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Ciel June 6, 2024 4:30 pm

Her reason makes no sense she could’ve ez destroyed her fam without going through allat I call it lazy writing. Hate seeing her go to such unnecessary lengths, she’s above the damn royals I rather she step on their arrogant faces yet she’s already a sucker for them for no reason

Ciel June 6, 2024 4:13 pm

This is pretty good read but tbh MC can very much be annoying and pathetic. She’s NOT a queen. All her worth and hapiness is reliant on a man…. Sike
She’s like one of those creepy kpop saesangs. This woman lived her past life ever only stalking a man, which drove her to bankruptcy and even that wasn’t a wake up call for her!
She remained clinically obsessed and went as far as killing herself for a man she never even had a connection with :|
Even now she gets on my nerves for the way she talks and reacts in front of him. Like stop being stupid, stuttering and blurting out nonsense. GET UP, literally

I don’t rlly like ML either. Like yea too bad for him, let’s throw a pity party and all, but that’s still on him. As the ML he adds absolutely nothing to the story. He just sits there and allows this crazy woman to hunt him down, it’s kinda like a hostage situation. Not a bit romantic in my opinion.
She’s totally the one wearing the pants in this relationship and he still doesn’t seem to love her fr but has somehow accepted his current situation. It’s giving Barbara the Builder. She’s a waste of space

Ciel May 25, 2024 12:24 pm

Ending was very anticlimactic. The villains killed too many innocent for them to be forgiven n be allowed to lead a peaceful life. They should’ve been tortured then killed just like their many victims it’s especially irritating knowing ML didn’t do shit to them after what they did to MC. There is no justice, in fact it paints the story as flawed. Now mc seems like a narcissist who rather let his evil lead characters walk around freely than to avenge the lost lives.
That’s the only downside to mc’s personality, he has the strongest chi for no reason as he never uses his power. It seemed like an abandoned trope by author. We never found out his purpose as the creator of this world, why is he content with living as a char in his own creation rather than leaving right about now. It may have been explained in the full Chinese scan but I don’t speak cn so Ig I’ll never know, it will be a lukewarm reason anyway. It simply doesn’t make sense to ME
I liked mc’s alien like personality, one of the best parts about this manhua. However he did became too much of a goody two shoes, I prefer a more sociopathic char.
This manhua unknowingly plays into the theory that paladians and greys are actually future humans so that was an interesting accidental correlation to me

Ciel May 24, 2024 4:57 pm

Ugh as expected she’s the irritating type. I’m not going to comment much on the males because she’s the MC and I’m here for her stupidass. She has repeated the same shit about three whole times now yet she’s still a one track minded Mary sue. I’m already so over her it’s going to be a frustrating ride.
A few chapters in and I already understood why her fake shitty family got killed. Apparently it was done by ML and not the ex regardless I’m thankful to whoever did it.
She’s just too blind to realise her naivety will only bite her in the arse. Hopefully it gets better because apparently she will be the one to kill them this time but I bet it’s going to take her an eternity to get it over with alongside growing some much needed braincells
I prefer morally grey chars and women that put themselves first when needed.
Best thing is def the art. It saves this webtoon from whatever stupid generic tropes it’s hanging onto

    Get Ya June 6, 2024 3:18 am

    This. Also I'm dropping it seems like MC is naive even with the 3rd regression.

    peaches June 6, 2024 11:41 am

    what chapter did you realize this because i dropped it around the second chapter when i quickly got the gist. i was like i refuse to waste my time on such books again lmao

    Ciel June 6, 2024 4:05 pm
    what chapter did you realize this because i dropped it around the second chapter when i quickly got the gist. i was like i refuse to waste my time on such books again lmao peaches

