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Wasitflufffyyyy's experience ( All 0 )

Wasitflufffyyyy's answer ( All 5 )

Lift weights. Do deadlifts/weighted squats/glute bridge/weighted lunges to build your hamstrings/glutes/quads/adductors. I can't recommend a better way than this. If you want to intensify your workout regime, add plyometrics to the equation such as jump squats/burpees/broad jumps/tuck jumps. As long as you are consistent and committed to working ha......   1 reply
30 03,2020
Well, you could have very easily omitted your personal thoughts on whether they are hypocritical or not and dived straight into the question but you chose to mention it. So it makes me question if your intent was to belittle them or to really find the answer to the question. Anyway here's my answer. It doesn't matter if it's the seme or a stranger ......   1 reply
31 01,2020
1. I have witnessed the struggles of gay friends and seniors. Probably why it has never crossed my mind to wish to be one. 2. I think that's just the mangaka portraying it in that manner. And that somewhat led other mangakas to deviate towards that trend which created a snowball effect. I never felt that way towards feminine gays. Each to his own. ......   3 reply
06 05,2019
I once chanced upon a "fujoshi in disguise" in uni, and told her I read manga without specifying the genre until she went (insert squinty creepy eyes) "y-a.....?" Our friendship however was short-lived as she chose to drop out. All of my close friends have absolutely no clue that I die for yaoi. I tell them I read manga but they don't ask me the ge......   1 reply
03 04,2019

Wasitflufffyyyy's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

2 hours
did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

9 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

19 hours