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Elephants July 24, 2021 5:29 pm

I just want to yell that lube exists, fingers and spit aren’t gonna cut it. Mc hurts because they aren’t taking the steps so it won’t, I’m dying. I know it doesn’t have to be realistic but the Mc makes a point to talk about how much it hurts so I can’t ignore that they are missing something important

Elephants April 8, 2021 6:46 am

I wanna skip to that

    Meow April 8, 2021 6:48 am

    Just a couple more trashta scenes then the divorce and divorce aftermath drama—its so close I could hardly wait

Elephants January 21, 2021 1:32 pm

Stop the red head jokes they're weird. It feeds into why many gingers disproportionately feel like they're ugly still. You could literally make fun of he's Karen type cut but you choose to say one that's prejudice. If you don't think it's weird change redhead with any other physical attribute that has been discriminated on throughout history. Yeah, It's weird

Also, the guys not even that bad. Dude feel in love, wasn't rejected and is perusing, that's perfectly normal. But know he feels like he's been lead on, of course he'll be angry and want to get to the bottom of it. Be mad at the mc for being a dick and not picking one. Also... he also has a dog, y'all if this goes the way I want it to he might be a better bottom than the mc. He's probably not into pet play but he's cute.

To wrap up, I know this communities toxic you but you can be the fun type of toxic that isn't shitty
Thank you and do better.

Also I don't care if you hate the red haired guy, to me it's unnecessary but your in your feels so whatever. But don't demonize him and link it to he's hair color, that's crusty. Just demonize him.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 21, 2021 3:40 pm

    It's not that deep.

    Elephants January 21, 2021 4:50 pm
    It's not that deep. ™AgustMehhシ

    It's not hard to not push stereotypes that have literally gotten people hurt. It's punching down, uncleaver, and unnecessary. "Not that deep" is an excuse

    mei January 21, 2021 5:12 pm
    It's not that deep. ™AgustMehhシ

    proof that you didn’t even read the whole thing

    ™AgustMehhシ January 22, 2021 6:49 am
    proof that you didn’t even read the whole thing mei

    I did, and my thing is... No one is going to read a hand full of bls or watch anime and see that the red heads are typically the bad guys, but use this information to harass redheads in real life. No one is going to walk up to a red head in real life and say,"You're a terrible person, because I read books where people with your hair color is BAD~" No one is going to do that. But if you're trying to push this narrative in the anime/manga/manhwa/manhua community then it's not that deep. Even if you are that upset about it, take it up with the creators of said content. They're the ones who tends to feed into these "stereotypes". I said what I said.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 22, 2021 6:51 am
    It's not hard to not push stereotypes that have literally gotten people hurt. It's punching down, uncleaver, and unnecessary. "Not that deep" is an excuse Elephants

    Like I told the other person, no one is going to harass a person in real life because of a bl community joke. I don't like the red haired guy in this bl because of his personality and the fact that I feel like he's hiding smth. This has nothing to do with the fact that his head is red.

    mei January 22, 2021 3:04 pm
    I did, and my thing is... No one is going to read a hand full of bls or watch anime and see that the red heads are typically the bad guys, but use this information to harass redheads in real life. No one is goi... ™AgustMehhシ

    your reply still further proves my point lmao. op just said to stop making fun of red haired people bc it still makes them feel ugly. aint no one sayin that these type of comments can be a reason why red heads can be seen as bad guys irl. what op is trying to say is that to stop alienating him by calling him names. irl red haired people alr have pointed out that they do feel insecure about it AND it is in fact damaging. enabling this type of behavior further hinders people from not educating themselves if it’s categorized as “just a tiny problem” or “not that deep”.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 22, 2021 3:59 pm
    your reply still further proves my point lmao. op just said to stop making fun of red haired people bc it still makes them feel ugly. aint no one sayin that these type of comments can be a reason why red heads ... mei

    I dislike him due to his personality. It has nothing to do with his hair. I also already stated, that, if you're truly upset- take that up with the creators of these bls. They're the ones that feed into these... "stereotypes"

    Elephants January 22, 2021 11:13 pm
    I dislike him due to his personality. It has nothing to do with his hair. I also already stated, that, if you're truly upset- take that up with the creators of these bls. They're the ones that feed into these..... ™AgustMehhシ

    I'm not mad that he's a redhead that did something wrong. You won't catch me saying that. I said if you don't like him demonize him as a character rather than say "what do you expect from a redhead" which a ton of people were doing. Redheaded people can be villains in stories but people were joking as if he was causing problems because of his red hair. Which is weird, simple as that.

    If the author made the characters red hair relevant to his behavior I would have a problem with the author but they didn't so I don't. I have a problem with people making his hair an issue it really is simple.

