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shrike created a topic of Asterism

I am so mad that this is an official translation and it reads like an unedited mtl. this story really suffers because of it. fucking paid for it too but inkr really messed this one up

shrike created a topic of Anta Nante Daikirai

all the comments here are about the uke being bad as if the seme doesn't have exactly 1 personality trait and doesn't keep outing him to his coworkers against his will throughout the first chapter

shrike created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

how do you write a story where characters are this one dimensional

shrike created a topic of Colorless and Odorless

your get robbed and beaten up and your first instinct is to call your friend with benefits and after you wake up at the hospital you go back into the robbed house and get laid? dude call the cops, take pics of the house and file an insurance claim.

colourless odourless more like senseless jfc

shrike created a topic of Dreadful Night

I think it would be really fun if bada was the npc or an ai that went rogue due to the suffering of himself and the other characters who are actual souls trapped in the game. he originally wanted to save them but after dying/being reset over and over he's forgotten his purpose.

and I think it would be fun mostly because doha wouldn't be to chuffed that guy he's got it bad for is just a bunch of code

shrike created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner


damn why are all actor stories the same... there must be other story beats to hit than mc getting roofied... or drugged and hit with allegations... or assaulted

like you could actually explore the characters you know without these clichés

shrike created a topic of Spectrophilia

oh wow jaeha is like wildly unlikable huh

shrike created a topic of At The End Of Death

ah why does it have to be ongoing... this is great I wanna know what happens

shrike created a topic of Kurikaeshi Ai no Oto

this is a hallmark movie...

shrike created a topic of Dreadful Night

what if bada dies, doha kills everyone out of spite and the game starts again but doha is no longer driving or even in the car. bc doha has become the killer

shrike created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

is this one of those where the ml is a mary sue who does everything and the supposedly super strong mc just stands there and takes everything while being absolutely useless

because that's the vibe I got from the very early chapters

I would hope mc snaps at him, cuts him off, and ml is forced to do a lot of groveling but let's be honest it's probably going to end with mc going: "oh sorry I am so mean and evil I forgot to consider your feelings while I was busy bending backwards to accommodate your every whim, ml" ml getting what he wants with with 0 effort and some half-assed "sad" backstory. tbh I'd most love if mc found someone else but alas lmao

mangago users when a character is a murderous bastard who doesn't understand the word "consent": I sleep
mangago users when some character from a oneshot says he cheated: THIS IS THE WORST HUMAN BEING THAT'S EVER LIVED HE DESERVES TO DIE

shrike like topic of Distorted Soul

damn what happened to "once upon a time"

shrike created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

interesting that people are complaining about rape now when this whole story literally starts with it

this is not fluffy this is just weird and contrived

shrike created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

why does everyone have more personality than the literal main character... it started out really interesting but the further the story goes the less invested I am in what happens to him

shrike created a topic of Distorted Soul

damn what happened to "once upon a time"

shrike created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

well it looked promising ig... I was hoping the main character would do something other than be a perfect victim of circumstances and get fucked but that's on me ig

shrike created a topic of The Devil and His Heirs

a pseudo-orthopedic story? are they acting out a hip replacement surgery or was this translated by uncle google and proofread by thoughts and prayers