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Aime answered question about question
She’s an ass author. She can’t write for shit. She’s the laziest author ever. Her stories are so badly written. Especially Jinx. Jinx is like the biggest cliché ever, to the point I even thought it was some kind of parody (but, to my surprise, it’s not lmao). The only good thing about her is her art style. I can’t argue that her drawings......
Aime created a topic of Jinx

I just know that so many of you wish for Dan to have a character development or think that the redemption won’t be satisfying or that JK is not redeemable because it’s been too long etc. But tbf it took pretty much as much time for Seungho to have his character development in POTN. And he had been sooooo damn shitty towards Nakyum, even worse than JK. And Nakyum had the exact same personality as Dan and he never had a character development. Not even once. And yet yall called POTN a “masterpiece” eventually. Yall were pretty much satisfied. So it’s just a matter of time before everyone here change their mind and call this whole bullshit a “masterpiece” also.

Aime created a topic of Jinx

I remember years ago when I was talking about how I preferred yaoi over shojos because the heroines where too childlike, too timid, too shy, too much of crybabies, too sensitive, too naive, etc.
None of them had a strong personality. They were all poor little things that needed to be safe. As a girl i couldn’t connect with them at all but more than anything, it was just soooo frustrating to read that I couldn’t even enjoy the romance. So that’s why I stopped reading shojo and i really had my preference for MxM relationships. AND GUESS WHAT, THIS MF DAN HAS ALL THOSE SHITTY PERSONALLY TRAITS THAT I HATE SO MUCH LMAO. The man is in his thirties and not only does he look like he’s a teenager, but he also acts like one. But not just a simple teenager, he acts like a shojo teenage girl……… the kind that I literally can’t stand. At this point, the resentment I have is more for Dan than JK. Because JK may be an asshole but since the very beginning he was clear with his intentions and the relationship he wanted with Dan (only sex and nothing else), so tbf, he has no obligation to be “nice” towards Dan. Dan is the one who “fell in love” with a guy who’s only been a fucking asshole since the very beginning (the guy has no self esteem lmao) and who has too much expectations (because he’s so delusional that he thinks that JK is a nice person and could potentially loves him too). So just because he has too much expectations towards a man who has been crystal clear about his intentions, he’s like all sad and disappointed every time the man doesn’t meet his expectations. But like ?? The man has told you multiple time that you were only here for sex and nothing else. The reason why he’s so miserable isn’t entirely because of JK tbh, it’s mostly because he’s dumb, delusional and has no self esteem. And of course the only thing he will do about his misery is crying in the corner like the crybaby he is. Even tho he’s 30. I’m not saying that a man in his thirties shouldn’t cry BUT THAT’S THE ONLY THING HE DOES. HE NEVER SCREAMS, NEVER YELLS, HE’S NEVER ANGRY GODDAMMIT. HE’S ONLY SHY AND TIMID AND BLUSHING AND CRYING OMG.

Aime asked question about question

So I have been reading a loooooot of yaoi for years and years. And now I’m much more exigeant than I used to be. And clearly I cannot read about rape anymore. I used to actually love it, then tolerate it and now I simply cannot stand it anymore. And it’s hard because there’s sooooooo many yaoi with rape in it. And it’s so frustrating but al......

Aime answered question about being black sheep of mggo
The moment there’s noncon or dubcon, I simply can’t continue. It’s not like I mind reading about rape or anything but if it happens between the 2 « lovers » I simply can’t.
Aime answered question about question
On est là, ma vie (en espérant que ce jambon me donne v’la les orgasmes hein, en tout cas je le graille après, ça c’est sûr)
Aime like question

where do people usually read raw manhwa? without the translation

Mmh I feel like I should stop reading it cause it hurts too much. The poor guy is only a teenager, and he has no idea what’s happening to him. His whole body is changing, not only he’s suffering of body modification but he’s also gonna end up pregnant ??? In the first place, it must be terrifying for a teenager to have an unwanted pregnancy but he’s also a guy (a “cis” one) and he’s gonna be pregnant ??? In a world (cis) men cannot be pregnant ???? Can you imagine the trauma ?????? There’s no way the author can convince me it’s gonna be a happy ending. Even if he’s « happy » with his alpha and their kid at the end of the story, there’s NO WAY i would be satisfied. This must be the most traumatizing shit ever. Also, the whole world might probably know about it eventually. So the poor kid will be talked about by everyone as if he was the strangest creature ever. And even if he stays anonymous, he’ll still have the most traumatizing experience ever, and he will probably be the one to think of himself as the strangest creature (and it would be legitimate as fuck). And he’s ONLY A KID. Also, he’s literally rotting in a storage. He’s waiting hours and hours, in so much body fluids… not only his own but also the MC’s…. And it has been mixing all together… marinating days and night… even inside his own body…. And he’s not even showering… not even once… and does he even go to the toilet at all ??? I know it’s just fiction, but I can’t not think about all that……
So all he has been doing for days and nights, is waiting ALL ALONE in the worst conditions ever, and fucking with the MC. Then he’s waiting again and fucking again and waiting and fucking etc etc. AND NOTHING ELSE. FOR DAYS AND NIGHTS. AND WITHOUT CLEANING HIMSELF, NOT EVEN ONCE. Every time I see the MC in his own room, or in class, I just think about the dude who’s suffering all alone in the storage……. He just fucks him, leaves him, and then goes back to his everyday life…And even if he gives him food and all, he could also help him clean up a bit… even with just a tissue or something… ALSO, he could lie to his parents just like the poor kid is doing just so he could spend the nights with him……..
I know that it’s just a fiction, and I’m taking it too seriously but it’s too much for me, it literally feels like I’m reading a horror story but it’s not even supposed to be a horror story… like bruh

