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MC behaves like it's his first day on earth and left his brain and critical thinking somewhere

Gerald created a topic of Saturday's Master

People were talking about the dick size??? I'm screaming but I can understand y'all. His dick is very small for these new yaoi standards but it's actually big. Dicks weren't not that big a few years ago. Yaoi has rotted our brain hhaha

Gerald created a topic of Solo For Two

I can't get used to saysa new body figure. I can understand gaining weight but my man's face, shoulders and backs are so wide and broad now hahaha. Did the artist change perhaps? It reminds me of the body proportions in later chapters of The Origin Of Species

Gerald created a topic of Falling to Where I Belong

This is such a journey. Been rooting for them since the start and now they get to be genuinely happy. This deserves to be more propular

Gerald created a topic of One of the Four

The father is the one who sleeps around and cheated on him when they were dating in high school

Gerald created a topic of Instant Family

I don't know about "was" MC dad can still get it

Gerald created a topic of Dark Fall

Mephisto is kinda hot ngl. He never stood out before this

Gerald created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

It's been years? I remember when ths got released and I was like wow let's wait for a while till they will be together so I can binge read it with no stress. But here we are still waiting one eternity later. This shxt became so bad it's almost hilarious. What are we supposed to root for if both characters are losing their charm?

Gerald created a topic of Double Trap

So how did the ML solve his illness? Did it go away?

Gerald created a topic of Healer

Necrophilia??????? Wtf is ML into that omg

Gerald created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

Black hair boy, don't get yourself involved. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN cause you're not the ML. That psycho is

Gerald created a topic of Instant Family

Y'all said the father is HOT but I don't think so

Gerald created a topic of Limited Run

He's gonna reject him and they will stop seeing each others. More drama and plot dragging ahead

Gerald created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear


The plot is giving Last Christmas

Gerald created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Acting shocked but have y'all not read the original version (he fucked him on the dinner table Infront of their parents ) which is also fucked up. Apparently, that was popular so the author made it into a full story.

Y'all know what you signed up for. The seme is a walking red flag and he's sick in the head ( literally) because of his illness. He isn't normal and that's the point of this manga. The story also acknowledges that he is TRASH. He isn't gonna CHANGE and he never will because that's the way he is. This story is about this sicko UNINTENTIONALLY falling in love with the uke who says he's in love with him yet tried to take revenge on him and he finds that THRILLING and YET CONFUSING.

At first, he didn't understand why Inseob was tolerating him (most people quit) when he was being shitty to him. He was confused but he started liking and curious about the idea of someone tolerating him so he took interest in that and wanted to keep him besides him. He didn't LIKE him romantically yet but he still wants to keep him no matter what so he was even more confused. He wants to understand why he's feeling this way because he's never felt like this before. Now that he knows that inseob loves him, he wants to know what it means to love someone and he's using him for it. This sicko is OBSESSED AND CONFUSED. Woo Yeon cares about Inseob but that's not enough for him to suppress his desires and instinct to destroy something. Watching this sicko falls in love and realising he's in love when he thought he can't anyone will be SATISFYING. Yes, he will be head ove heels for the uke ( and only him because he loves him) but he will still be the same sicko to others because of his illness. . It's one of those "I CAN FIX HIM" stories ( He did fix him for himself) and if you aren't into it, you should STOP.. I ain't making excuses and I have no problems with people complaining. Let's just not act surprised when something obvious happens and pretends woo yeon is supposed to be a green flag. I'm just telling you the story and the characters the way they are.

Gerald created a topic of Full Circle

Just came here because I can't block this but isn't it a CRIME to drug someone. The person who drugged the trash seme needs to go to JAIL and SUFFER for ruining someone's relationship. What an evil and shitty things to do. There're a lot of guys out there, why go after a man who's taken.

Gerald created a topic of Someone Like You

Did y'all read the last chapter? Even the ex said himself he was being weird and nosy. Shinwoo is also annoyed by him acting like he knows all about Han when they were only on a brief relationship. Anyways, The way people were just calling out the ex for being rude. But some people had to defend his behaviour and turned it into a debate. The amount of people calling that behaviour is acceptable is CRAZY which is the problem here. Is it wrong to say that was a rude thing to say to a stranger and call him out? Some people can't read it seems. If calling out his behaviour is hate then the word "hate" lost all of its meaning. Are y'all gonna warn your ex new boyfriends everytime he's dating someone new? Doesn't that sound crazy and weird to you? Why can't you move on, let him go and stop inserting yourself in his and his partner's business? both of you are adults now.

Now, why isn't the ex saying anything to Han? Because it's all in the past and he knows bringing their past relationship in his face is ridiculous since it's been a long ass time. But sure, it's ok to bring up his relationship and be rude to someone he just met like shinwoo.

And there are more things here. He's not just an ex, they only dated 2 months 8 years ago. Yes, that's almost a decade ago which is RIDICULOUS. Did y'all just overlook that bit? You might need therapy you
can't move on. Lastly, the people that needs to go outside are the ones who think this is an acceptable to do in person.

Gerald created a topic of Someone Like You

Just search this 2023 story "Maya Benberry dated the NFL star in 2016." on t^witter
It has 53m views

Since some people here are defending the EX, here's how the world reacted and viewed an EX warning a NEW girl her EX is currently dating. Nobody wants this happens to them. You won't know until it happens to you.

Here are some of the reactions cause I can't link

"I hate when girls do this. Let them be, let them experience THEIR relationship. Stop wishing negativity towards something just cause it’s not YOU. Let him go and let him be happy with whoever he chooses. It’s not your business."

"A man can treat you one way & do the next bitch 10000x better unfortunately, but they were only together 2 months? Oh brotherrrrr"

"7 yearssss agooo??? Grow up"

I would rather mop the fucking ocean than pop up 7 years later talking about an ex that betrayed me to his new girlfriend She had so much time to move on"

"People always try to cover up their hatred with false compassion. She just wants him to fail with her cause she's still hanging on their failed relationship 7 years ago. Just move on…"

"Lord, please help me to never be this thirsty and desperate for clout. Help me to never have this much Loser energy, especially as a black queen."

"For someone who is a life coach, how she doesn't see this as a bad look on her. Y'all relationship was 7 years ago, lasted 2 months, you are doing a interview about it in 2023, and you are calling him a narcissist."

"Imagine if your ex from 7 years ago had a comment on your current relationship….."

"Still talking about a relationship from 2016 is insane"

"Girl is clout chasing over a relationship that happened the year I graduated high-school. Bringing up something from 7 years ago just because he’s dating a new girl is pathetic"

"Pathetic. Why does she even get an insider? She’s a pathetic bitter ex who’s been broken up with the man longer than they were together…all this over an 8 month’s relationship??? Girl GET UP!!!

"think someone should tell her that this happened almost 10 years ago and it’s maybe just maybe time to move on….."