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forreal March 1, 2024 12:51 pm

I really love this work, but it's getting too long with unnecessary couples. I don't understand the need to make everyone around the main couple gay. Like expect for Lingwei's couple, every other character of some importance turned out to be gay. Just how and why? Most of the female characters in this have bad characterization. Why not have a healthy balance.

And the latest story... Uhh.. Incest. Was that really necessary? Really feels like grooming.. I really hope they do not end up being a couple.. Just going to skip this though.

Concept of spin-offs, prequel and sequel exists. Why not create a different title for different couples so that one story does not effect the other. Many a times the second couple leaves a bad taste (true with vice-versa) and this effects the feelings for the whole manga. I don't understand the need to jam pack everything under one title, when most stories like this can be read absolutely independently.

forreal March 1, 2024 11:07 am

I don't understand why authors feel the need to include flashbacks in thier works. It's very difficult to get it right and this work is not one of them.

This work has some serious issues with pacing and transition into the flashback. Feels very forced.

Since the plot is so good, and author took the time to write such detailed world building, it would have been much better if the story had been told in chronological order.

The plot about politics is very rare in BL. Really loving it so far. The character development of Soleite due to Brian is well written. They really share a very strong bond. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

Since both the dragons are so obsessed with Brian, they just see Brian when they see Ian. Ian seems to be a replacement for Brian at this point. Even with the same soul, they are different people. Their life experiences and personalities are different. So, not sure how that's going to be resolved. Hope, Ian gets away from both the dragons and lives a fulfilling life elsewhere.

    Gray March 2, 2024 1:41 pm

    My thoughts exactly. Im not even sure how they are going to explain that the two MLs arent obsessed with Brian instead of Ian, because I seriously don’t think its possible. I feel so bad for Ian.

    forreal March 3, 2024 3:36 am
    My thoughts exactly. Im not even sure how they are going to explain that the two MLs arent obsessed with Brian instead of Ian, because I seriously don’t think its possible. I feel so bad for Ian. Gray


forreal January 20, 2024 6:02 pm

How did 2 blonds on the cover suddenly turn into a blond and a black haired guy? And again with the blond as uke. Sick of this.

And looking at this author's works, looks like they have a serious blond fetish.

forreal March 3, 2024 8:02 am

Rant +1 - Here to add my own rant to the sea of rants in the topics section.

Warning - This is going to be long.

I am very much bothered about them hiding Motoki's girlfriend's shoes, when the shoe stand is clearly inside the house. I just can't make sense of this. Why? I mean, why would the ex-husband know Hayato's house. Ok, even if he stalked and got to know the location, why would they allow him into the house so that he can see the shoes? Even if he somehow forced his way in, why would he stop there and not look inside the rooms? He is clearly obsessive if he did all that.

Having got that out of my system.

I understand Hayato helping his friend. Even though it's his ex, they are childhood friends. I even understand him saying that helping Motoki is the most important thing now. Because a single person (even if it's your lover or spouse) cannot be the focal point of your life all the time. And seeing how dangerous the situation was, I quite admire him for helping out his friend.

What I do not understand is him asking Jun to not contact him and not explaining anything (even vaguely) to him. Asking Jun to not come to his house might make sense, since he might not want Jun to get mixed up in dangerous situation. But why ask him not to contact him? Phones exist in the manga, why not make use of it and have a conversation. Something like "Hey, sorry for leaving like that yesterday, but my friend is in deep trouble and really needs my help right now. It would be better if you don't come by my place for a few days since I do not want to involve you in this mess.".

I understand why Jun was not very assertive. In the first place, he had an unrequited love, then he had a one night stand with Hayato after Hayato cried for Motoki not to leave him. The morning after, Hayato asked him to go out but he is clearly not over Motoki. At this point Jun is clearly a substitute. Even after that Hayato never took the initiative to know more about Jun. He does not know where he works or where he lives. Still looks like a substitute or a bed partner at best. After the first call for help, Hayato left without explanation (understandable since the situation is urgent), but he did not explain even after he met him the next day, that too when he missed Jun's birthday.

