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Good Book Hunting October 25, 2020 8:19 pm

Probably a little late to ask this - at what point did Boris start liking Sehyun? It seems kind of abrupt in that he was ignoring him all along but then one fine day he sticks a knife to Michael and suddenly they are all over each other. Like, when did he start caring?

    Im_a_weeb October 25, 2020 8:23 pm

    It was when they first meet. He tired to help him in the bathroom but sehyun refuses and said “I can do you” then chapters later the showed how they went to a motel together and hook up and Boris was like “he have a pretty face” and sehyun just left.

Good Book Hunting October 23, 2020 2:35 pm

I mean, if your friend suddenly starts hanging out with a yakuza, would you actually encourage him? Wouldn't you start worrying whether he is being threatened or cheated? Even if he is overall not a bad guy and the ML, he's still yakuza and regular people are not going to want their friends associating with him. That's just normal. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Also, regarding the way he treats Sang Hwa, he just treats him like most straight guys with girlfriends treat their friends. Just coz Sang Hwa loved him and wanted more from him doesn't mean it's his fault he can't reciprocate. In fact, I always felt Sang Hwa was being a bit too dramatic and whiny in expecting that Ryu Han should somehow guess that he loves him though he never confessed, and treat him special. Doesn't work that way. You can't choose to be his friend and expect to be treated like his boyfriend.
What we got was the best possible outcome. Sang Hwa moved on and then his relationship with Ryu Han went back to being real friendship.

    paper October 23, 2020 2:53 pm

    As someone who has family members in actually real life gangs I would just like to say in a real life situation u would either join or u would die and they could and probably will kill your loved ones and rape the woman. A lot of the times it’s not bcs they want to join a gang it’s bcs they don’t have another choice. In my mother’s home country it’s the same. Gangs control her country and if you go against them they will end every single person who has ur blood. My grandpa was on their hit list so we fled to America. And that’s only because they had to save up a shit ton of money

    paper October 23, 2020 2:54 pm
    As someone who has family members in actually real life gangs I would just like to say in a real life situation u would either join or u would die and they could and probably will kill your loved ones and rape ... paper

    Lmao I’m sorry for bringing this to a real life concept but look at banana fish ash was forced into that life and eiji stayed with him knowing he could have died. It’s a matter of how much you care about the person

    Good Book Hunting October 23, 2020 10:48 pm
    Lmao I’m sorry for bringing this to a real life concept but look at banana fish ash was forced into that life and eiji stayed with him knowing he could have died. It’s a matter of how much you care about th... paper

    I agree with what you are saying. If you love someone who is in a gang, you will stick to them. That is true. But if you care about a friend who is not in a gang and your friend suddenly starts hanging out with someone from a gang, wouldn't you tell your friend, "Don't hang out with him and get away before he gets you killed or caught in some loan shark contract that ruins your life"?

    paper October 24, 2020 2:38 am
    I agree with what you are saying. If you love someone who is in a gang, you will stick to them. That is true. But if you care about a friend who is not in a gang and your friend suddenly starts hanging out with... Good Book Hunting

    It matters their situation. They r still human and want to have friends hence the chapters they just read. But I wouldn’t act as he did and just straight up go at him. I would hang out with them and get a feel of who they are. And not just go by the stereotypical thinking of who they are.

Good Book Hunting October 1, 2020 6:06 pm

Saw a comment calling people who liked the first story and voted this 5 stars as having "stupid brains" - wonder what that means.... Anyway, decided to do my bit and vote it 5 stars to counteract the whiny children.

    Kyuu October 1, 2020 8:54 pm

    Do you honestly think the first story deserves 5 stars? Cause you're kinda recommending it and it's pretty bad.

    snowbelvz October 1, 2020 11:05 pm
    Do you honestly think the first story deserves 5 stars? Cause you're kinda recommending it and it's pretty bad. Kyuu

    How is it bad the first story wasnt amazing and the mc is a bit annoyin but why is there so much hate in the comments. Please explain some please why u all hatin so much

    Good Book Hunting October 1, 2020 11:06 pm
    Do you honestly think the first story deserves 5 stars? Cause you're kinda recommending it and it's pretty bad. Kyuu

