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Tomato's experience ( All 0 )

Tomato's answer ( All 6 )

Here’s mine   1 reply
09 02,2021
about question
I work at the mall and I would like to work at a book store for a bit but my dream job is something to do with my art honestly, but life gets in the way I haven’t been able to post my art that often lol   reply
28 11,2020
In close in age with you! I also really want to talk to new people so my discord is tomato#9215 (=・ω・=)   reply
04 09,2020
I lost it at 13. I was peered pressured into doing so and honestly I hated to admit it but I was sexually assaulted/ raped (according to my therapist) (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
26 08,2020
Sadly yes I have and it wasn’t great   reply
26 08,2020

Tomato's question ( All 0 )