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forreal October 19, 2023 1:17 pm

Even deifying other stereotypes like height etc, WHY THE HELL DO authors never defy the Light Haired UKE stereotype. Every single uke author drew (seeing the works from the author section) has light hair. Disgusting..

forreal October 19, 2023 10:43 am

All the omegas expect the second couple are blond. All the male alphas except the second couple are dark haired. Like how. Like why. If this is the type of world you are building may be start with blond represents omega and dark hair represents alpha. Would have made more sense than this.

2 brothers are in relationship with a different pair of brothers. Each pair of brothers has an uke and seme (omega and alpha).

Joo brothers - Joo Ian has blond hair and Joo Jihwan has black hair
Ro brothers - Ro Jaeho have dark hair and Ro Miho has blond hair

Joo Ian is omega/uke and Ro Miho is omega/uke. Both blond hair. Being the uke.

My understanding of genetics says that brothers would not have such complete 180/ opposite hair colors. Ok assume that due to some rare strong genes, one of them might have inherited a different color. How in the hell did only the omega/ukes inherit this trait? And not just one but both the omegas from the 2 pairs of brothers did. Where is the logic in this?

Coming to the children.... Stupidity ensues
Why is the blond twin an omega? The Dark Haired twin is the alpha and of course his omega partner is blond. And the blond twin would obviously be paired with the dark haired alpha (Noah?). Just stupid racial domination or fetishism thing these authors seem to have. Uke almost always needs to have lighter hair than seme.

Also are there no other families or no other alpha or omega in this? Why the hell do even the child get together only between these 2 families. Extreme fantasy with no sense.

    gracefae October 20, 2023 5:42 pm

    It ain’t that deep

    Zolibum October 20, 2023 7:32 pm

    Babes you’re reading a story set in a universe with people that have the ability to release pheromones and cis men can get pregnant… I don’t understand why you expected a piece of literature that showcased common sense

    forreal October 21, 2023 5:08 am
    Babes you’re reading a story set in a universe with people that have the ability to release pheromones and cis men can get pregnant… I don’t understand why you expected a piece of literature that showcase... Zolibum

    I read a lot of science fiction. Even though they have a lot of elements which are out of this world, they do something called as world building. Setting up the rules and culture for that world. If it's not done then we can assume real world rules apply. That's why in the first sentence of OP I mentioned about world building.

    And what's wrong with looking for some sort of common sense in fiction, it's still written by real people. And the genre is definitely not "crack", so... yeah I still look for logic unless otherwise mentioned in world building.

    ChillingonPluto January 10, 2024 3:11 pm

    You are so right about everything you mentioned, I totally agree with you.

    ChillingonPluto January 10, 2024 3:29 pm

    You are so right about everything you mentioned, I totally agree with you. I will add, It was so cringe when Lia was surprised that Jae got darker due to the sun as if tanning is something horrendous. These characters also look nothing ethnically Korean, they are racially ambiguous leaning towards Europeans or mixed with Europeans. What will a manwha be without the white saviour aka Matthew lol. I’m mixed also so I don’t mind Matthew and his omega but both their characters didn’t add much to the story except their children being partners for the other couple children. Seems like the artist/author have some kind of fetish for Europeans lol.

    forreal January 11, 2024 10:26 am
    You are so right about everything you mentioned, I totally agree with you. I will add, It was so cringe when Lia was surprised that Jae got darker due to the sun as if tanning is something horrendous. These cha... ChillingonPluto


forreal October 19, 2023 9:57 am

Trigger Warning - Child Rape, Child Abuse, Too much rape, Gang rape

Too much rape and too little story. Even though that is important for this storyline, the story just doesn't move along. You get one glimpse of some story development and the next thing is a rape scene.

    BLdreamarmy October 27, 2023 6:51 pm

    This is literally traumatizing, even as a person who've watched lot of toxic bl/yaoi this is by far the worst.
    I don't even think the author would let a happy ending at this point

    forreal October 28, 2023 7:02 am
    This is literally traumatizing, even as a person who've watched lot of toxic bl/yaoi this is by far the worst.I don't even think the author would let a happy ending at this point BLdreamarmy

    Yes. Agreed

    forreal November 7, 2023 12:28 pm

    I was waiting for the severe punishment for the bad guys and also the condemnation of child rape. At this point I don't see that happening. This is just turning into another disgusting manga.

forreal October 19, 2023 9:45 am

Cultist rape/rituals. EWWWWWW........

They are twins and somehow one of them is blond and somehow he is the one to take all the disgusting rape and abuse as part of some stupid cultist rituals.

forreal October 15, 2023 10:01 am

Trigger Warning (Ch 5 and 6) : Child Rape, Child Prostitution, Racial Rape

This was just plain DISGUSTING. I wish I did not read this. Though I like Robert's resolve to save his friend.

