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This comic is a great example of why it’s so excruciatingly difficult to find a decent, compelling romance comic. The women aren’t written realistically and are fully driven by almost nothing other than their affections. Their behavior fluctuates with the situation in ways that don’t make sense. Sure, mc starts out trying to prevent her family’s destruction, but she puts figuring that issue on the back burner real quick.
Blue hair challenges all social conventions by openly pursuing swordsmanship as a woman despite taking shit from everyone around her for it….to impress her fiancée/crush. It’s not about her personal desires, goals, or satisfaction, just her desire to be with a guy. That’s her entire character despite her being depicted on the surface as a powerful, confident woman in control of her life. It’s a facade. Her character is basically a paper tiger, but in the end there’s really nothing of substance.
Even if she didn’t have memories of the future, mc knows that the prince and his friends mercilessly bullied her brother for shits and giggles, but that doesn’t stop her from starting to catch feelings and becoming “friends”. Even if she realized that there was manipulation behind the scenes later on, the prince executed her entire family in the future, but she just gets over it with no trauma reactions. She doesn’t even struggle with it a little bit mentally, just moves right on.
Silver hair blackmails her and gets really touchy, but she just blushes, makes an angry comment, and does nothing about it. She acts really “cute” and innocent with her interactions with the guys and their inappropriate behavior (especially silver hair since he knows her gender), but never rejects or confronts them as someone with that background/personality in that society would.
It just feels like a common trope to do a “have your cake and eat it too” take on the female lead who is extremely sheltered, innocent, and (romantically) conservative, but also somehow accepts or doesn’t rebuff obviously inappropriate or rude advances from attractive male characters despite the response not matching their background, the social norms of their society, or their personality .
Whatever the fl’s normal personality or background, they suddenly turn into a blushing doormat to the ml no matter how toxic or inappropriate his behavior is. But it’s fine because he’s so hot she just can’t stay mad at him. They aren’t likable or enjoyable to read because they’re not people. Mc is just a cluster of shallow responses and objective goals, but there is no consistency.

Witchery created a topic of Midnight Dweller

I think Dan was being true to character in choosing to have the baby and in trying to get rid of it when he believed it would be fatal. He is the absolute ruler of the demonic cult. Nobody questions him and he doesn’t ask for opinions or permission before making decisions. He is both possessive and insecure in his relationship with Hwan. He considered making a child the ultimate tie, ensuring that Hwan would never leave (which considering his character, would be an accurate assumption). It was less about the child than a mechanism to permanently connect them. That’s why when he realized that Hwan could/would die from it, that choosing to abort was so easy for him. He’s still not thinking like a partner, but acting out of his own fear of Hwan abandoning him either by choice or death. His fear clouds his judgement and prevents him from considering Hwan’s perspective or trying to find another way.

Witchery created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

And yet another irritating situation that would have been avoided if Hongyeon had let Taejon do his thing. He’s so jealous and controlling that he counseled Mun instead, but now there’s a moronic misunderstanding with Hayun. If he hadn’t stopped Taejon so many times, Mun and Hayun would probably have already been dating by this point

Every time Lakyus tastes Yuri’s cooking, a little piece of his soul dies

Witchery created a topic of Paradise Intruder

So the first introduction of what seems to be the main couple in the very first chapter is SA? No thanks, this is going to be an irredeemable dumpster fire no matter what the art looks like

Witchery created a topic of Cartoonists NSFW Webtoon

Why can’t we have straight smut with attractive guys? I don’t understand why there are so many comics that have cardboard personality, marginal af, zero accomplishment, not even physically attractive dude(s) easily banging tons of skilled, successful, and supermodel level looking women who somehow can’t get enough. Even if they both look average, that would at least be reasonable. I have never encountered a comic where a hot accomplished guy sleeps with an unattractive woman with no positive qualities. Obviously this is written for similarly marginal/unattractive men, but it just sucks that I can never find any straight smut that has realistic character dynamics, and especially women who aren’t just mindlessly horny for the most mediocre man alive

Let them complete that goddamn counseling so that you can have lovely time with your man for gods sake?!

