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Night created a topic of Work Love Balance

I know the director is wrong and his drunk talk was really annoying, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like Yiyoung, or he wishes he would break up with him,

he's really a good boyfriend, Instead, I think he didn't express what he wanted correctly, and didn't choose his words well....
Yiyoung had to talk to the director and understand what he meant and work it out together..

but I don't know based on the last chapter, I don't think things are okay, Yiyoung went out to eat together with someone who told him he likes him, and he keeps hiding it....
I don't think that lack of experience in relationships has anything to do with what he's doing. ..
He realizes that what he's doing is wrong, but he keeps doing it, and he's happy that a handsome, rich guy is interested in him....

he's really immature, this will cause a lot of misunderstandings, no matter how exaggerated Yiyoung's thinking is.....
the truth should be told especially when he saw the director misunderstood and very angry, (my priority is my boyfriend and not someone else)....

I really hate stupidity... and I think this will continue, given the cover, maybe he brought someon like that to make the director jealous, Or it would be worse and more dramatic maybe Yiyoung want to try dating someone else.... and become More experience..

anyway I'm sure there will be a lot of annoying situations and that will be frustrating, I was hoping the story would stay nice ..

Night created a topic of The Devil’s Temptation

Well, it would have been a good story, if it weren't for chapter 88....
for me, I hated the whole story after it, and I didn't want to continue, there was no need for a scene like that...

This was just to torture Ivan... It wasn't necessary in my opinion, just annoying...

what would a scene like that add, it just made me feel so upset, I don't know, I just hated the story because of it..

Night created a topic of Metropolitan Nepenthes

Stories like this I don't expect much from them..
I was right.. .
It is ridiculous, and apart from the rape the MC is very stupid, and he always consoles himself that he has no choice and continues to lie, I don't understand what's wrong with him...
and the relationship until the end seems like he was forced into it...
strange story and chaotic content..

Night created a topic of Scandalous M

It's not that I hate MC, it's true that he chose to live a chaotic life because of what happened in his past, also Baekyung didn't confess and continued to hide his feelings, so i don't blame him for that...

but don't cause problems to those around you especially to Baekyung who you consider your only friend, who cares about you and always putting you first...

the MC here was selfish and only cared about himself..
and the way the author made the ML like this is not good in my opinion. ..
What is this? He only lives to serve the MC and clean up after the shit he does....
and then suddenly, wow, the MC realized that he has feelings for Baekyung right after the confession..

I don't know, From the beginning, I only care about Baekyung being happy....
He's a very good person who deserves the best, better than that mc of course ....
but that's the way stories are.... they all end like this.

Night created a topic of CUFFED!

I shouldn't expect much from such stories...

All the characters are unbearable, the first ML is bad and I don't know what he wants...

and the second ML I thought he was good but he was worse, he was mc's friend for a long time and in order to get him he manipulated him, In this dating practice game, this is disgusting...

and the worst is the mc, I hate characters like him, he has no opinion, not assertive, incredibly stupid, anyone can fool him...

What is the logic in this? in order to make someone love me I will go and do it with someone else to practice then I go back to it to apply what I learned...
This is very ridiculous...

In my opinion, no one is good. ..They are all annoying and stupid...

Night created a topic of Shining Summer

I don't know how this will end....
but turning the matter into a love triangle is strange and not good for me... especially after we saw the development of their feelings together....

In fact, introducing the real Jihoon now seems late and unnecessary to me, and for there to be a love triangle or poly, of course, this is worse thing could happen..

They are officially dating. ..This would be completely unfair, and disgusting. .
Even switching their bodies would be strange.
I felt bad since I saw the cover changed to three, especially after the first season, which was full of cute moments between them...

I don’t know what’s going through the author’s mind..
I just hope Wonjae is happy no matter what, it's been hard for him all these years...
And now after accepting it, this happens..
He really deserves to be happy now, just don't make him sad..

Night created a topic of Doronuma

It doesn't matter about uke's past or what he faced with that ex....
what the uke did was cheating..
no matter how much you look at it, it's just cheating..

you don't want it, but after it's over, you say you didn't expect that but you can't help but feel a little happy, that's what he said afterward.. he said that he was swayed by his ex, if it's not cheating then what is?
If it was rape, he wouldn't say this....

and to think he has the right to be jealous...
This is ridiculous and disgusting. ..

The seme accepted him easily, I don't know how he could trust him....
anyway that nice seme deserves better than that cheater who does nothing except cry...

Night created a topic of My Hyung's Sunbae

I finished reading the story...
after uke received a lot of hate, the author explained that the two were not dating...
however, I just hated uke until the end, his friend died saving him and this caused him to shed some tears in his condolence, even his guilt did not It takes a long time and he was just trying to ignore it and live with that person,....
of course it ended with a happy ending (of course not for me)...
The uke doesn't deserve this happinese ...

He was selfish and disgusting and made loneliness a reason to do that even if they were not dating , it was more like that...

Night created a topic of Unmei no Omega

Ok, I understand that....
but really in such cases, I just hope that the other party (like the beta in this case) leaves and gives up everything...
I am confident that he will find happiness after some time, even if it takes a long time...
I wish there were stories like this...
Why should a person suffer, just drop everything and leave..

Night created a topic of See You Again

I just don't care what happens to the uke, and I don't care about his past, it's no excuse for what he did.

Yujun faced a lot of pain until he reached his relationship with that uke..
He of course deserves better...
I just wished absolute happiness for yujin with someone else...