Aime created a topic of ARTS MANZ

So basically it’s a love triangle between a guy who sexually assaulted the MC repeatedly and forced him to prostitute himself VS a guy who actually care about MC’s feelings to the point he actually stops in the middle of sex because he doesn’t want to continue if the MC doesn’t like it. And I’m supposed to hesitate between the two MLs ? It’s like I had to chose between eating piss and shit VS eating a lovely made strawberry cake lmao

Aime created a topic of Wet Sand

What a good day to be a TJ lover ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Aime asked a question

I wish the people who upload Lost in the cloud raw chapters would do the same for Nerd project….. Every time there’s a new chapter of LITC, the raws are uploaded literally a few HOURS after it’s released, they’re like sooooo damn fast !! But when it comes to NP…. it takes dayyyys and it’s driving me crazy ┗( T﹏T )┛

Aime created a topic of Wet Sand

I’m just thinking about those who don’t like TJ… cause I saw the raw and there will literally have TWO other detailed chapters of Ian and TJ fucking in this car hahahaha and trust me, it’s gonna be hot as fuck ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

All I can think about is the lack of hygiene… so much body fluids and no shower at all… for days… ew

Aime created a topic of Wet Sand

TJ is just so damn fucking hot… like… I can’t even feel bad for Jo. Their chemistry is way too good. Even if Jo is literally so awesome and perfect, he will never have the same chemistry the Mc has with TJ… And at this point, it really feels like Jo is too much in this story… And I’m not even saying that because I’m literally head over heels for TJ but if EVERYONE was honest, we would ALL AGREE that the Mc would NEVER deserve Jo. But on the contrary, he’s a perfect match for TJ cause they’re both equally fucked up (and their chemistry is amazing but I already talked about that). And the fact that the Mc fucked other guys and it never really bothered TJ when Jo really can’t stand it (even tho the Mc was already fucking around when they met…). I mean, c’mon guys, let’s all be honest here, Jo and the Mc aren’t really that compatible… I feel like if Jo and the Mc actually ended up together, Jo would always be insecure because of the Mc’s past relationship with TJ. But if TJ was actually the one the Mc ended up with, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be affected by his past relationship with Jo (just like he was never affected by all the people the Mc fucked with).

Aime created a topic of Under the Green Light

Tbh I really can’t get past the whole « it’s not rape because I spread my legs for you » (when he really didn’t have a choice to do so) bullshit.

Aime answered question about question
I remember fighting with a friend. And this fight was a lot for me so I asked for some advices to one of my most mature friend. And she told me something that have been stuck with me ever since. Not only it helped me with my situation but it also helped me a lot with all my relationships (platonic or not). She told me this = people who are really h......
Aime created a topic of Zero at the bone

THIS !! Was truly a masterpiece

Aime created a topic of Jinx

Ok so lemme guess the plot. Dan will get kidnapped and possibly be gang raped. Jk will be saving his ass. And Dan will be in such a bad state that Jk will have to take care of him. So that’s when his « character development » will take place. And it will be like 100 chapters. With 50 chapters of Dan being physically and sexually tortured. Or maybe even 60 chapters, so that the readers forget how jk is actually the mean one, because the kidnappers will be even more evils, so obviously next to them, Jk (who will be saving his ass ) will actually appear like a hero, like an angel. And so, the rest of the chapters will be jk being a bit nicer. And Dan will be falling in love all over again. And then maybe there will be some stupid shit like « actually all this time, Jk was in love with Dan but yk… he had a horrible past so that’s why he’s can’t let himself get into a romance ». So yeah there will be like 20 chapters of flashbacks so that the readers feel more empathy towards Jk. And so everyone will be satisfied. Then, everyone will be calling him a green flag after they finally fuck with consent (and no alcohol). And yes Jk will actually become a puppy or some shit. Then Dan and Jk will be happy together and I just know that everyone will be calling this piece of shit a « masterpiece ».

Aime asked a question

Hello ! I need some recommendations !!
I need to read something that is as good, interesting, and pretty (and hot) as Nerd Project or Lost in the cloud (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I have been getting tired of reading yaoi/bl for a while now, because of so many reasons (bad plots, bad stereotypes, rapes etc etc) but thankfully I discovered those two… and I’m SOOOOO invested ┗( T﹏T )┛
I’m FINALLY reading something really good and interesting with REALLY HOT characters (and not like, « one is hot while the other is cute » but like, BOTH OF THEM are HOT AND PRETTY) and the plot and tension between the characters are soooooo good !!!! The tension is soooooo thick !!!!
I literally have butterflies while reading them and it has been such a looooong time since i felt this while reading a yaoi/bl. So yeah, I’m looking for something similar please ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Aime like the answer
Not really a unpopular opinion, but why the fuck is nobody a switch? The couple is like Uke: I’m a small pathetic bitch with a tiny dick and I’m dumb Seme: I’m a pathetic bitch with anger issues and a dick so big that it’s a fucking disability and what the fuck are feelings Also the uke is beyond sensitive in smut and seme barely feels i......