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shrike created a topic of Vampire's Disgusting Feast

I am so confused daily blood transfusions? They're giving him blood of other people? or if they mean blood donation that's not how any of this works wth

shrike created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

aren't cia people supposed to be smart? the mc seems dumb as hell so far

just as I was missing fate makes no mistakes I think this will do quite nicely in the meantime

shrike created a topic of Crush and Burn

bruh does ken do anything in this story besides just get assaulted left and right. I'm 20 ch in and there's 0 progression 0 character development just fucking and on top of that he's not even thinking for himself most of the time?

shrike created a topic of Regas

That. is. not. a. sparrow.

shrike created a topic of Gig of the Day

mahwas are really heading the way of 2000s yaoi proportions eh

shrike created a topic of Touch X Practice

damn the way they talk about the horns makes my skin crawl and it's not even real... wouldn't have read it I knew this was going to be just a bunch of omegaverse tropes and overall clichés

another manhwa picked up by cocomic... they are really prolific, but then again I guess translation doesn't actually take much effort when you don't care if the words make sense

shrike created a topic of Frozen Boy

wouldn't it be easier to just put a small translation of the sfx next to it since you're not redrawing

shrike created a topic of Love on Air

the comments here... y'all only like characters with bagage if they're saints and it doesn't affect them huh. hilarious that this guy gets called piece of shit in comparison to *gestures at the most of the popular stories*

shrike created a topic of After Killing You

seriously how do half of you go about reading psychological stories when you can neither read nor accept that the characters will be both messed up.

do you guys think that if you name more "problematic behaviours" in the story than the other commenters, it will somehow make you more intellectual and more morally pure than others?

so what are the bets on this story ending with mc returning to modern world and magically meeting a transmigrated/reincarnated/magicked whatever nobunaga there

shrike created a topic of Mad Dog

bruh this just reads like the author had plans but not enough chapters/time to execute them properly

shrike created a topic of code:

this story feels like it's supposed to be all dark and moody and deep but the characters feel really underdeveloped for me. I feel like the yuu had more personality in the few pages he was in in the other story than in this whole volume and british boy is just really one dimensional... also I keep reading colon as in large intestine

shrike created a topic of Dangerous Interviews

is this a chinese reboot or something? I thought the og was korean

shrike created a topic of The Sweetest Snare

this is gonna be a silent lover situation isn't it

shrike created a topic of Missing Romance

"regretion" I wish someone competent would pick this up

shrike created a topic of ARTS MANZ

it's basically the pillar of this genre which is a shame

shrike created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

noooo... They're gonna involve the older brother in the next season as a parallel to the first life aren't they. he's gonna want to stay with the brother instead of the dragon because he doesn't trust him or something like that. I really hope that's not the way it'll go