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Good Book Hunting December 27, 2020 4:33 pm

I guess I get where the writer is going with this - "All humans are scum and will easily betray others to save themselves... no reason to feel guilty about killing / harming them" logic... But that really took it too far. No matter how heartless and dumb someone is, they're not going to push the companion of the person they're looking to for protection. I expected that someone would push that nice guy who gave them the gruel and tried to get everyone to fight together rather than making one person the sacrifice. This was just the writer taking the easy way out.

    welcome to gay 101 December 27, 2020 4:37 pm

    Yeah but bro REALISTICALLY SPEAKING, if there was someone who would die in my place, and I didn’t even know them, I wouldn’t really think before pushing suu. My life is on the line and I’m trying to save my life as fast as possible. I don’t consider myself a sociopath or a really cruel person, but you can’t judge somebody’s situation and believe yourself to act differently if you haven’t experienced it before. I think the author is just giving us her take on the situation.

    Honigduft December 27, 2020 4:56 pm

    I think a lot of people would have taken Suu, because they don't really know him and got no real relationship with him whatsoever. Actually you seem to be the bitter one here not the author

    what December 27, 2020 4:57 pm

    SAME THOUGHTS FR, BUT THEN, it also gives me the impression that in the most destructive times, humans are indeed scums and would think only for their own lives and disregard others rather quickly. Well, let's see what'll happen. I completely agree w your opinion tho

    Honigduft December 27, 2020 4:57 pm

    And this is a whole different "decade", you can't compare it to todays standards

    iamb December 27, 2020 5:21 pm

    I think a truer reaction would have been for all to run. Who would stand there discussing strategy when instantly confronted. I am not saying it's wise, but it's a human reaction I would believe .

    Good Book Hunting December 27, 2020 5:37 pm
    Yeah but bro REALISTICALLY SPEAKING, if there was someone who would die in my place, and I didn’t even know them, I wouldn’t really think before pushing suu. My life is on the line and I’m trying to save ... welcome to gay 101

    Actually, that IS really bad and cruel. I HAVE been in situations where someone would suffer and my priority always is that I don't want someone else to suffer or die because of me. I don't want that on my conscience if I live and I don't want that on my soul if I die. I'm not going to sacrifice myself for anyone else either.
    Having said that, I wasn't questioning that people would push someone. I don't think that someone will be Suu when the one saying "I'll protect the rest" is Sahara. Anyone would know to keep Sahara's companion in the group so that Sahara continues to have a reason to protect the group and push out someone else they don't care much about. I'm not questioning the pushing in the plot but the person who was pushed.

    Good Book Hunting December 27, 2020 5:38 pm
    I think a lot of people would have taken Suu, because they don't really know him and got no real relationship with him whatsoever. Actually you seem to be the bitter one here not the author Honigduft

    I wasn't questioning that people would push "someone". I don't think that someone will be Suu when the one saying "I'll protect the rest" is Sahara. Anyone would know to keep Sahara's companion in the group so that Sahara continues to have a reason to protect the group and push out someone else they don't care much about. I'm not questioning the pushing in the plot but the person who was pushed.
    Also, there was nothing bitter in my comment, just an observation. Since you saw something that wasn't there, the bitterness must have been in you. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Good Book Hunting December 27, 2020 5:41 pm
    And this is a whole different "decade", you can't compare it to todays standards Honigduft

    The response would probably be the same in this decade too. People are selfish and short-sighted. I wasn't questioning that. I was questioning whether someone would be dumb enough to push Suu, when they are hoping Sahara would protect them... since they are traveling together...

    Saiyo December 27, 2020 7:45 pm
    I wasn't questioning that people would push "someone". I don't think that someone will be Suu when the one saying "I'll protect the rest" is Sahara. Anyone would know to keep Sahara's companion in the group so ... Good Book Hunting

    I actually think that it kinda makes sense that it was Suu that was pushed.

    I say this because even though the people would see it as Suu's companion, on the other hand it'd be like feigning ignorance. "Oh, he volunteered himself."

    1) because Suu is clearly a race that is looked down upon - he'd easily be the scapegoat in this situation.
    2) someone pushed him and nobody would know it was them. There's a level of ignorance that people would take advantage of, and it's not a losing situation in their eyes.

