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JayJay (I'm back!) November 23, 2023 7:58 pm

I love this story so much. The scenes with the ghosts and spiritual beasts are hilarious, and the FL's personality is so amusing (and the dark haired guy's personality is quickly going in the same direction, lmao) They're like too cute grumpy cats, hiding their big hearts under a grumpy face. So cute!! **outing myself as a rabid cat lover**

JayJay (I'm back!) November 23, 2023 3:39 am

Lol, Dan's POV is so far removed from how it's all coming off in readers' perspective, it's hilariously funny. I'm getting an irresistible comical feel that I'm sure was not what the author was going for... lmao. At least he rescued him from those security bullies (at... least... ... ?). But Dan's thoughts are so far off the mark I'm dying

JayJay (I'm back!) November 20, 2023 9:54 pm

The foster father ALREADY making stupid mistakes like hiring a viper woman to be her teacher... (as for the massacre of the red light sisters, I'm temporarily waiting for it to be revealed as someone else's scheme... I do think the priests who never stopped visiting the place would have had more of a reason to do it in order to cover the whole thing up)

    Ugly_Rose November 29, 2023 6:40 pm

    I do too. I think the priest paid the knights to do that to cover up their wrong doings. I mean we saw how fucked up they are I wound think that they would pay to get rid of the sisters because they could fuck up their reputation because who would go to a temple where the priest there beat and abuse woman for fun and their lust???

JayJay (I'm back!) November 15, 2023 9:39 pm

I think in the past people have considered it a legit form of seduction to act a bit touchy feely with a person that one had already had any type of previous "relations" with... The reason is obvious: sometimes, consent could be obtained through sheer "perseverance" (lmao), but of course, cannot stress enough that the idea was "convincing" and not forcing... and, only the other person could say "where" was their limit (unless, of course, the exchange was between an adult and a minor, because those are off limits even when the minor "consents").

To be painfully honest here, Seth is like the KING of mixed signals: just when I thought Horus putting his fingers inside him was crossing the line, what was he doing? Worrying about Horu's face turning serious all of a sudden (when he realized Seth had been with someone else), THAT was what Seth was doing... Talk about getting distracted from the fact that your a** is getting fingered supposedly against your will, by the most random of reasons... How the heck am I as a reader supposed to figure out this character's confusing signals, if he gets side-tracked and starts focusing about different random things, every five minutes? ...So, I was glad the whole thing got cut short.

    Heu77 November 15, 2023 10:14 pm

    Oh I just noticed that. I’m just too focused on the consent and didn’t even realize what you pointed out.

    JayJay (I'm back!) November 16, 2023 1:28 am
    Oh I just noticed that. I’m just too focused on the consent and didn’t even realize what you pointed out. Heu77

    Yeah, at this point I'm not gonna be surprised anymore even if we get something like Seth saying some crap like, "No no, stop... oh look, lol, that cloud up there totally looks like a clown!!" Ugh.

    While in real life there is no such thing as a "script" for SA victims, I don't think think broadness of survivors' reactions is what the author's trying to portray here... (MAN, if only...) Rather than Toni Colette's "Unbelievable", I think Fifty Shades of Grey/Twilight ero dynamics is closer, to what we're getting here... (if we go STRICTLY by author's intention, or what seems to be the author's purpose, leaving aside how we each all feel about it). Even if we're all sick and tired of that type of ero dynamic. I'm even starting to miss Sekhmet, because with her at least things are clear: I know what to feel, because she's never portrayed as anything other than the nasty, punishment loving, hilariously twisted bi*** that she is. (PLEASE, come BACK, Sekhmet!)

    Sakata Ginko November 18, 2023 6:43 pm

    That's the sole reason I don't pay attention to the "romance" aspect anymore. The author's portrayal of love or even rape isn't consistent anymore. I liked those aspects in the first season even with its flaws but the second seems to go nowhere with that.

