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Grell answered question about looking for fujos or fudans
Save yourself and do not meet up with people especially on Mangago lawddd that's like meeting up with someone on Reddit
Grell answered question about question
Been here since 2015 but made an account in 2018 :3
Grell answered question about your opinions
yeah.......I actually regret that
Grell answered question about question
I'm not American so idk what that is
Grell asked question about question

Does anyone have experience writing a resignation letter? cuz I'm sweating thinking abt sending it in

Grell answered question about being single
Enemies to lovers only works if it's gay and in a fantasy setting
Grell answered question about try to progress in life
They won't I made up a fake email
Grell answered question about using mangago
I'm funny that's all that matters
Grell answered question about eat ass
my smile faded, their grandmas always dying and they always getting into toxic relationships
Grell answered question about your opinions
Am I the only hazbin hater :(( Can't pull myself to like it even though they have voice actors I like
Grell asked question about question

So basically I work as a content creator at an event club and it's unpaid and I work 4 times a week, I have to stay on call for 8 hours of the day, my break is 30 minutes and they're making me do every social media platform which involves making 2 posts a day on every site, also they're starting to make me do TikTok lives? which is not on my contra......

Grell answered question about question
I use to eat sand a lot, also spiders and a few other bugs like snails, also ate a gummy bear that fell in shit
Grell followed a goer


29 03,2024
Grell answered question about learn a new skill
This is why everyone is losing their mind on this site gawddamn delete ur damn tabs, I get stressed when I hit 5 tabs
Grell answered question about question
Once had an in depth romance dream about Willy Wonka a few years back, you know the dreams where you live a whole life and then wake up and feel empty, it was one of those types.
Grell answered question about being single
Can't be asked for all that
Grell answered question about question
Was gunna say smth but then remembered all the novels and anime's I've cried to, I ain't got no room to talk, have a good day.
Grell answered question about question
Grell answered question about question