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shrike created a topic of Missing Romance

wow why is it always fucking cocomic picking things up

shrike created a topic of 2020

did mc leave his brain in the city or was he just born without one?

shrike created a topic of The Gap

there have to be other words to express a half suppressed scornful laugh lmao

shrike created a topic of In the Nane of Bai Ze

the previous comic this artist worked on was already really pretty but this one has even better art

shrike created a topic of For You Who Grieves

dang do authors think people won't read if the mc isn't built like a twig and the male lead has an 8pack and is two feet taller? it seems to happen so often. or is it because they want to make the most of the 3d couple models in clip studio since most of them seem to be het and with similar height and weight differences?

shrike created a topic of Ghost, not God

is mbti the new zodiac or something

shrike created a topic of Dreadful Night

well that's disappointing that the horror won't be the focus... though I hope that that line extends to sexual abuse because I don't really feel like reading that. also I hope that it doesn't turn out that everything that's ever happened was doha's plan. that would really cheapen it

"don't ask me what that means idk either" man ...

shrike created a topic of Haikaburi Complex

I think we can write characters that are naive but not utterly stupid... I also have no idea what the fuck was supposed to be the takeaway of this story? catfishing and manipulation are ok if you're a hot ceo? being stupid and having 0 self respect with get you a one night stand with a ceo who will treat you like a kid?

shrike created a topic of Dreadful Night
shrike created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

the side characters are so flat it doesn't even feel good when one of the main villains dies. because he just felt like a caricature of a person and he wasn't even smart.

and idk if it just me or was the pacing really weird. like the dungeons were actually really anticlimactic for the most part especially the later ones

does byeoru do anything else besides tripping or just awkwardly standing places...

shrike created a topic of Someone Like You

this whole exchange about his mum feels a bit too much telling without any showing... like from all we have seen about his mum, regardless of the tragedy she's been through, she still treated him really shitty and left him. like yeah she's been through a lot but so was shinwoo and he was a literal child and he spent most his life absolutely traumatised

I didn't expect any sort of confrontation from him like the fact that this is just a person relaying a second hand account of his mum and have him still dance around his mother and the girl's feelings is so unsatisfying. I was hoping for a more direct"you have a life, I have a life, let's not meet again" but ig that doesn't really happen in asian stories

shrike created a topic of Monday'saviour

have manhwa authors ever drunk alcohol in real life

5 chapters is too little for a story like this to progress naturally it feels like the author wrote 3 chapters and then realised they only have two to wrap it up somehow regardless of their plans

wouldn't it be fun if this sentence came to bite mr dollmaker in the ass? like they somehow start having a good rapport together and doll maker catches feelings but then something happens that breaks the knight's soul and he says something like "make me into a doll that feels nothing that's what you've always wanted anw" but the dollmaker no longer wants him as a doll and it really crushes him to see the knight like that and so he says something like "your soul is too ugly to become a doll" and vows to restore his soul not because he wants a doll but because he can't communicate for shit and just wants the knight to be himself again.

like I'm pretty sure that's too simple and cute to happen in the story but it would be a lot of fun for me specifically

shrike created a topic of Dreadful Night

welp based on this chapter I don't think this guy wants to leave, he just wants to keep bada with him also unless that was just some unhinged dirty talk, my takeaway from this is that doha doesn't care if bada gets hurt, he only cares if he dies and even that is mostly because that means he can't have bada temporarily.
doha's talk really wasn't it

shrike created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

why is there so much abo these days...

shrike created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

maybe it's just me but I feel like the character arcs fall flat... maybe it's the adaptation quite conveying the internal monologue and stuff but the pacing and characterisation feel kinda rushed and one dimensional especially the male lead... also don't tell me he's going to be magically cured of trauma through the power of yaoi

shrike created a topic of Dead man Switch

begging everyone complaining about the time travel and what not to look up what a dead man switch is. please. while you're at it get some reading comprehension as well