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Night created a topic of Love and Passion

I have read the raw.
I didn't really like it.
MC continued exploiting the blondie ML from beginning to end.
He continues to get free housing, food and rest,
ML has loved him since he was young but MC made it clear that he does not want a relationship and they even promised each other not to fall in love. .. So far, things are good.

So when the blondie ML found out that he couldn't keep his promise, he told MC to find a place and go.
He was trying hard not to interfere and make MC uncomfortable.

But the MC was very selfish.
He kept making himself pathetic in order to stay in his house, he also applied what he learned from the master to him.

It was very clear that he loved the other person (the one he filmed porn videos with).
He felt more comfortable and safe with him.

In fact, the master was not bad.
He helped MC a lot, took care of him, and even told him to end this relationship, but MC refused because he felt comfortable being with him,

And because the master did not want to enter into a deeper relationship even though he loved MC. ..

This made the blondie ML, the only option left.

He was always by MC's side, and he didn't want to be left alone ,i don't think he actually loved him.

I didn't like the ending.
I was hoping that MC would end up with the master (I think having them together is better), and that he would leave ML to find his own happiness....

Night created a topic of Sketch

This is really strange..
The manhwa ended.. but the writer kept showing baek uh even until the end...

it's just annoying.
Is it necessary to know in detail about Baek Un and his relationship with Joobin?

Many chapters are wasted just to learn about a past that is not important and will not help the story advance.

So what does the writer want?
To make Joobin the most attractive in the world? He really made it clear, he even exaggerated a lot, compared to Yikyung's situation where he was always nervous and jealous, as if he wanted to show that Yikyung should be thankful that he got such an attractive and rare person,
this made the content a bit boring for me, Unnecessarily long.

Just think about it, the story is about Yikyung and Joobin, why don't we focus on their relationship more instead of making Yikyung feel this way? Why should the writer always show him in this way? Is there any benefit in knowing the details of his previous relationship and showing that person a lot? It is not as if that added anything.

Night created a topic of Written in the stars

What is this ?
During these years ML was not with anyone,
he only loved MC....
While he watches him sleep with all types and come to him whenever he wants, and now he has a fiance..,
(I know that he suffers and that he does not want this situation and that he is forced into it and his family is suck)...
but what is ML’s fault in this? why does he have to suffer with him?
why does he ask him to wait no matter how long it takes?
He has waited for you for 10 years.
What do you want from him? Just leave him alone.
You haven't resolved anything. .Or do you want to return to him with a child from another alpha ..

I don’t know. I just I think the writer exaggerated this so I did't like the story..
in general...I do't like stupid love in this way...

Night created a topic of Sketch

The story is nice and good, healthy relationship ,I really liked it, but there is one thing that bothered me.

The writer focused on making Joobin an exaggeratedly likable person with limitless charm. (Most of the existing characters had either dated him or were fans of him).

Not that this was a bad thing, but I felt it was exaggerated.

It showed the big difference between him and Yikyung, whether in terms of dating or sex, even though the age difference was only 4 years.

This made yikyung nervous most of the time and afraid of being compared to his ex lovers, as this was his first relationship and he had no experience.

Although our cute yikyung is handsome and has an attractive and wonderful personality, it does not appear, What appears is anuxity and frequent jealousy in many, many situations.

Although the writer made it clear in the conclusion that Yikyung is the first main character, the focus on joobin's past and his relationships had the largest share in the story(Especially his last relationship, in many chapters, I did not really know what the writer wanted to convey to us).

Exaggerating the matter is what bothered me a little bit, but perhaps for others it is very normal and okay..

Night created a topic of Wistful Summer

After reading this nonsense...

I really hate Henry.

He is a selfish person who only cares about himself.

I really didn't know what he wanted.

He loved Sam and didn't want to admit it.

He played with that innocent child and shed some tears in the end as if that justified what he did.

I don't hate Sam, he didn't do anything wrong. ..
But Henry, who was playing with their feelings without knowing what his feelings were and what he wanted, and this hurt both of them

He is truly the worst..

Night created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

This is really annoying..

Why is Shizuma acting like this?

Didn't he learn from his previous experience?

Why does he act so nice to everyone, especially the boss, even though he knows how upset Minato is about the matter, but he just doesn't learn?
allowing him to talk about his relationship and his lover in this way,
Is he an idiot or what?

Does he have to get hit on his empty head to wake up? Or is he so relaxed because he knows how much Minato loves him?

Just imagine the roles being reversed, and Minato doing this, smiling at everyone, acting extra nice, spending time with his boss, and showing up to their date with his boss. How would Shizuma's reaction be?

I just feel bad for Minato. He's really very nice and loves Shizuma a lot and always supports and encourages him and tries to change better for him, but all he gets is constant fear and anxiety because of that idiot's actions.

Fuck this relationship