    I was okay with the slow burn, but since seeing the raw version of this chapter weeks ago, I was so disappointed. People seemed to be happy about that being 'hot' as usual. He was not drugged, he wasn't under any kind of influence, but decided to say no without stopping the act. Of course it's played as "Horus is stronger than me and I can't shake him off when it's convenient for the sexy time of the plot". If the author had removed this banter this sex scene would have been better even if it wasn't my taste.

    I'm more interested in Seth's redemption, how he will handle his worshippers, what he has forgotten after he ascended to godhood and what's behind Hathor/Sekmeth dynamic. I had the feeling since the first season that the romance would have been forced. The only character the author until now doesn't know how to handle in the romance department is Seth.

    JayJay (I'm back!) November 21, 2023 7:48 pm
    That's the sole reason I don't pay attention to the "romance" aspect anymore. The author's portrayal of love or even rape isn't consistent anymore. I liked those aspects in the first season even with its flaws ... Sakata Ginko

    Yep, I agree a million %: "The author's portrayal of love or even rape isn't consistent anymore." I think this one phrase of yours is the best diagnosis we can give about what's going wrong with this story. It's lack of consistency in the boundaries between love and seduction versus rape and toxicity

JayJay (I'm back!) November 13, 2023 12:12 pm

So now it turns out JK's not so "experienced" as to recognize the obvious... I see what ur doing, author. Not sure I'll fall for it, though

JayJay (I'm back!) November 10, 2023 2:23 pm

It's baaaack!! And I FINALLY got to read the ML's meeting with his Crown Prince papa!! (They'll have to pry my belief that the CP is his birth papa from my cold, dead fingers). If he is, then he's the Crown Prince's only child, and it'd explain why the Crown Prince gives him puppy eyes and tries to win him over, haha. Papa wants his adult baby's attention.

    Geek Goddess November 10, 2023 3:30 pm

    Oh wow! Is that a theory of yours? That would make perfect sense if CP was his father and why their relationship is the way it is! During their meeting, it seemed like he wanted to spend time with Kainel so bad but decided not to over stay his welcome.

    somnia November 12, 2023 1:11 am

    I also find it cute (and kinda tragic too) how both of them play it cool. Like it's a big deal that ML is his son, but neither bring it up, perhaps bc of the pesky politics involved. My head cannon is that ML doesn't want the baggage, so his dad reaches for every excuse to make his life more comfortable. I used to think that the ML must be clueless. But it wouldn't make sense for him to go on a mission everyone else gave up on, to rescue a crown prince he had 0 connections to.

JayJay (I'm back!) October 23, 2023 2:03 am

Leaving aside all other debates: anyone noticed Seth ALSO had an awakening as a god, that he forgot everything about? Do you guys also feel that means the theory that Seth before awakening as a god might have had a past with Osiris, which he later forgot all about, could be growing a bit stronger?

    ShenYuan_MeiMei October 23, 2023 2:50 am

    I thought it was just because that was thousands of years ago.
    Seth is really old, so he might have forgotten.

    But now that you say that, is not an impossible idea that something that he forgot happened before his awakening.

    I don't think he ever had anything with Osiris, but this idea of "his past that he forgot" is really interesting.

    JayJay (I'm back!) October 23, 2023 3:00 am
    I thought it was just because that was thousands of years ago.Seth is really old, so he might have forgotten.But now that you say that, is not an impossible idea that something that he forgot happened before hi... ShenYuan_MeiMei

    I think they might have been closer friends than they were later, but not actually lovers.

