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TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I felt like I shouldn't look ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I haven't read the raws but I heard that more drama goes down soon. And I hope it does. I don't want clean cut happiness. I want them to struggle and if they stay together after all the fuck ups, then...

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Gimme the toxicity. Either they're gonna heal together like a cliche or it's gonna be like this for their entire relationship, feeding off of each other's chaotic energy. Like, an "I'll be there for you always but I'll also enjoy hurting you" dynamic. Then possibly really weird, rough makeup sex.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Holy shit. Exactly.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I get why Skylar went off in the upcoming chapter. He's been trying to please his man while also setting boundaries but Cirrus wants it HIS way ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍. Then, to put the cherry on top, he gets super duper jealous like a big crybaby when he sees Skylar and Chan-il together talking casually.

Skylar is showing him respect by declining Chan-il and I think Skylar deserves respect in return. It's infuriating when people misunderstand, especially a jealous, controlling boyfriend who deletes messages from friends off your phone (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

I get Cirrus is insecure and clingy due to his upbringing but he's going to lose Skylar if he keeps acting like a problematic seme, lol. Let's face it. Cirrus masks well. But he's a pouty little creampuff underneath. He latched onto Skylar because, although Skylar has problems too, he shows a certain strength that Cirrus lacks.

I hope the author doesn't glaze over these big red flags like a doughnut. Give me the drama that I know you're capable of, lol.

TylerDurden created a topic of Jinx

JK losing another match, unable to satisfy the sexual (and emotional) desire he felt for KD and/or being so angry and unable to concentrate, not acting like himself so much that his peers notice. Then, he'll be so embarrassed and start rage-quitting everything ^_^

And this probably won't happen because KD isn't the type but what if KD began seeing someone else? Just a casual fling to fill in what he's missing from JK. SEX!

And JK sees him out somewhere with his fling, right? Jumps out of is car in traffic and goes absolutely ballistic in public, gets his face plastered on a tabloid and it's titled "Former MMA Champion seen acting strangely outside a Starbucks"

I could write a whole essay of little punishments for JK. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

TylerDurden created a topic of Jinx
TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I'm hoping the author dives more into Cirrus's possessiveness and jealousy because that kind of behavior doesn't stop overnight and once the full pandora's box opens on that, the door can open for even more character development.

I'd also like to see more development with Skylar and not just how Cirrus sees him. I want to know how Skylar really feels and if he'll ever share his own middle school trauma with Cirrus. Not to mention, Skylar does seem to have similar anger issues, only he's much more independent and not as impulsive as Cirrus is.

They could be a great pair. But they could also really, really hurt each other. I love how layered each character is and I really hope the author doesn't cheap out and cliche the story up into simple boys love. It's so much more than that for me. Fingers crossed. I'm enjoying this one so much ╥﹏╥

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

*cue "Toxic" by Britney Spears*

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

the most realistic reaction to painful memories that I've ever seen in a manhwa. I'm kinda shocked how real it was. Top notch. And just when I begin to think maybe I was wrong about Cirrus being a little psycho, he starts deleting texts on Skylar's phone....

TylerDurden created a topic of Killing Stalking

I audibly said "WHAT" loudly in public.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Did we really need to see that again? We all know that Cirrus was abused. It was well implied in season 1. Maybe we'll learn some new information since the topic is murder? And maybe Skylar will feel comfortable enough to share his trauma as well. Honestly, I'm on edge for future conflicts, like Skylar and Cirrus could really do some emotional damage to one another.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Skylar immediately knew something was up, probably just by the look on Cirrus's face. Didn't even entertain the redhead. He just knew that Cirrus didn't want to be friendly with the guy.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Can we talk about all those devilish expressions Cirrus has been making as of late? LOL. Goodness. I was scared that the chemistry would die off when they began dating but I'm so glad that it hasn't. If anything, they have more chemistry now than ever. I feel they have an understanding of one another that no one else really gets. That's what makes this manhwa couple unique. I also feel like Cirrus wants to be in charge in the relationship so badly too but I think Skylar is the one pulling the leash...very gently.

TylerDurden created a topic of Jinx

KD would leave so JK can see what they COULD have.

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

And I probably never will.

Tell me.

Who the fuck is the new redhead villain and why is he trying to throw hands?

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

That kiss was ... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

I wonder where the author is going to take it this season. I want lovey dovey. But I also want chaos.

Waiting patiently for the translated chapters

TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

The art style changed so much and I have to wait for the translation.

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

TylerDurden created a topic of Jinx

And I LOVE Mingwa's art style. Absolutely beautiful. I kinda wish we had more panels of the "MFC" fight. But, I know that's not the focus.

Kim Dan not remembering being in heat from the aphrodisiac is pretty annoying. It's always a nice treat to see the bottom take charge and enjoy sex for once. For him to suddenly have amnesia about it is like a slap in the face.

AND...(last rant) I understand why KD would fall for JK but I hate how KD is so....sweet about it. I wish there was more tension between them, more rejection from KD, more of a push and pull dynamic. Wouldn't that be so much more interesting than the typical weak vs. strong BL trope?

I've said it before , KD could totally wreck JK emotionally if he wasn't so nice. Mingwa definitely has JK way overpowered. Make him stagger, goddammit! I hope his shoulder injury gets worse so we can see some vulnerability from him soon.

TylerDurden created a topic of Semantic Error

I'm not crying, you're crying ╥﹏╥

TylerDurden created a topic of Semantic Error

I remember that feeling. Apart of me thinks Sangwoo already knew all this but was just really scared. Being vulnerable and letting people in is, indeed, very scary.