Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. created a topic of Paper Flower

Seme shows character development in chapter 65 of the NOVEL. The novels about 10 chapters ahead, so it’s going to be a long ass time before he shows character development in the manhwa. created a topic of Paper Flower

So I read the novel, and apparently the crown prince will force yoo young to kill the general. created a topic of Paper Flower created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Someone please spoil me about the rest of the story.

DONT. YOU. FUCKING. DARE. TOUCH. THE. PUPPY. It doesn’t deserve that. Also, DAMN the original was fucked up. created a topic of Paper Flower

Where’s the author…I need to know what’s going to happen…I need to see the ML suffer…

I don’t want this to sound rude or anything, but why are her boobs so big? Isn’t she only 11? created a topic of Saturday's Master

I swear, if the seme doesn’t end up begging at the uke’s feet for forgiveness, I will throw the seme off a cliff.

Someone, I beg of you, please tell me the novel spoilers. I want to see the ml beg at the mc’s feet and the mc drop the ml off a cliff.

Can someone please please please tell me that this WEBTOON has a happy ending?