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So I noticed in the beginning, she summoned a dragon to kill everyone in the tower. Then, I noticed that in the later chapters, it said that she could only be killed by a dragon or the son of the demon king. So why didn’t she just use her powers to kill herself? want to do

15 people did   /   6 want to do

Hey does anyone know when the chasing arc starts? I don’t wanna wait. add 1 photos to Hot

What Manhwa is this


So I heard a spoiler that in the future, the saintess loses both her arms and becomes used as a living battery(cause in their world, disabled guides were used as living batteries, and were of the lowest rank) which is a bit harsh, but still deserved. What grosses me out is that all those actually good people who got disabled and were used as living batteries. Like, hello author? What the actual fuck.

Please someone tell me how this ends. I don’t wanna wait. like the answer
I hate it when seme is raping the uke and says like "your mouth says no but your body is enjoying it" that shit. created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

Can somebody give me spoilers on episodes 16 and beyond? created a topic of Gig of the Day

Wtf why is his dick so big

I don’t understand the stuff about the betrayal, since I didn’t get that far in. Can somebody please explain to me? created a topic of Jinx

Am I the only person confused why there are comments with like a bazillion other comments under them?