Yes, he gave a ring, but does that really signify anything? No, Emotionless giving is a thing. Jun for some reason felt that as a declaration of love. Wow. I guess when you want to hang on, anything can be a reason. Then the day after Hayato again asked him not to contact and come to his house. Even after that, he goes to Hayato's house to talk, but comes across an intimate scene between ex-lovers. I don't see how he is supposed to be secure in this type of relationship. Him leaving and changing his number makes sense with his status in the relationship. Even after finding out Jun's address he allowed Motoki to meet him before himself. Like, do you have a brain? Making him meet Motoki after or at least meeting Jun together would have made sense, but making Motoki talk to him first. I still don't see his love here. I feel he just does not want to let go of the convenient toy since his ex already has someone else.

Yes, the issue here is lack of communication but mostly from Hayato's end. Yet, all of them unanimously put the whole blame on Jun. His only fault is staying in that relationship and even returning to that stupidity again after leaving, without Hayato not seriously repenting.

And Motoki... I don't see how testing Jun in this situation is helping out. He even goes so far as to tell Jun that he is getting back together with Hayato. What a way of making someone feel secure in their relationship.

Also, Jun's boss giving out his address to his lover's ex or any random person for that matter. Totally unprofessional.

forreal January 15, 2024 2:20 pm

Trigger Warning - Gore

This is such an interesting and unique concept. Loving it so far.

Quite different from other manga with Psychological tag, which tend to have r@pe as backstory or child abuse as main focus. Thank you Author for breaking that streak.

forreal January 4, 2024 11:58 am

I actually like a lot of this authors work. (S)he defied a lot of stereotypes in the old works. But her/his recent works all have light haired guys as the uke. Not deifying the light haired uke stereotype at all. Disappointed.

forreal January 4, 2024 9:39 am

I liked MDZS and was looking for similar novels. I started reading this because someone recommended this. Big mistake. I honestly could not continue with this. Too much r@pe and torture.

And what's with Mo Ran... is he an idiot... How oblivious can one be about their own thoughts.. I understand he did not know about Waning's feelings or his effort.. It's understandable he is oblivious about that.. but your own feelings.. And how does that give him any right to trample on other people.

Even after reincarnation he is the same idiot. He still has disgusting thoughts and gets jealous and irrationally possessive. The plot is too rape and rape thoughts centric and romance (from Waning's side. I don't understand why you would have to put up with that shit just because you love him).

I read in the comments that he does change for the better, but I am not sure if it's worth reading the whole thing for the redemption.

    yeni January 10, 2024 4:54 pm

    He does go through a major redemption arc, aside from the SA, he's a very morally grey character based off his back story which is super dark.

    There's basically a major plot twist which will explain his horrible unjust hatred for Chu Wanning and why he became Taxian-Jun.

    Again it doesn't excuse what he did but it does add some background to it. (Also yes he is a huge idiot)

    Honestly, going by the official novel, his redemption arc really starts in novel 3 and you truly see his change of character by 4.

    The ending I felt like it wasn't enough with the amount of torture that most characters go through, it felt a bit rushed ykno? I was told there would be a happy ending but it felt more bittersweet.

    Overall this novel is truly dark, I don't recommend it to you. I think if you want MDZS related stuff, a good start would be reading other MXTX novels like Heavenly Official Blessings or SVSSS.

    I hope this helps! (as someone who finished the novel yesterday)

    forreal January 11, 2024 10:39 am
    He does go through a major redemption arc, aside from the SA, he's a very morally grey character based off his back story which is super dark. There's basically a major plot twist which will explain his horribl... yeni

    Based on what I read so far, I can only describe him as morally dark :(

    I don't mind reading some dark stuff, but this just has tooo much explicit dark stuff. I at least need the abuser to suffer and grovel (Even then I sometimes don't feel they deserve forgiveness. Especially in r@pe cases.) and an extraordinary redemption arc for such works. But based on your comment, that doesn't seem to be the case :(

    I think I will skip this. Thanks for providing more information on this though :)

    Yeah. I read all of MXTX works, truly love them :)

forreal January 3, 2024 4:07 pm

This is hilarious. The interactions between the emperor and his dragon are so funny. Cracks me up every time.

forreal January 3, 2024 3:54 pm

I have a very bad feeling about this. Could some one tell me if this has child r@pe or similar things.