    Lol atp we’ve all become experts at detecting bs. For me it was ch.10 but I’ll probably give it a go once there are more chapters to binge read as I always do. I don’t think it be too bad for times when you’ve nothing else to read unless u absolutely cannot stand her

    peaches June 6, 2024 4:47 pm
    Lol atp we’ve all become experts at detecting bs. For me it was ch.10 but I’ll probably give it a go once there are more chapters to binge read as I always do. I don’t think it be too bad for times when y... Ciel

    there was a storyline skip in her narration (big jump from past life to modern reincarnation life) that wasn't laid out properly and that just screamed lazy writing for me. there are times i read books with no decent storyline/plot but made pretty clear they dont have a strong plot lol this one has. i thought the 1st chap had potential. until i saw the guy with long hair kissed her hand and flirted with her with the same line ive read on other books,,i cringed. it's my fault cus i read it raw i didnt read the summary lol i wouldnt have checked this out had i seen that line "i will become your woman" which means the mc & this book's romance trope aren't my cup of tea.. my bad (=・ω・=)

    also this is just me saying it isn't for me. if it's for someone, good for them. to each their own hehe

    peaches June 6, 2024 4:51 pm
    there was a storyline skip in her narration (big jump from past life to modern reincarnation life) that wasn't laid out properly and that just screamed lazy writing for me. there are times i read books with no ... peaches

    btw i was already turned off by the writing. the last straw was just the gesture and line the guy made. i know i couldve given it a chance and find out if some of my questions and plot holes will be answered but i didnt wanna be bothered putting up with the guy's cringey advances especially if he's the ml ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Ciel June 6, 2024 7:02 pm
    btw i was already turned off by the writing. the last straw was just the gesture and line the guy made. i know i couldve given it a chance and find out if some of my questions and plot holes will be answered bu... peaches

    The writing is indeed veryy elementary. I’m so tired of the writing/comic industry in general as they mass produce the same generic stories with no plot, character building, world building etc. Istg even books aimed at 4 year olds have better writing, example Winnie the Pooh.
    These companies are responsible for mass producing trash under fake pen names as some quick cash grabs. The industry has completely lost all sense of individuality and has been on a rapid decline for the past 15 years or so now. It’s evident in all forms of literature, I’m so tired of it and have thrown away all kinds of expectations

    peaches June 7, 2024 12:56 am
    The writing is indeed veryy elementary. I’m so tired of the writing/comic industry in general as they mass produce the same generic stories with no plot, character building, world building etc. Istg even book... Ciel

    omg WHAT i havent even thought of that!!! years of reading these books and stumbling across hundreds of them that feels the same (art, story, and writing wise) and i never realized it couldve been mass produced by companies holy shit? yeah you’re right. capitalism truly has swallowed this world whole affecting all parts of the art & media industry that i once thought would have authenticity the longest. we’re doomed

    Get Ya June 7, 2024 10:06 am
    what chapter did you realize this because i dropped it around the second chapter when i quickly got the gist. i was like i refuse to waste my time on such books again lmao peaches

    It was when her family was nitpicking on her for some reason. Made me think something is going on and like she's just looking at them lovingly. Also the part where she was the one who wanted the deal but acts as if the guy wanted it like girl be for real.

    peaches June 7, 2024 10:44 am
    It was when her family was nitpicking on her for some reason. Made me think something is going on and like she's just looking at them lovingly. Also the part where she was the one who wanted the deal but acts a... Get Ya


    Ciel June 7, 2024 2:00 pm
    It was when her family was nitpicking on her for some reason. Made me think something is going on and like she's just looking at them lovingly. Also the part where she was the one who wanted the deal but acts a... Get Ya

    Like ur the beggar in this relationship, act like it. Unnecessary rude ungrateful chars are such a turn off

Ciel March 29, 2024 3:29 pm

This hiatus has ended *teardrop*

Ciel March 28, 2024 3:11 pm

Nahh atp me and fate would’ve had to duck it out cuz there’s nowayy ur taking my lover away twiceee (well almost but seme resisted) and by the same person at that
The power of fate is far too strong in this manga which doesn’t rlly serve a good purpose in my opinion instead it’s just used as a cheap ploy to invalidate uke’s pain to not make anyone out to be the bad guys. I wanted to be mad at the ex n I still am regardless of what the plot says. Like his bro he should’ve been mad and resisted at the sight of the new bitch instead of falling in love the way he did, weakass punk
If I were uke I wouldn’t have accepted seme. It’s too much to live with the fact that he’s someone else’s fated pair plus the possibility of him getting snatched away especially since they’re all now part of the same fk family
This whole situation is simply too hurtful to be in
We don’t even have omegaverse irl however fated pairs are now my number one enemy. It makes me think based on whose pain is the foundation of ur little romance build??
There is a second volume n now it’s uke’s turn to encounter his fated pair. That is just so unnecessary atp in the plot like just let him be byebye. It would’ve been good had they met prior to seme cuz I don’t like how uke will always be somewhat tied to those traitors but now I don’t want it at all given it’s already too late
I did enjoy reading this cuz I like hurt, angst and it’s pretty interesting hehe