    Lavender October 23, 2023 3:09 am

    Honestly, I'm more curious about his relationship with his parents; particularly his mother (Nut- the goddess of the night and sky). She has been mentioned a couple of times now (in a longing manner) and it makes me wonder if the reason why Seth is so obsessed with the notion of family is that he never received love from his parents. This could have also fuelled Osiris' obsession with Seth if Seth only received love and attention from Osiris, he would have become extremely dependent on him. My theory is Seth was super dependent on Osiris as a child and made Osiris his whole world, but as Seth got older met more people and became stronger he grew more and more distant and independent and this is what set Osiris off and triggered his obsession. He also possesses red hair and eyes which are considered 'a cursed colour' and 'the colour of blood.' So I wonder if the red is meant to symbolize his origin or his future (like was his birth the sin or is he the forthcoming of sin kind of thing).

    annoyed_linguist October 23, 2023 10:35 am

    Honestly I don’t think this is the case. It’s implied with Isis’s scenes that he’s younger than her (and likely younger than Osiris) in terms of ascension. It seems like Isis took on the role as a caretaker and maybe even a motherly figure to him (some of this is implied in the story with how close they were and her flashbacks while some of it is also based on special FAQ stuff that implies she played that role for him).

    annoyed_linguist October 23, 2023 10:39 am
    Honestly, I'm more curious about his relationship with his parents; particularly his mother (Nut- the goddess of the night and sky). She has been mentioned a couple of times now (in a longing manner) and it mak... Lavender

    Just left a comment saying something similar (I theorize Isis played a parental role in Set’s life’s based on what we know of their past relationship before Osiris raped him). It makes sense that to a demi-god Set they were like parents and even with the awakening those feelings lingered before slowly fading.

    Given what we saw with him and Anubis it’s pretty clear this story doesn’t shy away from pseudo-parent-child stuff either. It’s plausible that part of why Osiris desired Set was him basically trying to rekindle that feeling of having him depend on Osiris.

    ShenYuan_MeiMei October 23, 2023 3:11 pm
    I think they might have been closer friends than they were later, but not actually lovers. JayJay (I'm back!)

    Me too. I guess the four of them were really close as siblings and friends,

    ShenYuan_MeiMei October 23, 2023 3:12 pm
    Honestly, I'm more curious about his relationship with his parents; particularly his mother (Nut- the goddess of the night and sky). She has been mentioned a couple of times now (in a longing manner) and it mak... Lavender

    That's such an interesting theory and it makes a lot of sense.

    ShenYuan_MeiMei October 23, 2023 3:17 pm
    Honestly I don’t think this is the case. It’s implied with Isis’s scenes that he’s younger than her (and likely younger than Osiris) in terms of ascension. It seems like Isis took on the role as a car... annoyed_linguist

    Your theory of "Isis playing a mother role in Seth's life" makes a lot of sense, specially based on the last chapter we just read.

    The fact that she decorated an entire temple with Seth's history and kept all of his letters shows that she actually was really lovely to him before everything.

    Also that scene, where she thinks about exposing what Osiris did to Seth to show Osiris' real face to the other gods, but stop from doing it when she sees Seth and thinks he will feel humiliated, show that perhaps, they had a strong bond before all that mess happened.

JayJay (I'm back!) October 22, 2023 5:48 pm

Anyone noticed how Isis was totally Seth's Number #1 Fan?
She covered her own temple with records not of her own story... but his. Lmao.
She reminds me of my mom covering her entire apartment with my baby niece's photos

    gojo October 22, 2023 11:40 pm

    I'm so sad for their relationship. Fucking Osiris ruined everything.

    RenRen October 22, 2023 11:47 pm

    That made me EXTRA sad. I understand Seth's heartbreak, realizing he razed his sister's gift and love for him to the ground with his own hands...Osiris destroyed their siblings relationship....

JayJay (I'm back!) October 16, 2023 10:08 pm

Yaass finally some happiness! The real world isn't perfect but at least it's somewhere where things aren't set in stone, you can fight to make changes and things won't just completely go back to how they were (yeah, even with her parents: coming clean means she won't tolerate crap anymore, and they won't be as comfortable playing favorites).

JayJay (I'm back!) October 14, 2023 6:49 pm

Why the heck are his managers so dumb and unproffessional... Straining his body to drop to a lower weight category in just a month, when he already has a potentially career-ending injury?? The ML shouldn't just fire them, but sue the bunch of them for giving fatal advice that could be last nail in the coffin, for his career... WTF are they all smoking??

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