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Danae January 22, 2021 6:44 pm

Poor Jihwa, all he wanted was some good dicking to forget his sorrows but all he got for his money was sloppy, inexperienced fucking and hemorrhoids and he can't even ask a doctor for some Preparation H!
On top of it, there is Min trying to get him involved in another ill fated plan even so he almost got his head chopped off this time.
Can't a drama queen bitch get any break?

Danae January 9, 2021 7:29 pm

Seungho and Nakyum are endgame. This is something every reader of rape plot trope knows.
The author is not shy nor subtle or even d ubious about it.
There seems to be readers who for some confusing logic choose to read a rape yaoi trope and will remain to the end complaining that the story is exactly what it was set up to be.
I say this because mark the people who whined about in the first chapter. Are still whining about on the 66 chapter and it will be here whining about on the last chapter still reacting as if somehow they were fooled, promised or forced to read something that they very well knew how it would go.
I can't relate to readers who waste their time following a story that brings them any pleasure just because they are following a hype. The 'I followed for the art' is one of the most ridiculous answers because if that was the case, they could only watch the pics and not get involved in the plot itself. The 'I expect social justice literature' is dishonest because no one can claim they don't know the kind of story the choose to read.
If there is no joy in reading POTN or any other story, I think this is mostly the human behavior of hanging around something just because people want to follow others and not be left out. Other human behavior is that people have an incredible urge to feel they are superior or better than others and picking a non normative fiction to park their morality banner makes them feel 'above' people.
Readers who object to non con fiction or any other simply don't read them. There is no art good enough nor hype big enough that would make me waste time on a story where the only joy I could have would be to shame or post the same criticism over and over again just because everyone else is talking about it.
There are so many good stories in here that are not non con. Stories with good art too. There is a difference between having a general opinion on a genre. Or have an opinion on a story you spent a little time on it to see that you like it. However, the weirdest behavior of the POTN non shippers is that they are the same ones who stuck in here forever, having the exact same complaint for 66 chapters and they will probably be here to the end repeating the same mantra. On top of it, they have a general attitude as if they were not the ones who willingly choose to read a rape plot trope or pretend they were led to believe it would be a 'put whatever brand of morality standard here'.
People, seriously, how many of you still don't get it that this is a rape plot trope and that the story is not forced on you?

    Porridge January 9, 2021 7:47 pm

    Amen! This is all fiction and webtoons are made for entertainment, even the author wanted Nakyum to suffer more. Why? bec he looks pretty when he cry. People should just enjoy it.

Danae January 9, 2021 6:42 am

Who was thirsty for the comeback of soft Seungho towards Nakyum?
I should stop predicting shit on this story since I usually guess wrong but as much as I wish for Seungho to fulfill his promised role as murderer, I doubt very much either Jihwa or the hobo assassin will pay for the kidnapping. Reason being that the hobo assassin is a fanservice character created to give smut with Jihwa and this arrangement alone grants them immunity from death in the trope.
I think it's more probable that Seungho will end the season bleeding in the snow in a battle with the unwashed version of him than actual harm come to either of the newly formed couple. This also would serve as some kind of 'justice' to feed to the readers who want Seungho's blood sacrifice before he is allowed to turn human again for Nakyum.
If I had my wish, Seungho would wreck havoc in the town, cutting the Tarzan's head off and stringing him up to dry in the sun and Jihwa, well, somehow I think Seungho can't quite get himself to actually kill Jihwa but he probably could get close to it.
On the soft side, If I had my other wish, I would want Seungho and Noona to interact more and have his patience tested. It doesn't seem Seungho had a female presence in his life, even less one assertive one. it would be fun to watch Seungho try to be soft and obedient to Noona for the sake of Nakyum and even maybe learn something from Nakyum's upbring.
Anyway, I believe the author herself must feel by now readers are getting worn out waiting for all that teasing that they see in her official art and here is hoping shippers starting getting feed instead of starving and eating crumbs like Seungho quiet reckoning that he fucked up big time and he needs to step up before Nakyum decides to leave for real.