Seriously this site needs mandatory Trigger Warning when creating a new manga.

    son of thors January 4, 2024 7:24 am


    son of thors January 4, 2024 7:24 am

    Sorry that was random

    forreal January 4, 2024 7:39 am
    Sorry that was random son of thors

    I understand how this might be random from my part. But lately I am having really bad luck with these things. Authors just put Child r@pe or prostitution in manga for no apparent reason and with no prior warning. And as usual shove everything under the rug as if this is not a serious topic and even write explicit scenes.

    So just me trying to save my sanity by getting to know any such additions in advance.

    forreal January 4, 2024 7:41 am
    I understand how this might be random from my part. But lately I am having really bad luck with these things. Authors just put Child r@pe or prostitution in manga for no apparent reason and with no prior warnin... forreal

    I try to tag and put explicit Trigger Warnings in such cases as well, since I am sure there are people like me who do not want to be hit in the face with such scenarios or scenes suddenly.

    son of thors January 4, 2024 10:08 am
    I understand how this might be random from my part. But lately I am having really bad luck with these things. Authors just put Child r@pe or prostitution in manga for no apparent reason and with no prior warnin... forreal

    No worries I completely understand. So much so when no discretion is advised especially when you're having a rough time and don't want to see anything of the sort. This genre tends to not only put it in their work but also romanticize a lot of it which just make people feel even worse. But to answer ur question no I don't think this has anything with children in it, I doubt it. It might have rape in it though but honestly speaking I'm not sure, only read up to chapter four. Someone said the raws go up to like ch 50 but I'm not sure myself

    forreal January 4, 2024 10:34 am
    No worries I completely understand. So much so when no discretion is advised especially when you're having a rough time and don't want to see anything of the sort. This genre tends to not only put it in their w... son of thors

    Agreed and Thank you :)

    forreal February 9, 2024 1:06 am

    Even asking a question leads to downvoting? I just don't understand you people.

forreal January 3, 2024 3:37 pm

Trigger Warning - Pedophilia, Possible Child Rape, Possible Child Prostitution, Rape, Prostitution, Forced prostitution

Disgusting characters. Case of Rape fetishism. Too explicit. Not needed in the least.

Only saving grace is Yona. Had to skip a lot of parts to be able to read this.

    kazis January 3, 2024 5:17 pm

    Is there even a point in reading with so much skipping?

    Lilith January 3, 2024 6:55 pm

    What do you mean "P3dophilia"?!

    TSUKKISAV January 3, 2024 7:20 pm
    What do you mean "P3dophilia"?! Lilith

    Mafia guy towards Chang-Il, he litch said that he “waited for him to grow up a bit”, there was even a whole chapter and it was disgusting and then r*ped him the first chance that he got when he was grown??

    kazis January 3, 2024 7:22 pm

    Mangago, stop editing my comments or add something like "edited by mangago" OR give me a notification and please tell what I said wrong.
    I literally said only "It's better to read something you enjoy instead, isn't it". What's wrong with this question??

    forreal January 4, 2024 7:52 am
    Is there even a point in reading with so much skipping? kazis

    Unfortunately I came to know about the trigger events after I started reading. And just want to know how it works out for him. I did skip a lot of it to be honest ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    This is exactly the reason I feel this site needs a mandatory Trigger Warning section on the manga page.

    I agree with you that it does not make sense to read it by skipping so much, and I have in the past stopped reading manga with explicit child R@pe, child sexual torture since I found it very disgusting and disturbing. To the point that I can't stomach it and it triggers me even thinking about it. I curse those authors for even writing that shit.

    kazis January 4, 2024 8:10 am
    Unfortunately I came to know about the trigger events after I started reading. And just want to know how it works out for him. I did skip a lot of it to be honest ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭This is exactly the reason I ... forreal

    Yeah, some sites at least have appropriate tags..

    forreal January 4, 2024 9:18 am
    Yeah, some sites at least have appropriate tags.. kazis

    Agreed.. But even if you tag something in mangago, with so many tags, they are hardly visible. I prefer a separate trigger warning section just above the description. Makes it glaringly obvious..

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