    Generally, I only rate the ones I think are hidden gems - ones I would read over and over again as 5 - like these ones:
    So, the answer is no. But I'd have rated it 4, for sure. It has an interesting plot and well defined characters. The key is that the true personality of each character is not what you see at first glance and you have to wait to get a better feel for what each character is like and be able to read between the lines.
    This comment section though is a mess with people getting abusive without even trying to understand the point of view of the characters or what the story is about. I can only assume that many of them tagged Kangwoo as "puppy seme" or whatever the term is and expected that he'd get forgiven and accepted after 8 years of taking advantage of the other person's commitment to the relationship and cruising along without making any emotional commitment or effort - not even saying "I like you" once in 8 years. So, I'm trying to counteract the negativity with an extra star.
    In fact, I'd deduct half a star for how the second story is coming along. It makes no sense that 2 people who just met twice under negative circumstances suddenly developed feelings for each other. It just goes to show that for most readers here, there is a clear bias formed right at the beginning - "I like/dislike this character" and then everything the character does is viewed thru that biased vision.

Good Book Hunting September 26, 2020 8:47 pm

I'm pretty sure he never lost his memory. He's just doing this to make Jeha lower his guard. He made a mistake when he recognized the prayer beads he was supposed to receive when he turns 18 though he claims he only has memories till 15. He's a damn good actor for sure.

Good Book Hunting September 23, 2020 4:30 pm

I think the hatred for Alex is a little exaggerated in the comment section. Not sure if it's a cultural thing. Having a close platonic friend who you hug and sleep with (just sleeping) and kiss is not that rare when it comes to girls. When we were young and broke and had to share beds, I had friends, 2 girls, who would hug each other when sleeping. We called them "siamese twins" coz of how close they were.
Of course, friends don't french kiss or put their tongue in, rather just a peck on the cheeks or lips. If you look closely, Jin and Alex don't french kiss usually either. Alex did that the first time just to bait Hamura. Jin pushed him off but didn't take it seriously coz he thought Alex was just being playful. Once Hamura explained to him that their closeness makes him insecure, Jin does tell Alex that he wouldn't kiss anyone other than Hamura anymore.
Also, Alex's dislike for Hamura is also common among best friends, especially among girls. There are really close friends who think their friend is simply awesome and deserves the best and they would hate a boyfriend who hurt their friend even a little bit, even long after the friend has forgiven her boyfriend. Tends to happen with fathers and sisters too. Kind of like, "He better treat you right or he'll be answering to me".

    GlamAngel3766 September 28, 2020 11:24 pm


    Good Book Hunting September 29, 2020 12:41 am

    Depends on how close you are to your friends and your age and gender.... Sexual assault is when one party is against it, not when it is consensual...

Good Book Hunting September 13, 2020 2:22 am

Just clarifying since this seems to come up over and over again in discussions that everything Jin does is for power. It's come up multiple times in his conversations with Suu that he just wants to leave, but he can't.
When Suu was under the impression that Jin works for the crown prince and asks him what he'll do if the crown prince loses, Jin tells him he'll run away since he's always wanted to do it anyway. Also, when they talk about growing millet, selling millet cakes and making wine, it's clear that he's actually given it a lot of thought and would love nothing more than to just leave the palace and live a peaceful life being a farmer and running a business. But like we saw in the latest chapters, it's no longer just about him. If he blinks, not just him but everyone around him will pay the price. In olden day Korea, when a person becomes King, the first thing they do is kill off all possible competition and the families of people likely to support a competitor (every generation from the oldest to the youngest) or sell them as slaves. That's how Nadan ended up a slave (because he was the illegitimate child of a noble who was killed for treason along with his family when the current King came to power).
So yeah, just clarifying a point. No opinions.

    bananice September 15, 2020 10:41 pm

    Thank you for this!

    Coco goddess September 21, 2020 1:48 am

    They don't know any better that is why and most are basing their dislike of jin off how he maneuvers to get things that he wants.

Good Book Hunting September 7, 2020 4:39 pm

My biggest gripe with Suu is him still trusting the Queen despite knowing how ruthless she is. She trapped Nadan in a plot to kill Suryeon expecting that Suryeon will kill Nadan. Suu should know she was behind it unless he is an idiot. Yet, he makes this deal with her to escape with Nadan and the Queen decides to burn down the prison and kill Nadan, to keep Suu motivated. Seriously Suu, what are you doing? Choose your partners in crime carefully...

