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Ok but why does every female lead name their pets, contracted spirits, animal buddies such awful and unoriginal names?! This is at least the third black animal named Blackie that I’ve seen. It’s not charming, it’s like they sawdust for imagination

He proposed at 6 years old. It’s not like there was a legally binding contract or agreement. Also he literally forgot she existed, so it shouldn’t be that surprising that she didn’t take the proposal seriously

I was expecting Julia to be a “tragically taken too soon saint among humans” type, but she’s such a bitch. So she knows about werewolves, but went into the woods at a full moon regardless to cry about an arranged marriage (which is a valid problem, but timing for fuck’s sake). Then she guilts/convinces Damien to use an untried suppressant leading to a shitty situation all around.

Witchery created a topic of The Waning Moon

Is it just me or did the story just gloss over all of the terrible things the characters did? Almost all of them participated in dangerous experimentation on an unwilling subject who was held against their will with no justification. Kata abandoned child Teo in the woods because humans were about to attack their pack… but didn’t think to mention that detail to him. Just ridiculous. Chei deliberately and systematically poisoned Kata because he believed he had killed his brother (when it was actually Raymond’s father and Kata was the one who reported him for it), but arranged it so Raymond would die too because (this is the most clear motive I could derive from his words and actions) he was jealous that Teo had a crush on Raymond instead of him at first. They are just barely able to synthesize a drug to keep Kata alive, and the only consequence for Chei is leaving his research job and a dubiously genuine apology, and they all still associate with each other!? He literally tried to murder two of them in cold blood!!!

Witchery created a topic of Double Bell

Seme gives major nice guy vibes, and not in a good way. He’s so loyal and helpful that he stepped in to protect his friend when his family is unjustly accused of treason…only to use the vulnerable situation to pressure the uke into having sex within days. He even told him “that’s how you’ll be able to stay here”, knowing full well he has no other options. There are other ways to hide. It’s wild how they somehow have sensitive secret conversations in the same structure which apparently has so little soundproofing that the servants can tell they’re not having sex. Seme offered his help out of supposed affection and loyalty as friends, but suddenly there are strings attached. It seems like he’s had a crush on uke for a while, but I just hate how he approached this.

Holy shit, his dad is stone cold, just left him to die of brain injuries or hypothermia.

Witchery created a topic of Beasts of Desire

“He could have hurt you worse” (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸. Seme wasn’t hitting him to injure him, but to overpower him. By making the victim feel physically powerless and vulnerable, the abuser ensures their obedience. Many abusers deliberately avoid anything which can leave lasting marks or hit their victims in places that aren’t usually visible to others. It’s not about reducing harm, but reducing the likelihood of other people noticing, or recordable evidence.
The SA was for a similar purpose of establishing dominance. He wants to start pimping Sihyeon out, so he’s likely trying to desensitize him to sa towards that end. And let’s be honest, most so called redemption arcs for characters like this are
1. Tragic backstory to explain/justify abusive and toxic behavior
2. Them suddenly catching feelings, leading to an abrupt stop of the anbuse/violence
3. The victim also catching feelings and magically forgiving everything to be with them
I’ve barely ever seen a character arc where an abusive character legitimately realizes that they were wrong, repents in any way, takes responsibility for their previous actions, or respects the wishes of the victim after the fact. Authors think that if the victim forgives everything (no matter how little sense it makes objectively, or inline with their personality), so will the readers.

Witchery created a topic of Beasts of Desire

So Sihyeon’s family killed his parent. So tf what. Sihyeon was way too young to be involved or guilty of that matter. Sure, he acts like a little shit, but he hadn’t done anything that comes even close to justifying what seme has done to him (and let’s be honest, even if it was an eye for an eye, nothing would justify it). Seme is an abusive, violent person who is using the most vulnerable person on the periphery of his enemy’s group as a punching bag. And the author will probably try to shove them together because the power of feelings will wash away all the exploitation, abuse, and torture. I hope they all die and leave Sihyeon to inherit everything.

Witchery created a topic of Be, Be

I just can’t get over the level of disregard every single person has for Baekwoo. He’s being forced into marriage because the royal family is leveraging his health and safety to coerce him into it after they did the same to get his family to “agree” years ago. He was told to rearrange his entire life, give up his dreams of being an architect, and basically be an obedient little womb/puppet for whatever the royal family wants. Sure, the prince isn’t outright abusive, but he bargains with Baekwoo by dangling basic freedoms in front of him while gaslighting him to distract from the fact that the “rewards” he’s working towards are all basic rights that were taken from him overnight at the whim of the royal family. No matter how nice or protective he acts, the prince doesn’t respect Baekwoo’s free will and is an accomplice in his life being controlled. He basically gets to reap the benefits by playing good cop and swooping in when he’s vulnerable to score points, but the fact that he doesn’t fight for Baekwoo’s freedom makes him just as guilty as everyone else.