    Even if he decided not to allow Suu the scapegoat, they dont know how powerful or hateful Sahara is to others. If it was normal avg people logic, the worse that would come from it was that Suu wouldn't be the sacrifice. But the advantage was that Suu crossed the line, and other's could be convinced with a majority rule.

    I mean they're also in a dire situation and we all know how that plays out in that context as a plot device. Normal logic of "but he's the companion" really doesn't apply here.

    They'd definitely push the one that they already have hatred for. Especially if they're not good people.

    kootlyn December 27, 2020 8:28 pm

    You shouldn’t insult the writer, it’s just rude. Would the entire group remember who each person is traveling with? They didn’t even notice Suu was traveling with Sahara and it’s already been said by another person, but Suu is a foreigner that no one really cares for. That person’s decision to push Suu was just from seeing that he is a young boy and could have been influenced by xenophobia. The entire group just needed a volunteer, and whether or not it was Suu, if they pushed a different young boy, then the outcome would be the same. Just because you would do something in a certain situation presented in a story, doesn’t mean that every other person would as well. This is the first time these people are facing a pack of mara, and it’s life or death. You don’t think clearly when a decision needs to be made in dire times. Another person who replied said they would push Suu too, and you simply dismissed them because you claimed they wouldn’t have pushed Suu but another person. They already said that they would push specifically Suu, so I don’t understand why you’re denying that at least a handful of people would disagree with you and push Suu in that situation.

    Southern Fujoshi December 27, 2020 11:07 pm

    I think the author was going for the racism aspect with someone pushing Suu. It was already established that majority of the group was side eyeing him already because he is a foreigner. Mob mentality would go for the outcast. Maybe whoever did it, doesn't realize they were companions (the guy who gave them food literally said he didn't realize Suu was with someone) or are banking on the fact that Saharah said that there was "no turning back" after the line was crossed.

    Also, totally not attacking you. Just wanted to have a discussion. Everyone can have their own opinion.

    Fernando December 27, 2020 11:35 pm
    You shouldn’t insult the writer, it’s just rude. Would the entire group remember who each person is traveling with? They didn’t even notice Suu was traveling with Sahara and it’s already been said by ... kootlyn

    I think you hit the nail with that guess

    Good Book Hunting December 28, 2020 3:20 am
    I think the author was going for the racism aspect with someone pushing Suu. It was already established that majority of the group was side eyeing him already because he is a foreigner. Mob mentality would go f... Southern Fujoshi

    I think I should have given more context in my original post. Here's how I see what the writer is going for - "Suu is not happy with the way Sahara treats humans like they are ants in his path he can crush or cattle he can feed on and was forcing him to protect people he doesn't want to - so Sahara came up with this whole scheme to show Suu that all people are scum and are not worth caring for and he should just disregard them and feed on them as he sees fit - Sahara's intention is to show Suu how horrible people are and them pushing him forward is the way the writer shows the point getting across to Suu". All of this is great to move the plot forward. However, it felt like the write for pushing the envelope a little too far to tie it all up perfectly and it grated on me coz my first thought was whether people would be dumb enough to do something that stupid like push the companion of the "strongest / most knowledgeable about Mara" guy in the group, even in the most dire circumstances? The argument you made that maybe at least some of them didn't realize that Suu was not traveling with Sahara and just pushed him in a panic while not thinking clearly is plausible. Maybe, together with the fact that he is a foreigner as someone else pointed out. However, because he's a foreigner, he would be more noticeable and therefore, more likely the ones who hate foreigners would have noticed his companion.
    In any case, just felt to me that this could have been done more subtly without being over dramatic and making the point so overtly to Suu, by having a different victim, but as you said, anything could happen in a dire situation like that. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Good Book Hunting December 28, 2020 3:26 am
    You shouldn’t insult the writer, it’s just rude. Would the entire group remember who each person is traveling with? They didn’t even notice Suu was traveling with Sahara and it’s already been said by ... kootlyn

    First off, I didn't "insult" the writer. I pointed out a plot point that I felt is lazy writing considering how good the manhwa itself is - I rated it 5, which is rarely do, and said how awesome this manhwa in general is, in multiple posts. Having said that, this writer does make a few illogical twists periodically to move the plot forward, which also happened in "The Eyes of Sora". Also, I can be blunt about my opinions here, coz I'm pretty damn sure the author is never going to come to mangago to read comments.