    Tho September 8, 2020 3:19 am

    I guess the word "Trust" is not for Suu's character. Throughout the story, he doesn't trust anyone, if yes, maybe the crown prince a little (when he doesn't know his real identity) not the queen. Remember, Nadan is accused of assassinating the price, which is a very serious crime. Suu is truly desperate in this case no matter how smart he is. He doesn't have any power and to save Nadan, he will go to any lengths, even corporate with the evil queen( no one in concubine is nice lol). He doesn't trust her but he needs her power and there are no other choices(at least he used to work for her before).

Good Book Hunting September 7, 2020 4:30 pm

The reason Suryeon and Suu met was because Suu was going to drug his horse to kill him. But Sahara ate the horses before he could. When Suu was brought to the shrine, each of them was doing it for their own selfishness. Sahara wanted to eat Suu, Suryeon wanted to find a not too expensive and messy meal for Sahara and someone to handle him, Suu wanted to use the influence of Sahara & Suryeon for his own ends. Considering Suryeon is a prince and Suu is his servant, Suryeon has always treated Suu well while Suu has continued to betray him, selling information about him and Sahara to the Queen. In the latest plot, Suu sold out both Sahara and Suryeon to the Queen to save himself and Nadan. He is getting Sahara to use up so much of his energy to make rain and then he plans to leave Sahara behind to face the consequences coz he doesn't even plan to take him with him when he flees. Also, he plans to kill Suryeon by giving him poisoned tea and the only reason he can do that is because Suryeon will take a drink from him though he doesn't trust anyone else enough to take a drink from them.
I'm surprised Suu didn't think this through. If the dragon were to bring rain in line with what the Queen proclaims, obviously Suryeon would know that Suu and Sahara are plotting against him. How exactly did he think it would go down? Also, even after he knew that Suu has something to do with what was happening (since he said "it always ends up this way" as in people he trusts always betray him), he limited himself to breaking his ankle (which he would be fixing shortly anyway) and not killing him. In fact, he was about to jump in the lake when the dragon pulled Suu in. To sum it up, Suu was willing to use Sahara and kill Suryeon to get what he wants even though both of them trust him and would go out of their way to protect him.
So, basically, stop hating on characters and just enjoy the ride. None of them are good and none of them are evil. As for Sahara, most human emotions don't even apply to him. It is not the typical manga where characters are black and white.

    kiel365426 September 8, 2020 12:07 am

    thanks to you, same here i don't know why they hate hwaryun so much, thought he's the crown prince he don't enough authority he the one who trying to bring rain to rahan.. as the new chapter he don't know his own ambition as child,. the evil on in this story is that concubine..She used suu weakness, and i don't hate suu but just make me little dissapointed to him.. he almost poisoned hwaryun and hwaryun know too about that.. but still he ask suu to stay and he will protect him.. And still suu going with saharan.. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Ryu September 8, 2020 1:49 pm

    Remember, Suryeon wanted the throne for power, Suu was going to poison the horses for money that he is saving to buy his freedom as a slave. Suu didn't want to kill Suryeon with malicious intent, it was out of necessity albeit evil on its own end (because murder is bad no matter the prerequisite).

    Breaking an ankle doesn't make it less bad because Suryeon plans on taking care of it anyway, that's abuse. You don't physically assault someone and say you weren't planning on killing him, just hurting him a little.

    The fact that you put Suu's life to a measly worth because he's just a slave is a skewed way of excusing Suryeon's crimes.

    Suu wouldn't kill because he wanted power, he does what he does because he wants the basic right to become a free man.

    All of them have impure motivations, but what makes Suryeon so unlikable is because he's power tripping while Suu only wants to survive.

    Good Book Hunting September 8, 2020 2:39 pm
    Remember, Suryeon wanted the throne for power, Suu was going to poison the horses for money that he is saving to buy his freedom as a slave. Suu didn't want to kill Suryeon with malicious intent, it was out of ... Ryu

    Oh... killing for money is ok, it's only bad if it's for power, huh? Didn't know that...
    Also, Suryeon mentioned multiple times that he didn't want to be the King. He hid his power as a child when his mother tried to use it as a bargaining chip, but that just caused her to commit suicide. He tried to stay away but the shrine maiden dragged him in. He tried to become a soldier who fights in the border and has nothing to do with the politics of the capital but still the crown prince tried to have him killed. Basically, he is also struggling for his life where he can't trust anyone and people are always trying to kill or betray him.

