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Am I the only one who thinks Kargo’s public declaration of betrothal (before proposing and before getting her acceptance/permission) was somewhat Gaston-esk? I must be weird. I don’t find that romantic at all. If a guy did that to me, even if I liked him, I’d be mad.

The last 3 updates have been of lotto princess. I wonder if the uploader has this series saved by the wrong title on their pc files or something. Honestly feels like it should be hard to make that same mistake 3 times, consecutively. Do they not read the comments? If I knew who they were I would email them, since it feels like this could become an ongoing problem. ( ̄へ ̄)

In my heart it’s already been 100 years! Welcome back!

Are we about to see where the story’s title comes from? Does this mean we’re nearing the end?

No really, ml father killed her mum. Keyword = father, as in NOT the male lead. Last I checked children aren’t guilty of their parent’s crimes unless they participate in those crimes. Even adult offspring aren’t guilty of their parent’s crimes. I mean HELLO? Did person A or person B commit the crime? It was person A? Got it. So why are you blaming person B?

Better quality update for the win!

Insertbratwurst created a topic of Junjou Romantica

I feel like the characters are aging backwards… that’s what the art tells me. Technically Misaki was 18 at the start of the series. He was being tutored for his college entrance exams. Currently he is a college graduate. Including the months before/after college we can assume around 4 years have passed. Usagi was in the same class as Takahiro, therefore they are the same age and should have the same age gap with Misaki. Meaning Usagi is 10 years older than Misaki. (Other various references throughout series claim 10 year gap.) So… if we assume Usagi was 28 at the start of the series, and 4 years have passed, then he is currently 32… or a bit older? But the art does not reflect that at all. Square chin semes aside, I like the old art better- minus the lack of proportions.

Is it weird how the longer I read this story the more I hate it? I kept thinking, I’m sure it’ll get better once they reconcile or overcome their past… never happened and now original fl is doing some repossession sh*t? Yeah no - this story is dark, depressing and full of emotional pain, not to mention how both leads have an natural talent for neglecting and being inconsiderate towards anyone they don’t take a personal interest in. Especially each other! I can’t do it anymore… I’m dropping this.

During a time when mangago was down for a prolonged period of time, I looked for alternate sites and found flixscan. It was so bad! So many ads! You could hardly see the website because of all the ads that covered up everything! It was sooo annoying. Like you read a page, scroll down- have to stop and close all the annoying ads that are blocking the screen, scroll down again- more ads… copy paste repeat! NOT WORTH IT! I don’t doubt that site is crawling with viruses. Flixscan is all about the money. Viewers are just wallets. Ugh.

What the heck is Lotto Princess doing here? Hope the uploader replaces the last two chapters with the right series.

Who dropped this? Is studio storm the author or the translator… I need to know!

Does anyone else think it’s strange that the ml is a white tiger but turns into a black haired boy? I get the body transformation but what’s with the pigment change?


I’m so amazed at how often this updates. Super glad! I hate waiting weeks or months (in rare cases- years) just to get an update. Thank you uploader!

So that’s it? Are there gonna be like- epilogue chapters or something? Maybe 50 or so, give or take… or is the author just crazy?

The dragon girl honestly feels less like a partner or pet and more like an ai. I mean even slaves are more interactive and responsive than her. She just takes orders.

On the cover he has white hair, but in the manga he has black hair right? Is that his little brother on the cover? But he has swords strapped to his waist… it’s not the little brother right? So his hair is white? I don’t like it.

It’s annoying how the genders of the characters keep changing.

Why do authors still draw characters with drill hair? I know it’s like a trope saying “this character will be annoying” but can’t they just let that fad die already? I see drill hair and I automatically feel irritated before I even know who the character is.

Lol- speed clapping