    MahirF January 9, 2021 10:35 am

    Great analysis! Oh, how I wish Seungho will slice Tarzan into pieces after dragging him to his courtyard so Nakyum could see him die and feel relieved (although Nakyum will probably be even more traumatized because he hates violence overall). But like you said, there's low chances that jerk dies since he is fanservice. Don't you think SH could let Nakyum leave with his sister? I believe he would and then NK will stay... or he'll leave and then return. I just hope we won't see make up until many chapters from now. They both need a mental break.

    Danae January 9, 2021 2:34 pm
    Great analysis! Oh, how I wish Seungho will slice Tarzan into pieces after dragging him to his courtyard so Nakyum could see him die and feel relieved (although Nakyum will probably be even more traumatized bec... MahirF

    Of course I would love to see Seungho telling Nakyum that he can leave if he wishes but I wonder if we can really expect for that yet.
    I feel Seungho reaching this point would mean he has learned to put Nakyum's wishes above his own, that would be the moment his love has taken over everything else he is used to. Seungho surely still loves Nakyum and this feeling is new but it's like a kid loves his favorite toy, he wants to own it and have it at his disposition. He is possessive. He knows he can't live without it and his feelings are priority. It's the selfish love of a kid. We are all waiting for the stage where his love becomes whole, the kind where Seungho instincts become to make Nakyum happy even if it means he himself doesn't get to be.
    Maybe this is the turn point, let's hope.

Danae January 5, 2021 4:16 am

Seungho cannot be understood nor forgiven but even in the worst chapters the author manages to add Seungho betraying himself when he mistreats Nakyum.
The biggest offense one can have on Seungho apparently is to try to deceive him. The morning after Nakyum disappeared, we got a sequence of images that was Seungho remembering the sex he had with Nakyum the previous night and it was a passionate one. Even if Nakyum himself didn't voice his feelings, you see that Seungho took the sex between them as Nakyum being with him because he wanted. Come morning Seungho is deducting that all that was a lie and he was fooled. And being deceived is capital offense in Seungho's world,
He also vowed to not let his feelings or guard down again. However, Pay attention to this strange confession that only works for a character like Seungho:

"When I think of how you and that tramp tried to deceive me ...I want to tear her to shreads and shove her in a pigsty ... (this shows how hateful he is feeling, how horrible he is capable of being)
... But I will restrain myself a hundred times over since she is your sister. ( why? why Seungho the almighty heartless noble would restrain a hundred times over to do something because of Nakyum? )

The best part is that because his actions are so horrible, none of them realizes what he is saying with this.

    Lark January 5, 2021 4:29 am

    You worded this so clearly and eloquently and dissected it to the T. His words and actions are poetry sometimes but some readers are so blinded by hate that all they see is his head on a pike. I dig it.

    bully me January 5, 2021 8:24 am

    i wish i could double upvote this topic

    MahirF January 5, 2021 11:30 am

    I think Seungho can be understood. I do understand him and his horrible actions. Yet it's really hard to like him or forgive him. His behavior overall is very consistent. Just like you said, if you deceive him, you will get hurt by him. As simple as that. He made tremendous efforts for the sake of Nakyum when he believed his feelings could be mutual, but as soon as he realized it wasn't true, he just stopped. I foresee a tragic end for him although I still think we will have a sweet romance between him and Nakyum before that. Maybe in season 3!

Danae December 26, 2020 2:40 am

Everybody saying that the woman is Nakyum's noona, one of the woman who raised him but ...
- She is far too young to be one of the woman who raised him
- He wasn't really known as a painter until he got to be Seungho's commissioned painter.
- The way the story mentions Nakyum's past with the women who raised him indicates that they are not living close by

Instead, the way that the women is dressed resembles the woman who was fucking Tarzan in his dump once when Jihwa came banging at his door.
If Nakyum will not be saying what happened, maybe the truth will be revealed like a lot of crimes are: loose lips sink ships. Dumb criminals talking about something that somebody else hears. It's possible the woman ended up hearing something from Jihwa and Tarzan conversation about a 'painter'.

    MahirF December 26, 2020 2:46 pm

    That's a very interesting theory!! I would expect the truth about the kidnapping to be exposed way faster tho. Like the doctor seeing something or Min talking to the other nobles. Imagine if the rest of the season is dedicated to the kidnapping truth just like the first half was about the kidnapping itself?! And meanwhile, we'll have Nakyum suffering shit because of SH's lost of trust! I would die of frustration and disappointment!