Witchery created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

Wow the Duke is still such a pretentious prick even as he’s “accepting responsibility”. Their child was sick from birth because he was born in filthy and freezing conditions after he kicked her out and she had to hide from him and his enemies. He was so cruel and controlling that she has to take desperate and dangerous measures to escape him. Now her child is dead because he was hiding away to escape on a ship while Rowena distracted Killian long enough for them to escape before (or maybe never) escaping the Duke to join them. She’s sobbing at the loss of her only child and he’s “glad that she’s no longer blaming herself”. Yeah, everything that went wrong in her life, after that one scam, was all him, and the only reason she didn’t reach that conclusion years earlier is because she was young and naive, and he played her like a fiddle. Even now, that shift of blame is only benefitting him. She’s still in despair and agony, but he gets to feel just a little less guilty over that one issue. He is still only concerned with himself. If he hadn’t held her there and used access to medication as leverage, they would have been able to leave earlier, together

Ugh I don’t understand why authors seem to be incapable of creating modern straight romances where the woman doesn’t just randomly fall in love with any toxic/marginal guy after he shows her the barest of human decencies. I get that she’s grateful he’s helping pay off her debts because he felt sorry after sleeping with her without realizing she was purchased for him. From another perspective, whether he knew it or not, he slept with someone who had been trafficked and was under the impression that they needed to please him in order to be freed. That could definitely land him in hot water legally and socially. I get that he wanted to avoid a scandal, but the right thing to do would have been to turn in his friend who buys kidnapped women from the mafia for sex (instead of basically refunding him to “free” her) to protect other women and hopefully get the entire human trafficking ring shut down. He then uses her fear of the mafia as leverage to get her to agree to be his fuckable live-in baby incubator. Him paying for her aunt’s medical bills is practically unspoken hush money in the hopes that she will be so grateful that she won’t take her story to the cops or press.

So they’re just going to add some mummy wrapping and pretend that they just didn’t make a knockoff of Magneto?

Legis is honestly the hottest character I’ve encountered in any comic so far. I want 100 more episodes like this

Witchery like the answer
oh my godddd this went so well the last time i posed a question it didn’t go well (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ and the sl^very goes even further back into casual racism in ANYTHING branded fantasy. stick with me there’s a point i promise… i’m going to talk WAAAAAAAAAAY too deeply about orcs.. and how it all comes down to: Racism you got: hype......

Oh my god, Lina and Rashta (from Remarried Empress) are the only two characters that can make me want to tear my hair with every single thing they say or do! I kind of want to trap them in a room together and see which one survives. Does anyone know of any characters in a similar category?

Witchery created a topic of Chunqing Lushao

You can tell this was not written by a woman because the ideas that mc A. Has D cup boobs that can be magically wrapped down to appear like a slender man’s chest, B. Doesn’t keep menstrual products on hand, and C. Doesn’t know what kind she uses (regardless of who usually buys them) are so ridiculous and unrealistic that only a man could think they’re plausible.

Witchery created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

“I’m still unable to protect my child and the woman I love”, well yeah, because you’re the thing they want protection from. They weren’t on that ship for fun, they were running from him because he’s so uncompromising and unbearable. The only reason Rowena wasn’t on the boat too is so that she could stall him to give the others a head start.

Damn, Woradet really did put on dinner and a show . At this rate, Kosovo won’t have to lift a finger to take out Somdet, because his blood pressure will do it for him

So she’s mad that the world isn’t accepting enough of her when she’s literally worshipped and pampered as a saint just for existing. She took an engaged man on his what was supposed to be his wedding day, risking the life of his fiancé, then gets mad that Seria’s husband is better than the one she stole, that Seria doesn’t love her, and that Seria gets attention or is successful. If not for her cheating and disregard for Seria’s life and feelings, she would have no enemies at all. Lina’s marriage was made on the premise that they would divorce and Callis would be back with Seria. He knew Lina for only a couple months while he had been with Seria for years, but she sees it as a massive betrayal when he feels conflicted or shows basic concern towards someone he once thought he would be spending his life with. Callis was on the wrong for going out so close to ceremony time, but in that moment his only choice was to marry Lina or die, so not exactly an ideal start, but it seems like he has at least tried to be a good husband to Lina once he realized there would be no divorce or spouse swap. He literally said he would raise her baby no matter who the father was (before the tests came out). She’s the one who randomly assumed that he somehow decided to do that to be with Seria’s baby.