    Anonymous September 8, 2020 4:11 pm
    Oh... killing for money is ok, it's only bad if it's for power, huh? Didn't know that...Also, Suryeon mentioned multiple times that he didn't want to be the King. He hid his power as a child when his mother tri... Good Book Hunting

    He may not want to be king but that is what he is striving for. He is a mystery. Everyone is bad here, Suu was killing for freedom, not for money or power. This setting is a land where a lot of this stuff goes on in the shadows.

    I'm not saying that makes it okay but it's still better than Jin. No one is a really 'good' person in this story.

    kazis September 8, 2020 5:05 pm

    The truth was spoken, thank you.

    kiel365426 September 8, 2020 5:24 pm
    Remember, Suryeon wanted the throne for power, Suu was going to poison the horses for money that he is saving to buy his freedom as a slave. Suu didn't want to kill Suryeon with malicious intent, it was out of ... Ryu

    no hwaryun is the choosen one, remember when saharan said to concubine about her child, she should give up..
    tbh basic palace story, if you worked there if mean you sold your body/royality to who you serve.. i know suu is just victim between them, and how hwaryun not given suu freedom, he always hearing what suu want , allowing suu meet nadan, spare nadan life too but still that concubine evil kill nadan, and gonna kill suu too..
    the past hwaryun action is unlikeable, but for me he's the one who got best chara development is him.. and this series seems faraway with the ending, we need suu backstory too.. so let's enjoy this.. www

    stfu September 9, 2020 2:57 am
    Remember, Suryeon wanted the throne for power, Suu was going to poison the horses for money that he is saving to buy his freedom as a slave. Suu didn't want to kill Suryeon with malicious intent, it was out of ... Ryu


    Good Book Hunting September 9, 2020 4:24 am
    He may not want to be king but that is what he is striving for. He is a mystery. Everyone is bad here, Suu was killing for freedom, not for money or power. This setting is a land where a lot of this stuff goes ... Anonymous

    Suu definitely wants both money and power. He didn't want to sleep with Nadan when they were dating coz he wanted to sell his virginity for money. When he found out Sahara is powerful, his immediate reaction was to ask, "can you give it to me?" or something along those lines. He treated Sahara well and struck to Suryeon with the thought (it's clearly shown in his monologues) that he can use their power to get what he wants. He even thinks at some point that even though Sahara is a prince, Suryeon (who he thought was a soldier) seems to have more power and would be more useful and so he should get on his good side.
    No one is innocent and no one is right. The worst is the Queen. Of the 3 main characters, honestly, Suu is the most selfish and ruthless. He does have pangs of guilt once in a while but he is quite willing to knowingly kill or betray anyone and everyone to get what he wants. He had a direct hand in poisoning multiple princes (there was one where he got poison on the food being carried by another servant to a prince and then commented on how the poison caused his fingernail to come off with a little contact and would definitely kill the person who eats it - remember, he is not just killing a prince but getting the servant who serves the food blamed for it and killed too).

    Ryu September 9, 2020 5:04 am
    Suu definitely wants both money and power. He didn't want to sleep with Nadan when they were dating coz he wanted to sell his virginity for money. When he found out Sahara is powerful, his immediate reaction wa... Good Book Hunting

    to answer you; I NEVER said "killing for money is ok, it's only bad if it's for power, huh?" ....did you not read what I wrote in the parenthesis? Here, I'll write it again for you to actually read: "Suu didn't want to kill Suryeon with malicious intent, it was out of necessity albeit evil on its own end (because murder is bad no matter the prerequisite)."

    Please read carefully before replying to me.

    "He didn't want to sleep with Nadan when they were dating coz he wanted to sell his virginity for money"
    > Let me ask you, what was that money for? TO BUY SUU AND NADAN'S FREEDOM AS SLAVES. Suu didn't want to sell for money just because he wants some material things, he's saving it up so he can buy both of their freedom, so Nadan and Suu can do as much fucking as they want when they are both free men already. It's not to buy luxury items, it's to buy FREEDOM.

    And why do you think Suu wants power? So he could become King or buy lots of expensive items? If you've read the story carefully, you would know, like all of us know, that he sucks up to who has more power because he needs to keep making money TO BUY HIS AND NADAN'S FREEDOM.