Given the fact that majority of the time in BL the light haired person would be the uke or a seme who was raped as a child or seme turned uke, I always had the conviction that it was majorly due to racial domination (other reason being racial fetishism). Why else would these manga have such a huge amount of light haired people when Chinese, Japanese and Korean have predominantly black/dark hair.

I see the same pattern in Shonen and hetero manga too. Characters from other genre like Nakago, Aois Trancy, Mcgillis Fareed, Jugram from Bleach (heavily implied) are some of the blond characters who were abused/raped as children.

Kaito from "Himegoto - Juukyuusai No Seifuku" was r@ped as a child as well and somehow he is a Light haired as well.
Ash from Banana Fish shares the same fate, being repeatedly r@ped and somehow he is also blond.
"Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru" - Pedro attempted to rape Minoru on three seperate occasions. And surprise surprise Minoru is a blond as well.
Hisoka from Yami no Matsuei
Touga Kiryuu from Utena
Sakurai Hiroto from Gantz
Attemped rape on Sanzo from Saiyuki

I hardly see this happening to dark haired counter parts (not saying it doesn't happen but it's very minute).

Let's not forget about manga with light haired ukes, which constitutes of 80 to 90% BL. It's a widely accepted fact that most have r@pe. So we can safely infer that 80 to 90 % of those r@pe victims are again light haired characters.

This manga further strengths my conviction about Racial domination being passed off as normal in these manga.

Disclaimer : This is my opinion and people do not have to agree to this and I am sure no one would.

Note: I just consolidated all the messages into one since I am having issues every time I edit the post.

forreal October 14, 2023 4:59 pm

Trigger Warning: Child Abuse

So nobody but Motoki saw you as you and not just an alpha.. and how do you respond to that? By colluding with some guys to attack Motoki, put him in danger, made everything look like a coincidence, earn sympathy, then rape him and then basically talk to others as if it was his fault for being an omega. WOW! YOU JUST BROKE HIS TRUST. Just because you love him. Why not, I don't know confess like a normal person, where he might actually reciprocate your feelings.

And Motoki was just upset for maybe 10 panels and then he forgives him.. Like how.. Not only that but actively pursues him.. Like why..

Why do I even try to find logic in these. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

forreal September 7, 2023 2:51 pm

Me reading the latest chapter - Good that Juhan changed for the better...
Me re-reading from the start - This just pisses me off.. He Gu deserves better. Just leave the guy

forreal August 18, 2023 12:41 pm

Trigger Warning : Drugged and Raped, Forced Pregnancy

What the hell. Hwan actually drugged Haejin, forcing him into an induced heat and making him pregnant. This just pisses me off. I hope they don't end up together.. but unfortunately that would be the case :( At the very least don't forgive him so easily

    SAMMY! August 25, 2023 2:34 pm

    What?! And hate I thought he was changing for yhe better.

    passerby August 25, 2023 8:28 pm

    Thank you so much for this omg, now I know not to waste my time and read this garbage

    Uska August 26, 2023 1:41 am
    What?! And hate I thought he was changing for yhe better. SAMMY!

    I'm pretty sure they're talking about what already happened, not the raws.

    suzue August 26, 2023 9:04 am
    I'm pretty sure they're talking about what already happened, not the raws. Uska

    Can you gib raws link please ?

forreal August 17, 2023 7:47 pm

All I can think about is.... If Juwon is working for so many teams already and he is assigned with work of another person from different team.. Why doesn't he switch jobs?

I understand that overwork and no work life balance is a thing in Asian countries, but you can only go on for so long....

    fuku August 18, 2023 4:26 am

    i can only think that because he's in charge in a lot of projects and responsibilities that keeps getting pushed off to him he can't really abandon them? and he doesn't t switch jobs because he doesn't think he'll be accepted elsewhere which is oof

    forreal August 18, 2023 12:32 pm

    That's just sad.. That too for such a competent person..

forreal August 17, 2023 6:08 pm

Even deifying other stereotypes like height etc, WHY THE HELL DO authors never defy the BLOND UKE stereotype.

SICK OF THIS stupidity already. Why the hell is the blond almost always (LIKE 90% of the time) a uke. WHEN in doubt BLOND is the uke.

    tomiebaby August 23, 2023 7:18 am

    You could have skipped this and move on, you know...

    forreal September 7, 2023 2:58 pm

    I did move on. Doesn't mean I can't comment. I have the same right to uphold my opinion as everyone else does. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    forreal October 15, 2023 4:52 am

    Point being that I don't leave a comment on every manga which has lighter haired uke. If I can infer that from the poster, then I just skip it. Even though I am of the opinion that sex position has nothing to do with physical or mental attributes, I learned to see the cues which help me skip the manga. This is like 80 - 90% of the manga on this site.

