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Danae November 7, 2020 1:48 pm

Okay but how someone sleeps through being place in a bucket full of water?
Although this scene fits nicely with the one from previous chapters where Seungho is seen carrying Nakyum all wrapped in a blanket. (The one where the merchant thought he was carrying his 'fiancee').
The scene with Nakyum caressing a sleeping Seungho is warm and maybe it's just my imagination but sometimes it seems the author is intentionally and subtly drawing Nakyum looking 'bigger', less of a boy and more 'mature' as part of his development too as maybe another symbolism that his stature in the relationship is changing from lowborn/servant to equal.
The other scene I live is Nakyum sitting outside having Seungho's shoes by his side. To me, yet another symbolism of them becoming a couple and slowly establishing that, at least between the two of them, the lowborn/master hierarchy is being broken (they face every outsiders norm though).
I know Jihwa and the unwashed version of Seungho or Tarzan like he is being called now ( lol, love that) are popular but gosh, at least to me, those are the parts that I am least interested.
I think I am kind of old fashioned and I think stories with a main character that are already hard to like or root for like Seungho should maybe not introduce side characters that may overshadow or take over. The new hunk doesn't need to have anything interesting or a background story, just be the kind of fanservice eye candy these characters are and not be the 'rapist' to automatically be granted status of male lead and although I understand the pressure on the author to give readers another version of Seungho they can root for ( because I'm sorry, that's what the new guy is, Seungho's less evil twin), I can't help but think this undermines the main story since a lot of times fanservice characters become more popular. The chapters being so short in this story really doesn't give much chances for all the characters to be well developed and in the end we may end up with the main couple side stepped or diminished to make space for Jihwa and his Tarzan (like it's already happening) that probably may become more popular since they don't face the obstacle of a rape plot curve.
Lost in this also is that the story still has so many side characters that now just got their chances for a better development diminished, like Seungho's brother. Inhun and his arch and whatever is Seungho's relationship with his father. I like the story but I can't help to think that Jihwa and Tarzan will start to eat up all that once the author starts feeling the appeal to please more and more the fanservice linked to the hunk.

    MahirF November 7, 2020 6:25 pm

    Well, I would say he was probably semi-passed out rather than sleeping. SH the beast must work him all night when they are at it and NK barely recalls what happens afterwards xD! I also loved the shoes panels. How sublte and beautiful *-* As for the last part of your comment, I believe Inhum, SH's young brother and all the drama related to his father would be addressed in a another season(s). The author is just throwing some information here and there to enhance our interest. She said in one of her interview that she wants to write a quite long story so I am expecting at least 4 seasons... hence the slow plot progress.

Danae November 4, 2020 10:43 pm

"I've been waiting, to go back home with you, my Lord"

Curious to know if in Korea original words, 'home' has the same meaning that in English.
Usually we refer to 'home' as the place we belong to. As if Nakyum now feels like he has a place, somewhere to go back to and Seungho's house is not only the place he stays because he has nowhere else to go.
It looks like this was the intention of the word in Korean too by the way Seungho reacted.

Danae November 4, 2020 12:23 pm

Who thinks the sex scene is at the doctor's office and who thinks it's at their home later?
I'm more inclined to think they are still in the office because:

The bedding looks the same one Nakyum prepared for Seungho to lay down, doesn't it?
The water bucket outside. In the previous chapter we know Mr was fetching water and it looks like Mr Kim came back, heard the moaning and just left the water outside.
Both Seungho and Nakyum were pent up for sex with each other and it just sounds weird that, once all the touching and kissing and fingering started, they would have the restraint to pause to calmly walk back home to resume the sex.
I don't think they are really worried where they are, just that they are alone for the first time in a while and the dicks are hard. The atmosphere of the scene is 'I need to have you right now' so that's why I think they are in the office and the night scene seems to indicate they are also spending the night there.
I don't know, I could be wrong, I actually would prefer they were home. The poor doctor will have an office smelling of sex the whole day, lol.