    ash December 28, 2020 4:04 am

    nah most of them didn’t know they were together. remember at the beginning of the chapter that nice guy says “oh y’all are together? didn’t even know cause you were huddled” so if he didn’t know and he was paying attention enough to know that Suu didn’t eat what makes you think that everyone else will know?

    elfiemouse December 28, 2020 5:47 am

    Suu is the only foreigner and looks like the society they live in is racist. So I’m not surprised they wanted to sacrifice him

    kootlyn December 28, 2020 5:57 am
    First off, I didn't "insult" the writer. I pointed out a plot point that I felt is lazy writing considering how good the manhwa itself is - I rated it 5, which is rarely do, and said how awesome this manhwa in ... Good Book Hunting

    So I want to inform you that saying any person’s work is “lazy” is an insult. If you don’t believe that is an insult, then maybe you should continue to call things lazy and see the response you get from other people. It doesn’t matter whether the author or contributors to this work sees your response. In the first place, you shouldn’t be rude about it. All of us can have our own opinions and it’s great that you like the manhwa as a whole. I still disagree with the premise of your original post.

    Good Book Hunting December 28, 2020 3:13 pm
    So I want to inform you that saying any person’s work is “lazy” is an insult. If you don’t believe that is an insult, then maybe you should continue to call things lazy and see the response you get fro... kootlyn

    I don't agree with you and don't care what you think.

    kootlyn December 29, 2020 1:40 am
    I don't agree with you and don't care what you think. Good Book Hunting

    Yes, you are in fact very rude.

    ash December 30, 2020 1:42 am
    I don't agree with you and don't care what you think. Good Book Hunting

    idc about you calling it lazy writing cause if it was then it is and that’s that but it wasn’t so i thibk that after reading everyone contending your point, maybe you should reconsider or expand further?

    Good Book Hunting December 30, 2020 2:28 am
    idc about you calling it lazy writing cause if it was then it is and that’s that but it wasn’t so i thibk that after reading everyone contending your point, maybe you should reconsider or expand further? ash

    I did explain further what I meant when I responded to @Southern Fujoshi.
    I could clearly see where the writer was going with it and felt that it should have been handled more subtly in a more logical way. It was too "in your face" for me. I agreed that @Southern Fujoshi had some good points but I considered it lazy writing because it made me stop and question whether the character would actually behave that way if it were a real person and that drags me out from my flow of enjoying the story as though it were really happening somewhere. Not sure if that makes sense to you.
    I responded that way to @kootlyn because that person was being too preachy and I don't have any patience for snot nosed people on high horses.

    ash December 30, 2020 4:07 am
    I did explain further what I meant when I responded to @Southern Fujoshi.I could clearly see where the writer was going with it and felt that it should have been handled more subtly in a more logical way. It wa... Good Book Hunting

    oh i understand completely. i had that same process and questioned the same thing but as some already answered before there were reasons to believe that it could very well happen that way. i have issues with making other people’s actions go through my mental process and justifying them according to how i think which is just not realistic. people, when faced in life or death situations, are not logical and do not think. fight or flight response in theory wouldnt allow you to calmly asses the situation which leaves you with your instincts. if you don’t trust someone within the group you’ll throw them in immediately. that’s your core and your body and mind are hardwired to think and behave this way to ensure survival. it’s primal. the issue might be that you’re trying to put their shoes on your feet when they don’t fit

    Good Book Hunting December 30, 2020 4:37 am
    oh i understand completely. i had that same process and questioned the same thing but as some already answered before there were reasons to believe that it could very well happen that way. i have issues with ma... ash

    Yeah, it could be a knee-jerk reaction by a villager. It's hard to say coz on the one hand, it makes sense that someone might do something dumb when driven to a corner. On the other hand, when pushed to a corner is also when people supposedly have the most clarity and can see their options more clearly. I guess, it depends on the person. As you said, it's not entirely improbable. It just seemed a little too convenient for where the writer needed the plot to go - for Sahara to tell Suu, "See, I told you so. These people are not worth it."
    I'll just leave it alone as "that's what happened and that's that". In any case, most works of fiction require at least a couple leaps of faith. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Good Book Hunting December 23, 2020 7:46 pm