Witchery created a topic of Bittersweet Sweet Darling

So Taerin straight up states that he knows that the power imbalance between him and Shiwon is lopsided, then proceeds to call it off because Shiwon is behaving in a manner that suggests that he is hyper aware of that imbalance. I get that there is affection, but Shiwoo has major trauma related to exploitation, so he’s just trying to protect himself emotionally by yielding all deciding power to Taerin. If their relationship gets exposed, Shiwoo has much more to lose. He is just barely gaining some confidence and emotional stability, so his mentality isn’t a slight against Taerin, but rather a survival mechanism reminiscent of his low self esteem and prior trauma. Since Taerin is aware of all the toxicity and trauma he endured, he should just focus on making Shiwoo feel secure in the relationship and understand how things are different now

Witchery created a topic of Be, Be

He was basically told that he would be constantly monitored, was no longer allowed to go out freely, had to get married to a man he didn’t know or choose, have children whether he wanted them or not, live his entire life fulfilling the role of queen, and give up all of his dreams just because the royal family wanted it, and was just expected to be cool with it. The royal family basically leveraged his medical condition to force his parents to “agree”. Crown prince shouldn’t be shocked that the partner his family all but purchased for him isn’t happy about the situation. The level of disregard for his supposed love’s choices and goals is actually breathtaking. Stories like this usually conjure up random problems (such as even bigger assholes) for the narcissistic ml to magically “solve” to justify their behavior and explain why the mc somehow decides to like them.

I feel like even when they have good intentions, a lot of male characters don’t consider certain things which can put the women they’re trying to help or support at a disadvantage. I get that the emperor is just trying to help (though he is definitely attracted to her), but there have already been rumors that she is his mistress and that she got the job because of that, rather than her skills. Her moving into the palace would be like pouring gas on the fire. Their society is already misogynistic enough, so the tiniest flaw or mistake can be used to harm or invalidate a woman’s expertise and standing. He’s more thinking about safety and convenience, but in doing so it’s very likely that her respect and authority would be undermined. He doesn’t quite seem to understand that his authority and permission alone are not enough to keep her in good standing. I just think it would be great if characters actually had a conscious discussion about it, rather than skirting around the issue even as it causes so many problems for them.

This sounded interesting at first, but I was proven wrong very quickly. Mamori is kidnapped, held against his will, mind controlled, and forced to have a baby (which obviously requires sex) because his distant ancestor made a contract. Kamui basically assaulted him because he looked him in the eyes and suddenly couldn’t move and got all out of it emotionally (part of his ability which he does use on fans, though not to such an extreme degree). He didn’t get Mamori to agree to any of it, just bulldozed through. The author just tries to gloss over it because Mamori is written as an airhead who is catching feelings and doesn’t behave as if he’s been overtly traumatized by the abusive and dehumidify way he’s being treated. I hate it when authors try use a bubbly, universally forgiving, immune to trauma mc to justify insane, toxic, and abusive behaviors and relationship dynamics. Kamui is an abuser and Mamori is written to accommodate that behavior without making him look like the villain he is. This is such a common practice in toxic romance. Mamori is unrealistic, disjointed, and unrelatable as a character because if he was written to have realistic psychological responses, it would be impossible to paint Kamui as anything other than a narcissistic criminal.

Witchery created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

FFS Killian how kind of you to generously choose to “let her go”. Wow 10/10 boyfriend points for treating the mother of your child like a human being with free will instead of your property. All it took was years of treating her like shit, a staged death, and a suicide attempt to get him to treat her with the bare minimum of respect and pseudo-affection. Even his supposed redemption arc is trash.

It’s so wild that she gets shit on for being crippled (in general but also) because it was a direct result of leaving potent medicine within reach of an unsupervised toddler. Apparently she ate really strong, valuable, impossible to remake medicine (that destroyed her internal qi structure)….which wasn’t put away or guarded at all. They left a toddler unsupervised, then act like it’s her fault for wasting something so valuable as if she hadn’t been a literal baby at the time and almost died as the result of their negligence. They are one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the country, but they couldn’t be bothered to hire a proper maid or babysitter just because she was illegitimate.

Witchery created a topic of Pheromone Baby

So seme acts like a spoiled entitled brat to the uke, deliberately drenches him in pheromones to turn him into an omega (without permission or warning), doesn’t tell uke that he’s an omega once he manifests, proceeds to sleep with the uke while he’s in heat (uke didn’t know what was happening because he had no idea he was an omega) with no birth control which resulted in an unplanned pregnancy. The only way this dumpster fire of a relationship maintains any sense of tolerability is that the uke magically decides to be fine with everything without getting mad, feeling betrayed, or any form of normal reaction. So uke’s body is permanently altered, and now he’s knocked up. Other than blatant violence, this is literally one of the worst dynamics.

Witchery created a topic of Housekeeper in a Dungeon

Helena better keep that man He’s hot, accomplished, head over heels, and pulls his weight in the house

Witchery created a topic of Forest Sea

Godo literally declared his hatred for all serpents within 5 minutes, deliberately exacerbated racial tensions, then berated them for not working well as an integrated team. Then he had the audacity to gripe at Sawahyun for failing to properly teach them while he was away. Nobody expects everyone to magically be best buddies after such a long and bloody war, but everyone was reasonably respectful, cooperative, and friendly until he started shit for no reason.

Witchery created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

HE LITERALLY HASNT TOLD HER THST HER KID IS ALIVE WTF!!!! She’s depressed and miserable to the point of attempting suicide, but he’s asking her about other men instead of letting her know that Damian is safe! I think he wants to keep her in a vulnerable/dependent state as long as he can to extend the amount of time he has to win her over. He is literally the fucking worst. It doesn’t matter how gentle or regretful he’s trying to be, even after everything he is still prioritizing his own desires over Rowena’s safety and free will, using Demian’s illness and his status to keep her trapped. He’s only apologetic on her terms, still forcing her into whatever he wants, just in a less aggressive way.

Witchery want to read


  • Author: Chili
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Drama / Romance