    Yuki November 4, 2020 3:48 pm

    Definitely still at the the doctor's office. At one point you can see in the background something colorful, I'm not sure if it's a painting. But you see the same thing when the doctor is talking to Nakyum in the previous chapter.

    Danae November 4, 2020 10:22 pm
    Definitely still at the the doctor's office. At one point you can see in the background something colorful, I'm not sure if it's a painting. But you see the same thing when the doctor is talking to Nakyum in th... Yuki

    Yeap. Good catch!

Danae October 31, 2020 4:02 am

Shippers, come and get your candy!!! This chapter is a goodie bag.

My favs things: everything except being so short.

- Seungho trying to be his usual cold asshole to Nakyum but as soon as Nakyum said 'I was waiting to go home with you' the man curt circuited into a confession.
- That kiss. That soft slow motion closed eyed kiss.
- All the unsaid things in that scene with the water barrel outside ... The two pair of shoes side by side. What a nice touch.... Also, Mr Kim knew what was going on and didn't want to interrupt. Mr Kim is a shipper!
- Seungho and Nakyum are so kinky even when the shit is getting serious. Who mixes a romantic kiss with a finger in the ass ... and they are still in the a doctor's office? what horny dogs.
- The hands, obviously... Seungho wants to hold his hands, people. Dude is putting all the moves now.
- That back, those legs, that perfect ASS!
- Nakyum's didn't even took his booties off. And you still can see his curling toes.
- Seungho whispering in Nakyum's ear that he has made a wreck out of him . Poor Nakyum, how could he not curl his toes to that? lol.

- That ASS. Worthy mentioning again.

Danae October 29, 2020 2:28 am

So apparently someone wants to reply to my posts but doesn't allow me to reply back to their argument on my posting.

"Don't think anyone has downplayed a murderer for hire, it's folk downplaying Seungho's crimes and shipping him with his victim which over whelm the comment section. Plots like this would be better if they were classed as seinen, rather than forcing illogical romances just because in yaoi readers want an "end game".

The message to you is the same: No one FORCED anything on you. You chose to read a non normative fiction that you dislike and you keep acting as if you were promised or entitled to be receiving something else. Grow the fuck up. You are reading a rape plot ( and can't get enough of it since you lap on every chapter), You act like you are a vegetarian who chose to go to a steak house just because it's popular and everybody else goes and then you sit there nagging that you are getting a steak instead of veggie burger. Then on top of this, you have the nerve to say it is being 'forced' on you.

It's a fiction. That's the whole fucking point of not downplay or overplay any of this shit.
it's the hypocrisy of the double standard of morality of readers trashing one character --- that they know will follow a trope that they chose to read it -- using the lamest logic that doesn't apply to other characters.
Plots like this are fine just the way they are because Thanks Goodness we live in free society where authors can write what they want and readers can choose to read it or not.
You keep talking as if anyone 'forced' you to read this instead of you walking in here on your own will, realizing full well what you chose to read, know that is rape plot and still keep reading and posting your moralistic shaming.
Do you realize how much you undermine your own opinion? Who the hell is forcing anything on you? Can you answer that?
Just because you don't share an opinion or taste on something doesn't mean the subject is any less valid to someone else.
There are so many other stories for your to choose from. You can choose 'logical' romance. You can choose healthy relationships ... but you chose this one. The one you are here whining about since chapter one that is beneath you.
Please, if anyone is forcing you to read this 'illogical romance', call the police.
Otherwise we are all going to assume that you choose to read something you don't like it and then keeps talking as if you were entitled to be served something else.

    Danae October 29, 2020 2:37 am

    By the way, how brave of you to come reply to my posts while you block me to reply to you. You must feel really so above the peasants and shippers here who 'overwhelm' the comments section.... a story that according to you is neither interesting nor worth of your time since the author 'can't put the author to try something better'...... see you again in the next chapter? Of course we will.

    rizuu October 29, 2020 4:53 am

    You tell them!!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Tiny_Snail October 29, 2020 4:58 pm

    Well said.