Scene: Emotional reunion between Haesoo and Joowon with narration by Joowon in the background
Joowon: I bet you'll laugh when you read this. Okay, enough writing.
Me: wth? Are you kidding me? How big is that card? How small is your handwriting? Howdya fit all that in one tiny card that comes with a bouquet?

    cxxrx December 24, 2020 6:02 am

    i mean if u look at korean words, it's probably shorter than writing the english alphabet

Good Book Hunting December 16, 2020 11:42 pm

In this chapter, it is very clear that the guy who accosted Param is not even a regular s*x friend and more of someone Han sleeps with on and off when they meet at the bar. Han was single and he was allowed to sleep around as long as he doesn't make any promises and here it is clear that he never did. The other guy was also sleeping around just as much as he was and refers to him as "that bastard will never change". It's not like he was in love with Han and Han broke his heart.
More importantly, once he started liking Param, he broke it off with the other guy and presumably, any one else he was sleeping with. So, from whatever we have seen so far, he has not shown any bad intent.
As for Param, since he is still crushing on Han but also sleeping with Hwi, I have to assume that he considers his relationship with Hwi as casual s*x and not as dating. Hwi didn't confess and they never spoke about what their relationship really is. So, technically, he isn't cheating. So there....

    Zen December 16, 2020 11:50 pm

    Hwi confessed. What are you talking about chapter 35 reread it

    Good Book Hunting December 17, 2020 12:02 am
    Hwi confessed. What are you talking about chapter 35 reread it Zen

    I assume you mean what he wrote on the sand. That wasn't a confession. It was more of "go on a date with me" and not "I like you, let's start dating". Also, he just wrote it in the sand and ran away instead of having a conversation.
    Of course, if Param was not an airhead, he should think more deeply about what their relationship is and ask questions. But he isn't doing it in the manhwa. I don't know where the writer is going with this. So I'm giving Param the benefit of doubt that maybe he considers his relationship with Hwi to be a casual relationship.

Good Book Hunting December 14, 2020 6:23 am

Joo Sengeuon really needs to learn how to use words to say how he feels and what he wants before just swooping in. I can see he's trying but he's not really getting through. Jumping the poor guy is not the answer. <face palm>

Good Book Hunting December 12, 2020 7:09 pm

Now that sh*t hit the fan, we are beginning to see people's true characters. The dragon is just that - a dragon. It nonchalantly brings down poison rain on an entire country and kills an entire family - grandparents to children - without a second thought. Kinda like how we don't think much about the poor hens and fishes when we eat our food.
Suryeon is a true King and is tirelessly touring a country where people are dying, trying to save them with all the resources available to him.
The dead King and his wife are just terrible people.

Good Book Hunting December 5, 2020 1:10 am

Read this again today and felt like this page pretty much sums up the relationship between Jin and Suu -
They like each other but don't trust the other person one bit. They both expect to be betrayed and so hide things from each other. Ultimately, because he expects Jin to turn on him some day, Suu decides to strike first and sell him out to the Queen.

Good Book Hunting November 26, 2020 6:26 pm

There seems to be a lot of confusion around the latest chapter mainly coz it looks like the translator just MTLed it. Here's my interpretation based on my vast experience in MTLing :D
Ah-yun, the girl, after the break up met Sangwoo (the boy in the boy-girl red haired siblings combo) right after breaking up with Suhyeon. Ah-yun cries her heart out and complains and Sangwoo listens to her. So they strike up a weird friendship where they meet and talk in that place where Sangwoo goes everyday to give cat food to the stray cat (its eyes look like Ai's cat that died, so maybe supposed to be that cat reborn?). Anyway, Sangwoo tells her one day that he is taking care of a dog while looking for its owner and goes on to say that he has many different stray / abandoned animals that he picked up and has been taking care of. Then he says, this is the first time he picked up a human (referring to Ah-yun) though. That pisses Ah-yun off coz he's treating her like one of the stray animals and says something along the lines of, "I never asked you to". The next day on, Sangwoo stops showing up, just leaving the cat food ahead of time for the stray cat. Ah-yun then realizes that she doesn't really know much about Sangwoo, and doesn't even have his contact number.