    Do you think he sleeps, murders, and colludes with all this crap so he could live a luxurious life? No.

    He does all these evil things because he is a powerless slave who wants to buy his FREEDOM.

    I don't know how many times I have to stress out the main motivation of Suu; FREEDOM.

    All of the things you mentioned always points out that Suu does things for power, POWER TO FREE HIMSELF, not rule over other people and live a lavish, expensive life like what Hwaryun wants to do.

    ALSO, your first reply to me says how Hwaryun tried to get away from becoming a prince, yes we all read that, but what we are pointing out is how he is acting NOW. NOW, he wants to become king, and he doesn't hesitate to kill and wield his power FOR MORE POWER. If Suu wants more power, why isn't he siding with Hwaryun now? Because Suu only wants to become a free man, despite the very luxurious life he may lead if Hwaryun becomes king and he gets to become a rich concubine.

    Hwaryun wants power NOW, he doesn't hesitate to kill for that, I personally don't mind much that he has these selfish motivations because everybody has their own degree of shitty motivations. What I dislike about him is the BLATANT power tripping he does as a crown prince. I'm glad that Suu isn't blindly in love with him, but I don't like the fact that Suu is a powerless servant who can't really fight back because he is dealing with one of the most powerful person in the kingdom.

    I don't mind that you guys understand or love Hwaryun, what I do mind is your disregard towards the atrocities he does to Suu and even slut shaming Suu when he's only doing it out of necessity.

    Ryu September 9, 2020 5:18 am
    no hwaryun is the choosen one, remember when saharan said to concubine about her child, she should give up.. tbh basic palace story, if you worked there if mean you sold your body/royality to who you serve.. i... kiel365426

    I don't really understand what your point is if Hwaryun is the chosen one. Him being a chosen one doesn't excuse his shitty behavior towards Suu and killing Sahara. Being a chosen one doesn't mean your choices in life are not your own, he chose to murder for power, whether he is a chosen one or not, murdering for power is not really likeable. that's why the scar faced concubine and hwaryun are not getting any love from any of us. Suu on the other hand, he's doing bad things but he's also doing them out of necessity, which makes him more understandable -NOT ACCEPTABLE, but more understandable.

    Yeah we do need his mysterious backstory before he met Nadan.

    As for Suryeon having the best character development....hmmm, he aged like old milk instead of fine wine, but that's a difference of opinion we have, and I'm just gonna respect that difference.

    Anonymous September 9, 2020 6:14 am
    I don't really understand what your point is if Hwaryun is the chosen one. Him being a chosen one doesn't excuse his shitty behavior towards Suu and killing Sahara. Being a chosen one doesn't mean your choices ... Ryu

    Hello again, Ryu. We always seem to agree

    Hopegreymen September 9, 2020 1:15 pm
    to answer you; I NEVER said "killing for money is ok, it's only bad if it's for power, huh?" ....did you not read what I wrote in the parenthesis? Here, I'll write it again for you to actually read: "Suu didn't... Ryu

    I couldn't agree more

    Good Book Hunting September 9, 2020 6:17 pm
    to answer you; I NEVER said "killing for money is ok, it's only bad if it's for power, huh?" ....did you not read what I wrote in the parenthesis? Here, I'll write it again for you to actually read: "Suu didn't... Ryu

    Let me first clarify, I don't particularly love or hate any of the characters. They are all interesting characters. I haven't ever slut shamed anyone leave alone Suu (what consenting adults do with each other is their problem). I take offense to people trying to paint one character as pure and good while putting all the blame on another.
    You keep using the word "necessity". First off, I don't buy the "doing horrible things because of necessity is OK". Also, it's not about his "freedom" coz Suu is no longer a slave, he is a servant. He is already free. On the other hand, Nadan is not. Speaking of Nadan, he hates killing and hurting and still he became a gladiator to earn the money to free Suu and himself. Basically, you don't necessarily have to poison people to make money out of "necessity". Suu's reckless behaviour caused Nadan to give up on everything to live a peaceful life away from him.