Ciel March 22, 2024 12:52 pm

This has ended like an eternity ago, why are they still updating it here n there so annoying

    eth March 22, 2024 3:21 pm

    cuz theres side stories that just came rn

    Ciel March 22, 2024 3:24 pm
    cuz theres side stories that just came rn eth

    They need to let it goo the readers have already closed this chapter

Ciel March 8, 2024 2:53 pm

Author has shattered the gaytards with the canon ending huhu love her for that, I was rooting for Hina all along.

    Weenie5 March 12, 2024 6:04 am

    "gaytards"??? ur disgusting

    Ciel March 12, 2024 1:07 pm
    "gaytards"??? ur disgusting Weenie5

    Found triggered gaytard

    Weenie5 March 13, 2024 9:03 am

    found the annoying hypocrite troll

    Cid March 16, 2024 3:56 pm

    What? Is Hina the end game? I thought the muscular girl who's a guy in her past life is the end game so she just appear to make his brother avoid the potential ships?

    Cid March 16, 2024 4:03 pm
    What? Is Hina the end game? I thought the muscular girl who's a guy in her past life is the end game so she just appear to make his brother avoid the potential ships? Cid

    Oh forget about it I already saw some spoiler below.

Ciel March 7, 2024 5:59 pm

Author deems murderers as evil but sexist rapists deserve to get repeatedly saved n given preferential treatment.
He’s a bastard making a clear statement, 1star for his shit webtoon
Not to mention the fanservice is just so gross. In every single panel of the female fighter, she’s doing a split and/or her coochie outline is forced down ur throat

Ciel January 29, 2024 11:01 pm

I do feel very bitter as MC is held back a lot by both her environment and the so called friends surrounding her.
At just the age of thirteen she is already one of the strongest ppl in her world n has the potential to become thee strongest as she gets older.
A mere child is already such a disastrous genius
All that her ppl are concerned about is how to feminise her more, keep her locked down and away from her passion. It feels incredibly suffocating and I’m pretty sure she must feel the same way. The misogyny n shallowness of it all irks me.
I just wish she would finally snap n choose her own path, one that forever leaves her engraving on society and history.
All her insane past accomplishments are allocated to the real Rufus, now she isn’t even allowed to show her powers n has to mimic a helpless noble lady… it is such a borish life for someone of her prowess.
Why can’t the whole world know that the greatest is a woman? Cuz she could very well accomplish that and by doing so also opening many doors for all the other women in this suffocating patriarchy.
Given the plot still has a long way to go, that is what I wish to see in its future hopefully author won’t waste away her char. Looking at it all without rainbow lenses, so far all the men in her life want to use her for their own benefit whilst also hiding her away from society.
Misogyny is still very prevalent in this manga, so the male characters especially the love interest aren’t ideal at all. I just cannot root for the prince I wish their relationship would turn into a one sided love from him but that won’t happen given it’s pretty obvious he is the ML.
That nist knight by his side or however u spell his name is another annoying bigot who doesn’t deserve the princess at all. Actually I hope the princess ends up with Rufus
However MC is still a genius girlboss that cannot be held back, so I hope she will change her goals to further spread her wings. She’s isn’t suited to merely teach brats.
Not only her looks, but MC is also bisexual. She is literally head over heels for noir n I always squeal at her manic love bursts lol. Too bad she’s a bit late, they would’ve been the greatest CP

    MangaThinker February 26, 2024 8:28 am

    Totally I agree with your opinion.

    That story doesn't allow this powerful heroine to be fully independent nor emancipated.

    She is constantly being used by others and I think there is a lack of agency about her.

    I know about this title for some years and I've been waiting for an English translation until now.
    Have to say that I had too much expectations about this series.

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