Danae December 5, 2020 4:32 pm

I think there is an exhaustion in here for the shippers and I wouldn't be surprised if at this point POTN gets to see readers pausing or leaving because there seems to be frustrating to follow the latest additions.
I do believe there is a bad combination of things going on with the story and I don't know about other readers or shippers but on top of the set back, the decision of adding a second couple at this point that fast track to bonding and relationship in what is the most baseless ground and flimsy interactions seems the worst plot ever. It literally asks the readers to have patience and understand the long and slow paces development between the main characters and all the reasoning behind it, then at the same time ask the readers to swallow an assassin falling in love, discarding money and concerning himself with the most annoying man he ever saw. And he is hetero. In two chapters they are lovers. Okay. I'm not against fanservice for the sake of it but it is so blatantly bad timing inserting such unnecessary couple at the same time the main couple don't move, they regress it. And you just know it will get worse because now the author has to please the fanservice crowd who is waiting for all the smut scenes between unswashed Seungho and Jihwa.... while the bar for Seungho and Nakyum is yet another forced sex in a scene that looks all too repetitive by now.
I wish I could think that the author will surprise with something better next week but I foresee only this: a pointless waste of time with Jihwa and hobo that will fast track this completely undercooked union without any development but two scenes, and Seungho going crazy again. Never mind the so many characters that are now completely forgotten and side tracked to give space to Jihwa/hobo and apparently the kidnapping whole plot was to bring this couple together and give reason for Seungho to return to his old ways.
I wish the author well but I probably pausing for a while and reading other things because I feel the story will detour to characters I may like but not necessary think should be taking the precious short chapters there is and the contrast between asking to follow a complex development version giving baby mashed food as development for another characters seems too irritating at this point.

Danae November 27, 2020 10:44 pm

Such a long arch in preparation for the kidnapping and it was all about the lame side couple being set up. We all knew the moment we saw the hot dude that he wouldn't be doing shit worthy of adding danger but still feels pretty underwhelming how obvious the whole thing was.
We are probably getting close to the end of the second season and with the Holidays coming up, we going to get a big break.... all the more annoying that we will have the chapters now split to get fanservice for Jihwa and his hunk. I have no problem with side couples but what a drag in a story that has still a lot to cover for the main characters plus the other side characters that could have way more interesting additions to the plot besides the empty coupling that would be Jihwa and the nameless.
The chapters are unbelievable short to squeeze in unnecessary side couple at this point at the expense of the already long and unresolved main plot and characters and all the other side characters waiting for some development regarding their role in the story. We get it.
Next week we probably not going to advance on Nakyum and Seungho but a few scenes and instead get the whiny clingy Jihwa chocking his sorrows on the hobo assassin's dick. Hoping that once they fuck, they get out of the way so the story gets back on track to more interesting and actual plot.
I actually miss Inhun and wish more of the conniving guy who actually was the brain of the kidnapping. There are still no one worthy of challenging Seungho.

    donaa November 27, 2020 11:54 pm

    Damn you went on fire there. Couldn’t agree more. This story is so good it doesn’t need fillers. All the author is doing by shoving the side couple forcefully on us is diminishing the initial excitement and tension. All that buildup for nothing.
    Nakyum was used as a prop to get Jihwa out of the picture.

    MahirF December 1, 2020 5:04 pm

    So true! I would rather have less chapters per month as long as they are longer and more relevant to the main plot. It must be really hard for the author to deliver at such a pace. Coping with such stressful deadlines doesn't help with creativity and consistency. I can only feel sorry for her. I myself go nuts whenever I have to deliver a study project on a strict deadline. I guess she will take 3 months break after Christmas again...