    SamSoo October 29, 2020 11:55 pm

    Hey i can reply to them Do you want me to copy past so the person realized they're kinda dumb bc if they blocked you i'm not sure they can see your comment

    moonchild October 30, 2020 3:24 pm

    ...and bcoz of this post, imma follow you hahaha! Very well said. I wish there's a way to pin this post on top of the comments section for everyone to read.

Danae October 28, 2020 11:33 pm

"It's Seungho who is being the prick though".

Why is that? Seungho never promised anything, never led Jihwa on. Seungho doesn't like people meddling in his business and he warned Jihwa multiple times. Jihwa put a spy on his house, Jihwa tried to fool Seungho when he framed NK for ruining the painting and basically Jihwa felt entitled to demand from Seungho that he act as Jihwa felt he should.... and now Jihwa uses Seungho's past to trick him into a meeting. Tell me again why is Seungho the prick in here if it;s Jihwa who continuously act with deception?

"Seungho and Jihwa seemingly were confined to the estate". Where the hell did you get THAT? On the contrary, it's very clear from this chapter through the doctor that only Seungho went through whatever his father did as conversion therapy, Doesn't even make sense to think that Jihwa 'got confined to the estate' even because nowhere is mentioned that Seungho's father is some kind of guardian for Jihwa and would have the power to do anything to him.

"Jihwa is more able to express his emotions about being in love with man..." again, maybe that would not be the case if he had gone through the same kind of torture. Just because they are both gays and were caught together does not automatically say that Jihwa also went through the same. If anything the chapter indicates that Jihwa was lucky enough not to have a father that did to him what Seungho's one did to him.

"Seungho is the one beign the upstart here " What the fuck are you talking about? So Seungho should only like whomever Jihwa and the other nobles want him to like otherwise it's Seungho's fault that the others are a piece of shit to Nakyum? This doesn't even make sense. Jihwa not only is demanding something that was never promised, he lied to Seungho, he tricked him, he is offended that he got spurned for someone who is beneath him and it's Seungho who is the prick by asking to be left alone by the bunch of people who wants to demand his attention?

Please, i understand being biased when you don't like a character but give me a break.

    .A. October 28, 2020 11:44 pm


    Zarathustra October 28, 2020 11:51 pm

    When you don't like a character and you bend backwards to put everyone else's bad behavior on his back.
    Jihwa is literally saying that Seungho has no right to a life or love unless it's with him or the way he can tolerate and Seungho is the prick. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Danae October 29, 2020 1:20 am
    When you don't like a character and you bend backwards to put everyone else's bad behavior on his back. Jihwa is literally saying that Seungho has no right to a life or love unless it's with him or the way he c... Zarathustra

    I really can't stand people who uses double standard when analyzing characters just because they dislike one.
    The vast majority of people who can't get over the fact that they chose to read what they don't like can't move on and go find something else but they instead latch on side characters -- because frankly the story is minimal when you hate the main couple but some readers just can't not read a popular title.
    The problem with this in POTN is that the only other pairing is Jihwa and the Tarzan version of Seungho. Now, look at the beauty of this double standard. The rape that happens inside a plot of redemption between the main charactes is inexcusable but the character that is by canon a murderer for money is automatically worthy of love and happiness.
    The massive hole on this is that a new character who lives by the law of the street and murder without emotion most probably won't have any qualms about rape or torture but never mind. Don't let these pesky logical details get in the way to trash a character that you hate while excusing others that are not really better.

Danae October 27, 2020 6:23 pm

Jihwa believes that he knows Seungho more than anyone else. However, everything he does seems to be the acts of someone who doesn't know Seungho at all.
Jihwa should know better than anyone that Seungho has big trusting issues. Betrayal is something he can't forgive. However, deception and manipulation is what Jihwa keeps trying with Seungho.