Good Book Hunting November 25, 2020 7:33 pm

People in the comment section:
Prince broke Suu's leg because the dragon was controlling Suu - what scum!
The dragon is excited when Suu kills a person and promises to teach him how to do it without leaving any trace, and poisoned a whole country with poison rain - how cute! my bae!

Good Book Hunting October 29, 2020 1:15 pm

I wonder why people like Kangwoo. Is it because people want to coast through life and love without putting in any effort? Is it like, "why should I make any effort or say 'I love you'? The other person should just read my mind and guess"? Also, "why should I care if my partner is hurting? Everything should revolve around me and my insecurities. If his parents disown him, instead of being there for him, I'll just be scared of ending up the same way and hide the relationship from everyone including my closest friends and my brother. My partner should just put up with it"? And of course, he's the horrible one if he gets tired of all that and dumps you?

    barnacleboi October 29, 2020 2:15 pm

    u could say the same thing too for the white haired dude he never told kangwoo what he was sad about got fustrated easily and expected kangwoo to know why he was mad without saying a single thing, then broke up with kangwoo with no explanation to the reason why STILL NO COMMUNICATION from the white haired dude, kangwoo tried to ask why and why and why but white hair dude never said a singke thing and expected kangwoo to know everything that was wrong with him. then white hair dude started sleeping with someone else and seeing someone else not even A DAY after the broke up. white hair dude is in the fault not kangwoo

    Yaretsicrbangtan October 29, 2020 3:48 pm

    I mean they were both wrong ,but he realy just let kangwoo go like that with no explanation acting like kangwoo did something completely wrong but ,instead of talking to him he didn’t and went and fell for some abusive guy who was using him as a toy but eh

    barnacleboi October 29, 2020 5:02 pm
    I mean they were both wrong ,but he realy just let kangwoo go like that with no explanation acting like kangwoo did something completely wrong but ,instead of talking to him he didn’t and went and fell for so... Yaretsicrbangtan

    yea thats fucked up thats why i dont like him

    Good Book Hunting October 30, 2020 2:48 am
    u could say the same thing too for the white haired dude he never told kangwoo what he was sad about got fustrated easily and expected kangwoo to know why he was mad without saying a single thing, then broke up... barnacleboi

    He could never complain because he was the one holding the relationship together. Kangwoo never said "I love you" once in 8 years. He never acknowledged the relationship. Kangwoo was always rough with Jeonghan, never preparing him before s*x and he only realized how horrible that was after bottoming for someone else. Jeonghan couldn't complain because he had no reason to think Kangwoo gave a damn about any of it. He was the only one who was trying to keep the relationship going. Imagine being in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about you, treats you roughly, calls the relationship "Disgusting" in front of others, calls you a friend in front of everyone including those closest to you even after 8 full years.... most people would walk out in less than a year. Jeonghan couldn't because he had no one. His parents threw him out and he was in a relationship with a guy who just stood back and watched when he was crying instead of saying, "Don't worry, I'm here for you". He was terrified that the relationship would end if he said anything. Finally, he got so tired that he gave up.

    Water October 30, 2020 4:28 am
    u could say the same thing too for the white haired dude he never told kangwoo what he was sad about got fustrated easily and expected kangwoo to know why he was mad without saying a single thing, then broke up... barnacleboi

    When you are in a relationship... You have to be conscious of your partner's mood. You can't wait until they tell you they are sad and hurting because you can figure it out. They are adults not children. Kangwoo is just in the relationship because he was comfortable, he didn't feel any urge to make any changes or even improve. He is just boring and dry. Trying to look pitiful. JH was always trying in the relationship. What did he do, he only knows how to call his relationship disgusting and make his partner insecure. Abeg....

Good Book Hunting October 26, 2020 1:50 am

I think Nadan is alive, partly because he's the nicest character is this story and I want him to be alive, and partly because of the conversation he had with the prince. When Jin met Nadan in prison, he asked him whether he wanted to leave with Suu and Nadan said he just wanted to leave by himself and didn't want anything to do with Suu anymore. That was a long time ago. So it kind of makes no sense for Nadan to still be in prison once Jin had established that he wasn't really the culprit. Also, Jin did promise Suu that he will release Nadan. So I have this sneaking suspicion that Jin spirited him out long ago and he was not in the prison when the concubine set it on fire.

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