Witchery created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

I get that Hongyeon gets annoyed about Taejon not spending more time with him since he tries to help his coworkers with relationship consulting, but if he wasn’t constantly interrupting and cutting those meetings short, it would take up so much less time. Hongyeon is actually really disrespectful with that. It may not be important to him, but Taejon has to,d him that he wants to help them out. He got mad that Taejon kept meeting with pink hair, but the only reason he had to meet with him more than once is that Hongyeon kept arbitrarily crashing the meetings, ending them early, and obstructing everything. Childish jealousy is never a good look.

ML is not the worst, but definitely not the white knight author is trying to paint him as. He wants a contract wife who will keep up appearances, give birth to and care for his dead fiancée’s children, and have sex whenever he wants, only to leave once the last kid is “weaned”? Does he expect her to carry, give birth to, nurse, and care for those kids without getting attached at all when she has to leave? I get that she’s in a desperate spot and he will pay her a lot of money to do it, but this is precisely how surrogacy exploits poor women. She may be getting a lot of money, but she will be put through a lot, and may even suffer complications from it.
It’s ironic that he praises her selflessness so much, because the only people who would take such a deal are greedy opportunists or people in a desperate situation. He looks down on the former, but he’s basically exploiting her situation knowing full well that she really doesn’t have any better options (regardless of whether she actually likes him). She will wreck her body and put in years of emotional and physical work to raise the kids, only to get tossed out at the end once she’s served her purpose as an incubator. And you know he’ll expect her to be a good affectionate mom to those kids and then tell her she knew what she signed up for when she doesn’t want to lose them after being their mother for years.
Don’t even get me started on the sex thing. If sex whenever he wants it is mandated in the contract, how is that different than being a prostitute with a single client? It crosses the line. Also, it pisses me off that he just paid off the guy that bought her as if that “saved” her. Slavery is f#cking illegal. His friend bought a kidnapped woman from the mafia to use for sex. If he was a half decent person he would have reported him to the cops, which could maybe even get the entire human trafficking ring shut down as well. He goes on about protecting her from the mafia, but he’s rich and powerful enough that he could have reported it without fear for his safety. In the meantime Dennis is probably buying more women and the whole process is just repeating out of his sight. He’s afraid of a scandal at most.
He even leverages her fear of the mafia when he’s trying to get her to agree to the marriage contract. He’s honestly an opportunist who isn’t a total piece of shot and threw her some generous scraps (at least to him) as an apology for the misunderstanding. That money is a lot to her, but nothing to him. It’s not like he sacrificed much to make it right. He’s rich enough that he can just tell the secretary to take care of the medical bills and forget about it. I’m not saying it isn’t a kind act, but it requires zero thought, exertion, or loss for him to do so,

MC better start hustling to get that child support ready, because unless he’s shooting blanks, he’s about to be a father in a big way. The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, the average period lasts 4.5 days, and women are generally fertile for 6 days per cycle. This means that there is a 23.5 day window for sex (assuming nobody is having sex while on their period), during which there are 6 days which would/could result in pregnancy if one were to have unprotected sex (there is no mention or appearance of protection or birth control at all), basically 25.5% of sexual encounters. MC had sex 454 times between 282 individuals, so if you take 25.5% of that, it would result in 115 pregnancies. Even if you only calculated per woman (only counting each woman once and ignoring sex beyond that), it would still result in 71 pregnancies. Even if you assume that there can’t be any crossbreeding between human and humanoid species (which several members of those species have indicated to be improbable), MC slept with 64 normal humans 124 times, still resulting in between 16 (counting each woman once) and 31 (going by number of sexual encounters) pregnancies. That’s a lot of kids to feed, so MC better get to work. Just kidding we all know he’s just going to mooch off of his talented and successful girlfriends.