Look at all the ways Jihwa showed Seungho that he can't trust him:
- He placed a spy servant inside Seungho's house;
- He sabotaged Nakyum's painting so Seungho would think it was NK doing it and punish the lowborn.
Even if Seungho didn't care a bit about NK, I bet that the fact that Jihwa tried to manipulate him into doing something would already piss him off.

- He uses something he knows from Seungho's past to lure Seungho to meet him.

This is of course besides the biggest betrayal of all: to hire an assassin to eliminate Nakyum, a lowborn that he could actually kill it in public if he wanted and get away with it. The only reason he is doing it in secret is exactly because this hit means betraying Seungho, again, and he knows it.

So Jihwa is actually a contradiction of his own. He is indeed the person that should know Seungho the most .... but instead of using this to his advantage, he keeps doing everything that Seungho hates the most: being a fake and stabbing him in the back. Even if Jihwa thinks this is justifiable because of his feelings, from Seugho's pov, Jihwa keeps showing he will lie and do anything to manipulate him.

    sao October 27, 2020 5:26 pm

    Nice comment

    Emeraldine October 27, 2020 9:07 pm

    You, my friend just read my mind. If he actually knew the REAL Seungho, he wouldn't have done half the shit he's done. Betraying him time and time again for his own benefit and not understanding why he is the way he is after his father tried to beat and drug the gay out of him. More than likely the two got caught in a compromising position and only Seungho got so brutally punished for it. Jinhwa DOES NOT love Seungho, he loves the idea of him. If he truly love him and wanted his happiness it would matter if he was with another Noble or a lowborn

Danae October 25, 2020 5:41 am

Every time I read a chapter and think Seungho couldn't be draw with a more perfect face, then next chapter comes along and he looks even more stunning. Seungho even sick with fever looks gorgeous.
On the other hand, it takes real talent to have one character have the ugliest and scariest looking face in one scene ( Seungho at the high of his madness) and then the very same character having the most gorgeous looking face in another scene ( Seungho sleeping face)

Danae October 23, 2020 7:23 pm

The story is becoming more interesting.
I agree with the conclusions from most that the pieces of the puzzle are about Yoon father finding out Seungho homosexual tendencies and based on the ignorance of the time plus maybe his own cruelty and pride, tried to do everything to 'cure' his son of the disease.
Young Seungho's face and neck are bruised, so probably he got a beating right away. The he was dragged to the doctor. As the doctor said, he couldn't really see anything wrong with Seungho, he looks healthy and bright so all he could do was to give some random medicine. Yoon father then decided to give some other more drastic treatment and from what the doctor said, that involved some kind of isolation .... and whatever other horror young Seungho was submitted to in order to be cured. We can see that Seungho literally went mad with the method. Probably tried suicide as we see the knife in the scene. I know a lot of people are talking about Lord Song being someone who molested him but I think Lord Song may be some kind of 'authority' that his father entrusted to cure his son as if he was the patient of a mad house in need of a cure for his madness. That's why Seungho says he hates old bearded man ... Then when the cure failed, finally Yoon father disavowed his son by cutting his top knot and banishing from his house. Seungho's 'disease' is called contagious so Yoon father probably thought Seungho could influence his brothers.
Also, Jihwa apparently got caught with Seungho --- and Seungho got the blame for passing the disease to Jihwa. In any case, we know that Jihwa was lucky enough not to have been subject to the same treatment, although he must have known what was happening to Seungho all that time. That's why he knows Lord Song and he knows why Seungho is unstable as he is.
On a note, I know people are feeling bad for Jihwa because he has an unrequited love for Seungho but let's see the difference here: Jihwa's problem is not that he was sent to some kind of dungeon and subject to torture and lost any sense of humanity and goes around hurting people. His affliction is that he loves someone who didn't fall in love with him and he is using this as excuse to assassinate his rival, what he is doing only because he considers the rival below him, a lowborn. Also, forgotten in all the 'poor Jihwa' thing is that he is using Seungho's trauma to betray him. Jihwa excuse in all this is to say that he is entitled to Seungho's love because he has loved him. It doesn't seem that at any point Seungho ever promised or indicated that this was reciprocated in emotional level so he can't even blame Seungho for something that he was never promised to. Basically what Jihwa is doing here is to say: if I can't have you, nobody can. I reserve my pity only to the extent that unrequited love sucks but besides that, fuck Jihwa until he proves his affection to Seungho by leaving Nakyum alone. Out of all people Jihwa should know that the only hope for Seungho is to find love. Jihwa wants to be the one but that's not how it works. Jihwa is still in the phase that he is thinking more about himself and if he can't be the one, no one else, even more a lowborn, can't have what he wants.

