Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. created a topic of Jinx

Drunk jaekyung is way fucking nicer than normal jaekyung. He should drink alcohol 24/7 created a topic of Dark Fall

Hope the authors’s okay, they’ve been doing a lot a hiatuses

I have a theory that Kian loved the fl so he helped her family’s financial conditions, so her father made her get married with him, but she didn’t want to get married with him, so that was why her past self hated him. Not so sure about where the child came from though. created a topic of Predator Marriage

Why does the margrave look like a frickin Disney villain created a topic of Jinx

There is no way he’s drunk. His face isn’t even flushed. created a topic of Cry Me a River created a topic of Midnight Dweller

"I don't get it. How can he stand you after all that you've done?" BRO I DON’T GET IT EITHER!!!!, created a topic of Hoping for My Death

I have a theory that Silvia is a descendant of Cleon(the hero who killed her in her first life) because they both have silver hair. It’s probably wrong. created a topic of Paper Flower

Thank god for the translator(s) translating this

Maybe Eclis did it so that him and Penelope could run away together, since now that the family had the real princess they wouldn’t need Penelope anymore. created a topic of Jinx

Reading this to see what a train wreck it’ll become lol

Somebody please give me a summary of the current story created a topic of Love Rehearsal

Are the translations not making sense to anyone else? created a topic of Paper Flower

Seme shows character development in chapter 65 of the NOVEL. The novels about 10 chapters ahead, so it’s going to be a long ass time before he shows character development in the manhwa.