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Koybito June 5, 2024 5:44 am

So this is the backstory where we see why the crazy brother claims MC for everything and justifies wanting to kill him. My guess is MC is all “let me wipe the sweat from him” and bro wakes up and thinks MC is trying to kill him or something. I don’t know, but I hate the brother.

Koybito May 25, 2024 4:09 pm

I’m not sure why so many authors don’t pace out the climax of a series. Obvi, we were all waiting for that monster to get got, and it kinda happens maybe in a few frames of a gun and getting stabbed in the neck? Like, after all of MC’s pain and suffering, literally watching him get raped for multiple chapters, 3 images is all we get and boom we’re in the hospital and it all over?

Happened in Pearl Boy too. We get basically endless torture of the MC, and then a few quick panels and it’s happily ever after. After so much build up, tension, and straight up stress, it feels like somewhat a let down. I’m not saying I want to see chapters of the bad guy getting tortured, but it just seems like a rushed, mostly “off screen” mess.

    Ur welcome May 25, 2024 9:01 pm

    This is how a lot of authors are with rape fetish.
    The revenge is either short and rushed, and or forgive and forget.
    At least I can finally drop this story

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