He Truly wonderful, beautiful ,kind and everthing...
but what? he suffered a lot, It was hard to watch this happen to our sweet yujin but what do we do? It seems that the author likes this kind of thing...

Night created a topic of Summer Guest

Oh, the story... I don't know, it's just ridiculous..

and the uke is a liar, fool, and childish, I don't know what he even wants, there's not a single thing that makes you like him...
of course the seme deserves better..
and in general I didn't like it and the ending was what's this !

Night created a topic of Anemone Theater

I don't know,...
I never liked uke, and I really don't know what's so special about him...
why would the seme even love someone like him, he kept getting his heart broken many times...

I know that uke has his problems and a disgusting father, but also the seme faced many hardships in his life.....
I just think he deserves better...

and anyway the ending was rushed. .
I felt like the author got bored or something like that.

Night created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I don't understand anyone rooting for Lorcan,

after everything that happened between sol and brian in the past ...

to me Lorcan he's just a bastred, selfish person who set his sights on something that wasn't his in the first place..

man... Sol gave up everything to be by Brian's side,
he just lives for him and his goals, even there is an eternal contract between them...

and that bastard just came between them and tried to get Brian by force...
It is just a disgusting obsession, so he continues to do so and makes their relationship get worse, as is seen in the Raw.

Sol really waited a long time...
He stayed alone and waited a thousand years for Brian to return to him. ..
It's really painful. ..

Anyway ....
the past isn't bad, but I think it's been too long, and it's become really really tiring and boring

Night created a topic of Portrait of a Bad Guy

This manhwa is weird, messy, you always read it with exclamation marks from the beginning to the end..

all the characters are just unbearable...
And look here, even after so many years, their relationship is still the same, there is no improvement, a lot of misunderstandings without any good communication between them.....

And in these few chapters....
I didn't blame the red head, he really loves MC and doesn't care about anyone else, and this is just his job.

He even told him in the beginning that if he doesn't like it, he won't accept the job....

but his fault is that he is stupid and not honest and continues to hide things, and make things become... Worse.... also what is this?
They continue to drink excessively with others despite their bad habit after that..
This is what Sol did, but fortunately for him, the student was good...
and look jeebin
This is tiring, just an immature relationship...

What's wrong with the omega in this story ?!
they are so disgusting...

the first one uses his body to get a promotion at his job and sleeps with all kinds, and pretends to hate this, it's not like anyone forced him to do that, he's just slut,
I couldn't find a single reason why the ml likes him.

The second one is also disgusting, floundering between two people and causing harm to both of them because of his stupidity. ..

They are the ones who sold themselves and claim to be victims, and they are just disgusting and do not deserve happiness, in my opinion..

All the mls are oppressed by this manga, they just deserve better than these disgusting omega

Night created a topic of Romantic Joutou

I don't know, this is a bit messy, or even a lot..

how did that disgusting alpha suddenly come home?

What's the point of raping him and marking him, nothing has changed..

How did uke have a child with beta after that?!
(Let's foreget that he is a beta )
In fact ,what's the point of looking for a mate after 9 years spent with that beta?

Hmm anyway nothing makes sense, I just never liked uke he's selfish and bad and until the end he kept saying if you weren't beta, if you weren't beta, just shut up..

Night created a topic of Form of Broken Love

I only wish one thing that Yunho would disappear and let these bastards do what they want.

He is sweet and innocent and loved that bastard with all his heart...his life was hard enough, he didn't deserve this ..
but I think the author won't do that, will make him cling to that cheater motherfucker more.

This makes me feel disgusting.
I can accept anything, but I hate cheating.

If you don't love your partner or want something else, just break up and do whatever damned thing you want.

Night created a topic of Sweet As Hell

Hmm, I don't know..
I didn't like it.

The idea of waiting for someone for 10 years and you didn't meet anyone because you loved him so much while that person dates dozens of people and comes back to you when he breaks up with one of them, even though he knows how you feel, but he doesn't care...

what is this? To know in the end that he did it because he loves you !!
This is very ridiculous.

He's selfish and bastred only thinks about himself and his feelings, and the ml is too stupid to keep loving someone like that ...

Night created a topic of Counter Offensive

In summary, MC is a piece of shit and ML is so fucking stupid to a strange point.

How can he love someone with such a dirty, unbearable personality?

He stole 6 of his ex-girlfriends, until he drugged him and ruined his life.
He treated him like a dog, perhaps worse, even with the side story that shows the ML’s point of view.( It makes you see his disgusting personality more).

He didn't treat the ML like a human being and didn't show kindness to him even once in the past, so why did ML love him? This is ridiculous, and even when he decided to give up and leave, MC drugged him as a kind of games and even after agreeing to date him, he always insulted and hurt him without caring in anthing. ..

And it always ends with the ML apologizing and begging him not to leave him, so I wonder maybe he really liked treating him like a dog..

Well the story improves at the end and the MC’s personality changes and he loves him very much and is unable to live without him.
However, I don't know how to feel.
This is just stupid and weird. I don't think anyone could love like that in real life. Of course, that's why we read it. It's just a fiction ..

Night created a topic of ANTI P.T.

I really didn't hate for the two main characters to end up together as much as I did in this manhwa.

I really don't know, it ended a long time ago but when I browse the manhwas and see the cover I just hate it so much.
The strange thing is that I did not forget how the MC did this when he gave the ML hope and they had a date the next day.
Even after the end of the side story and the cute moments between them, I still hate it.

Perhaps if the author had not added those chapters, it would have been much better.