The trainer Woojin on the other hand.... I have a question. He said he's being in multiple relationships before but told Haewon that he's his first time. how????

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Darkness Hound

honestly can't believe how much I love this shit, read this like a hundred times already (-‸ლ)
I seriously LOVE Shiro but I don't really like Lozzo cuz of his rapist cheating ass. ig he stops and changes especially at the end but still.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I do love their dynamic and how they bicker a lot lol.

I loved the first couple so much , I wish I could have a bf like Yama lol. I loved his character a lot. On the other hand, Shima pissed me off with how he never told Aiden off for being so pushy and didn't communicate his feelings until it all exploded out at the end. That part had me exiting the tab like 4 times lmao.
But honestly they were the best compared to the other couple.

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Love Replica

They looked SO GOOD WTF
Freeman as Poison Ivy almost made me faint OMGGG

jyugos_nō1stan created a topic of Cool Doji Danshi

Ahh this warms my heart, I feel so relaxed. I've been dying of laughter and second hand embarrassment so hard all through.
The entire story is so calming, the characters; even the background characters, are ALL adorable, lovable and funny as hell. They're all so relatable to me cuz I'm so clumsy and forgetful sometimes, reading this made me so embarrassed cuz I've done alot of what they've done too lmaoo. I get that's why I love and relate to Hayate the most, cuz I act exactly like him lol.
This is the best frfr.

For the first story: It was cliche and so boring also I cant understand how can u honestly like someone that would sleep with anyone at anytime for so long, couldn't be me┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌. Before they got together and even when they did, the seme was constantly jealous and watching the uke incase he jumped on another guy's dick. ., he doesn't even feel secure in their relationship. Plus the uke constantly loved to lead the seme on before and even after the seme confessed, which is such a disgusting behavior. Their entire relationship is weird and unhealthy. The only good thing about that was the ukes tits.
The second story: Is okay, it started off wierd but they end up being really cute.
The third story; is the BEST. Out of all of them honestly. Not just with the plot but the characters and their amazing chemistry, plus their relationship is also cute and healthy. That one should have been the one to have more than one chapter wtf.
I'm conclusion, the first story sucked and the third is the best.v( ̄ー ̄)v