    y8gurt October 23, 2020 7:39 pm

    THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU!!! I agree with everything except I do feel really bad for jihwa... I didnt like him at all before but after this chapter I felt like crying... just imagine if this story was told in jihwas perspective since they were children & in the end someone random (nakyum) ended up being who seungho fell in love with... Id be pissed. Even if he’s crazy & selfish I can’t help but feel bad for him ): hopefully he realizes seungho’s happiness if with nakyum like you said & that he lets him go <3

    Sugarcube October 23, 2020 7:58 pm

    Thank you for explaining how shitty Jihwa is

    Sugarcube October 23, 2020 8:00 pm

    I couldn't understand why people suddenly started to sympathise with him. Like did everyone forget he is trying to kill someone?

    ali October 23, 2020 8:03 pm


    (this is just my take)

    i don't think jihwa knows everything about lord song. they both were probably affected by him, but in different ways? whatever jihwa's impression of lord song is, is different from seungho's. that's why he was able to use it as a prank (despite how mr kim got nervous over it). he probably doesn't even know the extent of the things lord song did seungho.

    i think jihwa's in the dark about a lot of things concerning seungho. he only knows the surface. he's not familiar with seungho's trauma, but he's probably familiar with a few of the events that caused it.

    Sugarcube October 23, 2020 8:16 pm
    THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU!!! I agree with everything except I do feel really bad for jihwa... I didnt like him at all before but after this chapter I felt like crying... just imagine if this story was told in j... y8gurt

    It's okay to be angry and jealous, but to plot murder against someone innocent??

    Like Danae said, if Jihwa knows what SH has been through, then he should be happy seeing that SH is finally starting to fall in love and is starting to change. He knows he is gonna hurt SH a lot by murdering NK, as his dream showed, yet he still hasn't cancelled his plan. This isn't love. To him SH is more like a precious 'toy' that he used to have and which has been taken away from him. He's being very immature and probably doesn't even know what loving someone actually means. Perhaps the assassin will teach him a thing or two..

    Meli Ji October 23, 2020 8:51 pm
    I couldn't understand why people suddenly started to sympathise with him. Like did everyone forget he is trying to kill someone? Sugarcube

    God i know! imagine if i’m the news today you heard a murder occurred because someone got fuckin JEALOUS!? are you kidding me???? all y’all talking bout “i feel sO bAd for hIm bEcaUse—“ you feel bad for someone who attempted murder because he’s used to getting what he wants in life? is that right?

