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JulyInAugust created a topic of Bad Friend

I'll miss this story for sure ! It was so good and really fulfilling

They're like me, their brains just stop working at the mere mention of math

I'm gonna quote another comment because it made me laugh : It's the idiots to lovers trope

JulyInAugust created a topic of Risky Vice

I can't with all the cringe names, this has the same naming quality as the stories I wrote in middle school where I used japanese words because I thought it was cool *wheeze*

JulyInAugust created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

Okay that was weird. I'm still confused what the link between cig and condom

JulyInAugust created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yas consent ! This story is starting good. It's so refreshing to have a proactive bottom actually, purposefully, seducing the top. We need more of this

Holy crap there's an update ! It's been more than a year I had 0 hopes for this one (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

JulyInAugust created a topic of Until Morning Light

This end feel like the story was cut short because the author got bored of it or something. It's not a rushed ending, cliffhanger ending or a bad ending it's an abrupt one. I can feel the "I give up, here's the end." through the screen, I wonder what happened.

JulyInAugust created a topic of Sugar Rain

This is so stupid why am I reading this ?

JulyInAugust created a topic of 1 to 10

It's refreshing to have the characters talk instead of creating misunderstanding by letting their brains run wild.
But it also drive home the fact that MC has terrible taste in men.

JulyInAugust created a topic of Dead or alive

I need more ! And a physical version so I can read it a few hundred more times.
Who's with me to make this happen ?

JulyInAugust created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

YOU GO GIRL ! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

JulyInAugust created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

Thanks for the official chapter ! The other one was barely understandable

JulyInAugust created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yup, I'm sold. Here is my soul

I knew it was over but still rushed here as soon as I saw a new chapter posted... That's how much I miss it.
I want to buy it as a book, why isn't it a thing yet ? ┗( T﹏T )┛

JulyInAugust created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

The last chapter made me want to throw up.

Just throwing a few pages of plot between rape scenes only accentuate the fact that the story isn't moving forward and that those scenes are what we're here for. This is when you leave the realm of psychological genre and enter fetishism.
So I'm gonna have to drop this, I don't have a problem with rape in fiction but I can't stand the fetishizing of it.

I think this murdered my brain. I'm avoiding porn videos to escape those kind of dumb nonsensical plots you know ? ╥﹏╥

Yay ! AkumaKira is here ! We're lucky to have them, the bots are so damn annoying.

JulyInAugust created a topic of Zero Day Attack

The technology and "hacking" make absolutely no sense, when did this came out, 2010 ?

We get it, it's not your kind of story. Now can you all kindly drop this and stop copy pasting the same comment ? It's exhausting. Why are you all still here ? Leave us alone, go touch some grass or something.