Danae November 17, 2020 1:28 am

Am I the only one who sees Tarzan as the beefed up, unwashed twin version of Seungho? Besides all the props that the author added to the character not to look too obvious like the beard, clothes, tattoos, they have the almost exact drawing lines.
I don't know if it's my eyes but when I first saw the hobo assassin's face I thought actually the author had added a twin twist plot into the story .... on the other side, I think looking at them and not seeing it's the same drawing has more to do with our imagination following the story than requires to look at them as if they didn't look alike, than the very common fact that usually authors draw very similar characters many times even when they try not to... that's why we see the same 'seme' or 'uke' in different stories of a same author.... we recognize it right away.
Tarzan's layers of disguise is effective but the character is a Seungho's body double or maybe my eyes deceive me. If I had started reading this story and stopped and saw a picture of Tarzan I would have thought the author had done some kind of art with Seungho dressing up. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who sees the same dude in two characters.

    Lysander November 17, 2020 2:06 am

    Tarzan?? xD Am I missing smth?(≧∀≦)

Danae November 14, 2020 8:10 pm

Jihwa is that kind of boyfriend who calls you in the middle of the night telling you he is going to kill himself if you don't come back to them, isn't?
I'm sure the story will go with the Tarzan guy and Jihwa being a pair but I think the part that would be harder for me to get is why a dude who has no chains would pick out of people the most needy and clingy bitch he ever met.
On the other hand, the man lives in a dump, his job is to pokes eyes, deform people, torture or kill people he doesn't even know so besides the muscles, it's not like he is a great catch either so even Jihwa deserved better.
Jihwa, Girl, reform, forget Seungho, go travel, don't cling to another man, there are good dicks everywhere, don't end up washing dirty undies and cleaning blood out of your man's pants.

    MahirF November 14, 2020 8:24 pm

    Haha, you always make me laugh with your analysis. I doubt Tarzan and Jihwa will be a strong pair in this story. I guess they will just fuck so the shippers will be happy and the coming chapters will have so smut 'cause Nakyum and Seyngho will be apart. That's only my guess tho. I could be wrong. I hate it when there's a new couple competing with the main one. It just takes panel space for nothing. Jihwa is very pretty but I don't mind if he ends up killed.

    Xayneth Satnum November 14, 2020 8:43 pm

    Lol but Tarzan guy is an assassin so its totally justified to him to "poke eyes" and fulfill other such client demands. And being an assassin makes him even more hot and makes the story more spicy.

Danae November 13, 2020 10:56 pm

I was thinking how lucky Jihwa is for being a gay character in a Yaoi story.
We all know we are reading a trope Yaoi --- and frankly I have no problem with it, I know very well what i signed for so I'm not one of those readers who engage in stories that they don't like just to nag about it to the end --- anyway, it's a trope so who is Jihwa here?
Jihwa is that trope Yaoi girl who get in the middle of the main gay couple and tries to get rid of the rival and, just like the most annoying Yaoi girl tropes out there, spends most of their time either having crying tantruns, finding another man to do the deed of destroying the rival, or any other trope stereotype 'bitch' that is the girl in Yaoi stories who loses the guy.
Luckily for Jihwa she is not a girl. He does the very same thing girls do in other stories but because he is a man, he will be given a much better destiny in the story. He will have a redemption kind of arch where he regrets his bad deeds and most importantly, a completely new hunk created just for him, that is very much the copycat version of the man he couldn't have, is created just for him to have his happy ending with.
To be clear, this is not a trashing. I know very well this all falls into the world of Yaoi and like many other things, I am happy that these stories are like they are instead of trying to 'clean' or eliminate them with pseudo intellectual moral shaming.
It's entertainment and I love it. This was just an observation since I have been thinking who Jihwa reminds of and then just hit me that Jihwa is the annoying 'bitch' we are so used to see --- only that we know girls in Yaoi usually don't get a second chance or even more an inflatable 'ready-to-love' doll character to be their rebound.

    Saki November 13, 2020 11:53 pm

    Nice analysis my dude ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Zarathustra November 14, 2020 12:12 am

    Damn, you're right.
    Now I feel depressed. You are right. If we had Jihwa as a girl in this story doing the same crazy crying bitch the readers would be merciless and there wouldn't be any hot Tarzan to play with crazy Jane.

    Party sock November 14, 2020 1:12 am

    Also, I think people like Jihwa more bc he's a man. If he was a girl she would be a stereotypical annoying crybaby girl that society told us are undesirable. We don't see them in the same way even tho they behave the same way bc girls are the ones being shamed for being clingy and annoying but if the guy acts like that he's cute and possessive...

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