    Meli Ji October 23, 2020 8:53 pm
    I couldn't understand why people suddenly started to sympathise with him. Like did everyone forget he is trying to kill someone? Sugarcube

    the garbage. i cannot even fathom the type of garbage that needs to sit in your brain for you to be okay with the thought process of “oh no :c my crush doesn’t like me anymore :c let’s kill his crush instead >:3” are you serious.

    ali October 23, 2020 9:29 pm
    God i know! imagine if i’m the news today you heard a murder occurred because someone got fuckin JEALOUS!? are you kidding me???? all y’all talking bout “i feel sO bAd for hIm bEcaUse—“ you feel bad f... Meli Ji

    you gotta understand the time period lmao. ppl back then used to kill others for shits and giggles or if they annoyed them. jihwa having nakyum killed wouldn't have turned any heads, esp since nakyum's a lowborn (same goes for when seungho randomly killed that messenger in ch.1 and tried to kill inhun in ch.27).

    Meli Ji October 23, 2020 9:33 pm
    you gotta understand the time period lmao. ppl back then used to kill others for shits and giggles or if they annoyed them. jihwa having nakyum killed wouldn't have turned any heads, esp since nakyum's a lowbor... ali

    Just because something wouldn't have turned heads doesn't make it any less wrong. Just because I undErstAnd doesn't mean I agree. There is no universe where jealousy is a good reason for murder." A fight? ok ok i still don't like it but ok. MURDER?? Premeditated paid assassination attempt??? Bro.

    I get it. It's still wrong.

    MahirF October 23, 2020 9:39 pm

    I was waiting for your comment and as always, you delivered! So much sense and amazing analysis of the events! Thanks for that! I second your opinion regarding Lord Song. He was probably the one in charge of the conversion therapy. That's why Seungho (and servant Kim) seem to be terrified just by the mention of his name. At some point, Seungho will have to go back to his old town and face that man, his father and all the people who made him endure this terror. That's the only way to find peace. We're not 100% sure yet, but I somehow feel relieved the author did not base her plot on child sexual abuse. It would be very disturbing and it would also make SH unforgivable for what he did to Nakyum. How could he rape him knowing he had endured the same thing while being young? It did not make sense since the beginning.

    ali October 23, 2020 9:47 pm
    Just because something wouldn't have turned heads doesn't make it any less wrong. Just because I undErstAnd doesn't mean I agree. There is no universe where jealousy is a good reason for murder." A fight? ok ok... Meli Ji

    ik, i never said it was a good reason.

    Meli Ji October 23, 2020 9:48 pm
    I was waiting for your comment and as always, you delivered! So much sense and amazing analysis of the events! Thanks for that! I second your opinion regarding Lord Song. He was probably the one in charge of th... MahirF

    Oh yeah. He straight up RAPED Nakyum. And (although it added to the plot and I ADMITTEDLY and VERY BIASEDLY - my bad, y'all lol) did not disapprove near as much as I do with bitchass Jihwa's assasination attempt of Nakyum, what Seungho did was heinous too. I'm not trying to justifying anything.

    Awful people doing awful things? It makes them trash. They're wrong for that.

    Poor Nakyum. I feel so bad for him. He's literally subject to the games these rich people play, and if we look at history, chances are, this happened to TONS of people who could do nothing about it, too. :/ Sucks.

    Gaby0228 October 23, 2020 11:05 pm

    EJKENAJEKS does anyone else remember that scene before PoTN went on hiatus? It starts with the youngest Yoon brother leaving and Seungho's servant (Kim) hands him a piece of paper. Then if we link it with another scene where Seungho's dad is holding Nakyum's painting (it's the painting where SH is sitting and 2 guys are embracing him). SH's dad looks mad. I think it would match up with your comment OP!!!

Danae October 20, 2020 6:35 pm

I'm starting to think that the kinkiest character of this story is actually Nakyum.
Seungho and his harem of fuck boys sure do the orgies but they all look like they are doing more out or boredom than anything else.
One of the first erotic dreams of Nakyum was about Seungho doing a soft core bondage and talking dirty ... and he was a virgin back then. Now he is having wet dreams where he dreams of Seungho saying that he will fill him up with cum again.
Good thing that he found the right partner because I bet Seungho would be up for anything if more if Nakyum asked with a blushing innocent face. (●'◡'●)ノ

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