    Also, as I pointed out, both Suu and Suryeon are doing things out of "necessity", as you put it. Suryeon lives a life where his food or drink could be poisoned any time, any one who approaches him is likely to have ulterior motives, he can't trust people even if they have been around for a long time and the Queen (probably other princes as well) are trying to actively kill him. He has to look over his shoulder and be on his toes every instant to stay alive. That is not power tripping. If he lets things so and takes it easy, he'll be dead in 5 seconds flat. So, in a way, his "necessity" is more urgent because it involves staying alive whereas for Suu it is about leaving Rahan with the person he likes and enough money.

    Again, I don't consider either of them to be good or kind or pure. But blaming Suryeon just coz he currently has more power than Suu is flawed logic. Also, from the time I started reading this manga, if I take a count, the number of people Suu killed is higher than the number of people Suryeon killed (not counting the ones he likely killed in battle - taking that into account won't be an apples to apples comparison).

    Anonymous September 9, 2020 7:11 pm
    Let me first clarify, I don't particularly love or hate any of the characters. They are all interesting characters. I haven't ever slut shamed anyone leave alone Suu (what consenting adults do with each other i... Good Book Hunting

    Better to agree to disagree, but just to clarify @Ryu didn't say killing out of necessity is okay but understandable. Everyone is wrong, killing is always killing but some are more understandable than others.

    Good Book Hunting September 9, 2020 9:27 pm
    Better to agree to disagree, but just to clarify @Ryu didn't say killing out of necessity is okay but understandable. Everyone is wrong, killing is always killing but some are more understandable than others. Anonymous

    You're right. I guess it's better to agree to disagree. Taking another life for one's own good even one's own life is not a necessity but a choice where we actively decide that my needs or my life is more important than another human life. So, from my point of view, choosing to end the lives of people one has no apparent reason to kill for money (equating someone else's life to money) is worse. But to each their own.
    I find it quite fascinating how Suu tries to convince himself it's okay coz he's just a pawn in someone else's plot. That neither justifies or excuses what he does. But then, his whole personality is a bit twisted. He yearns for the light as embodied by Nadan with his kindness, and his clear sense of right and wrong. All the more because he cannot be that kind of person. Even when he does something good for someone, at the back of his mind, he is always being calculative and thinking of what he can get out of it. That's just who he is. That's what makes the whole story interesting. That's why he is the MC and not Nadan.

    Anonymous September 10, 2020 6:34 am
    You're right. I guess it's better to agree to disagree. Taking another life for one's own good even one's own life is not a necessity but a choice where we actively decide that my needs or my life is more impor... Good Book Hunting

    Yep, it's really interesting. I still don't really understand Suu though.

Good Book Hunting September 6, 2020 12:59 pm

So many children in the comment section who really can't understand nuance or subtlety. Can't handle the slightest bit of complexity in plot or characters either. Everything's gotta be black & white and manga should only be about romance and 2 people staring doe eyed at each other. Then everyone around them falling for one or the other and plotting to separate them... There are a ton of such mindless stories around anyway. Why not just go indulge in those rather than dissing the ones with a little more substance?

Good Book Hunting August 27, 2020 5:35 am

Jeonghan was able to have a real relationship with Gyu Tae, where they could hold hands and talk frankly with each other in a few months. He had someone stand up for him when a family member abused him. He could cry and complain about how his father was treating him. He couldn't have that with Kangwoo even after 8 years. Heck, in 8 years, Kangwoo never managed to say "I love you" once. He was just an observer when Jeonghan was beaten up and disowned by his family, not even comforting him and leaving that to his friend. Rather than acknowledging their relationship, he called it "Disgusting" in front of colleagues.
Isn't it obvious why Kangwoo was dumped? Does Jeonghan have to spell it out for you? Even Kangwoo realized it and there were some scenes in one of the chapters where he thought back to how the relationship could have worked if he had done things differently, starting with saying "I love you too" when Jeonghan confessed to him, acknowledging the relationship in front of colleagues instead of saying "Disgusting", introducing Jeonghan to his brother as his boyfriend, holding hands in public and sharing an umbrella, and a bunch of other stuff. It's pretty disappointing that so many people think it's okay for someone to drag on a relationship for 8 years without ever acknowledging the relationship and never responding to the other person's feelings in words or action.

    berrycute August 27, 2020 9:54 am

    i agree i don’t think the uke did anything wrong he simply left a relationship that he could never be happy in or be him self in so he found soma one who he could do all that with i don’t understand why people are bashing him ? he did nothing wrong in our opinion so fuck y’all

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