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Guys, THIS MANGA IS GOLD: Canis The Speaker by ZAKK
I just found it, its FRICKING GLORIOUS, one of the best story (Its not done yet) But make sure to read ''Canis the speaker'' and not ''Canis Mr.Rain/Dear hatter'' Because i haven't read those yet.

Canis the speaker has 6 chapters atm. Set place in an orphanage. 3 Main characters. The woman who runs the orphanage is a nun and finds home for the kids, but only for 2 out of 3 kids gets a home, because somehing sketchy is going on. You can guess the rest. I dont wanna spoil. Its Amzing!

And if you are still not convinced, here are the character designs:

HOT AF. (⌒▽⌒)
2017-01-22 21:55 marked
hello im bored.. can u send me any good fanfiction. Of course yaoi and anime/manga-based

i have read everything from shizaya, yuuram, kaze, kuroko no basuke, free

now i dont know what to read anymore
2017-01-20 07:59 marked