    But it irks me when I start reading the manga and then suddenly I see all stereotypes being defied except for light haired uke stereotype. Or manga like Heat and Run where the hair color defies all logic of genes.

    (The following has sensitive content. Trigger Warnings)

    What irks me even more is I start reading manga with light haired seme and suddenly he has a tragic past where he was r@ped.

    Since I ignore manga with light haired uke, I first thought it was due to my ignorance of any manga with dark haired seme going through the same thing. I then did some research, and found that it was not my ignorance but a fact. Till now I could find only 4 to 5 of those. This applies to not just seme characters, but male characters from non BL genre. This just points to some twisted sense of racial domination or fetishism.

    --Sensitive Content End

    I am of the belief that unless you acknowledge the problem exists you cannot do anything about it.

    If you thing I am ignorant, then please provide me with data and hard facts. I am open to hearing out different opinion.

    Note: I do read some manga with light haired uke with exceptional story line.

    J713D January 3, 2024 10:00 pm
    Point being that I don't leave a comment on every manga which has lighter haired uke. If I can infer that from the poster, then I just skip it. Even though I am of the opinion that sex position has nothing to d... forreal

    I don't know much about it but since apparently you have lots of knowledge could you please tell me IF there's any story with a switch couple?

    forreal January 4, 2024 7:29 am
    I don't know much about it but since apparently you have lots of knowledge could you please tell me IF there's any story with a switch couple? J713D

    I don't see how this is anyway related to what I said in the comment.

    J713D January 4, 2024 7:17 pm
    I don't see how this is anyway related to what I said in the comment. forreal

    It's not related AT ALL I'm SO sorry

    It's just look like I could ask so thank you so much!

    forreal January 5, 2024 11:50 am
    It's not related AT ALL I'm SO sorry It's just look like I could ask so thank you so much! J713D

    You could literally get better results by doing a simple google search like "Switch Couple mangago". People here go gaga over stuff like that and tag it very well.

    kaylalou January 20, 2024 4:32 am

    i’ve never thought of it as a stereotype cause i never noticed it. most of the bls ive read have either both dark hair or the uke has dark hair would u like some suggestions?

    forreal January 20, 2024 7:55 am
    i’ve never thought of it as a stereotype cause i never noticed it. most of the bls ive read have either both dark hair or the uke has dark hair would u like some suggestions? kaylalou

    I have been reading BL for over a decade. I have read the very old works as well as the new ones. I can safely say, that the number of manga with uke having lighter hair than seme is way more.

    As of 2024-01-20, there are # of manga listed on this site.

    Yaoi - 234 (pages) * 48 (per page) = 11,232
    Shonen Ai - 82 * 48 = 3,936

    Total = 15,168

    Excluding Dj from this = 11,943

    I have gone through around 6800 to 7200 manga out of this and created a block list for myself. The count as of today is 5856.

    This block list count includes manga with
    1. lighter haired uke
    2. light haired seme who were r@ped as child
    3. Seme turned uke
    4. Uke turned seme

    Manga with #2 to #4 trope, irrespective of hair color are not that high. But even in that, cases with light haired characters are more.

    Considering I read 7200 (taking the higher limit here), the block percentage is approx 80%. With this high percentage, it is a stereotype.

    I have yet to go through 4,743 works, and I am sure I will find a lot more which I can put in my block list.

    Note: The newer works are much more balanced than the older works. Like older works had a 80-90% rate and newer works around 65-75%.

    kaylalou January 22, 2024 5:54 am
    I have been reading BL for over a decade. I have read the very old works as well as the new ones. I can safely say, that the number of manga with uke having lighter hair than seme is way more.As of 2024-01-20, ... forreal

    oh wow that’s a lot of research. i read a lot of buff uke bls and they normally have dark hair. can i ask why light hair uke bothers u?

    forreal January 30, 2024 10:03 am
    oh wow that’s a lot of research. i read a lot of buff uke bls and they normally have dark hair. can i ask why light hair uke bothers u? kaylalou

    Long story short, I think this stereotype is deeply rooted in Racial Domination and Racial Fetishism.

    You can read the long story here if the shorter version is not clear enough.

    forreal January 30, 2024 10:08 am
    oh wow that’s a lot of research. i read a lot of buff uke bls and they normally have dark hair. can i ask why light hair uke bothers u? kaylalou

    or this.. Contains sensitive content (has trigger warnings)

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