    "Also I don't care if you hate the red haired guy, to me it's unnecessary but your in your feels so whatever. But don't demonize him and link it to he's hair color, that's crusty."

    Hating his personality is fine, making it about his hair color is not. This is the simplest way I can say it, if you don't understand I can't help you.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 23, 2021 3:28 am
    I'm not mad that he's a redhead that did something wrong. You won't catch me saying that. I said if you don't like him demonize him as a character rather than say "what do you expect from a redhead" which a ton... Elephants

    I'm sure most people aren't demonizing him due to his hair color, but I can't say some probably aren't. All I know is, it's not as deep as you're making it out to be. This "stereotype" didn't exist until bls, so stop trying to treat as smth that's been going on for years in real life. You even tried to prove your point by saying bs like,"If you don't think it's weird change redhead with any other physical attribute that has been discriminated on throughout history." It doesn't work like that, this is smth that most only say about ppl in bls, and it's not like redheads in bls are affected by what's being said. I also know damn well no red head is being affected by this irl because this doesn't ever apply to them. The redheads in bls, red hair doesn't even resemble actual redheads in real life.

    Elephants January 23, 2021 4:35 am
    I'm sure most people aren't demonizing him due to his hair color, but I can't say some probably aren't. All I know is, it's not as deep as you're making it out to be. This "stereotype" didn't exist until bls, s... ™AgustMehhシ

    Red hair being negative isn't a stereotype in bl. Again, the author didn't make the character have red hair cause they hated redheads and no one said that. Redheads being troublemakers or violent is a stereotype in real life. I was just saying people who are saying, "of course a redhead would do this" should stop because we don't live in a vacuum and it shows internalized prejudices. Maybe it's because you don't live in the uk but redheads get a ton of shit here just for their hair which can lead to self confidence issues, depression, and higher than average suicide rates especially for the guys. Because of this I don't like seeing comments like that because while to you it's small to others it just another way of someone expressing they don't like them. When I first read the comments the first ones were about his hair so I made my comment simple as that. If the majority of people weren't doing that it didn't matter to me because I wasn't talking to them, I was talking to the ones that were.

    I said it doesn't work if you place any other group on there it wouldn't work because it's true. If the character was autistic and people were saying, "I expected this of an autistic person" I would be concerned. If the character was albino and people were saying that I would be concerned, simple.

    Also don't come out with the "redhead = bad" started in bl. What, it's hundreds of years old. Redheads were literally killed in nazi Germany for christ sack. Red haired step child is an insult. Redheads are constantly bullied in school because of their hair so no bl didn't start anything.

    I literally was just saying don't be a dick and link negative characteristics to a genetic trait like hair. If it wasn't you doing it I wasn't talking about you--who would've thought.

    If you want it in an easy digestible sentence here it is: don't say stuff a eugenicists would say.

    And if you're going to ask no I don't think ginger prejudices is as damaging as racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, or transphobia but it's a problem none the less.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 23, 2021 7:20 am
    Red hair being negative isn't a stereotype in bl. Again, the author didn't make the character have red hair cause they hated redheads and no one said that. Redheads being troublemakers or violent is a stereotyp... Elephants

    See if you've just said that to begin with, it would've made complete sense. Still my point stands, take it up with the creators that they're feeding into stereotypes regardless if it was their intention or not. Also, I thought so, I would be concerned if you were comparing this to other prejudices, or just using other prejudices to make this one more important above others.

    Elephants January 23, 2021 2:43 pm
    See if you've just said that to begin with, it would've made complete sense. Still my point stands, take it up with the creators that they're feeding into stereotypes regardless if it was their intention or not... ™AgustMehhシ

    Notice how I never said we shouldn't have red haired antagonists. If the author feed into the story and made him a angry, violent, witch I would have a problem but they only made him "annoying" in y'all's opinion and nosey. Notice how starting off I didn't hate the character because I don't feel like any wrong thing he did is that bad, in fact to me it made sense. It was the reader's who started making shit about his hair rather then just disliking him as a character. Him having red hair had nothing to do with why someone would dislike him yet here people were making it about his hair.

    Also your point doesn't stand. Your point was it's not that deep but again we don't live in a vacuum and people are affected negatively by those types of jokes so let's not act like your point stands.

    Also of course I don't believe ginger prejudices is equivalent to other ones. In they first comment I was just saying that any other prejudice were added instead it would be weird, people with common sense got that. There are levels to discrimination like duh, I have brain cells.

    Anyway I'm done with this. You seem like the type of person that won't hold accountable for the community your in and that's kinda boring. you've been saying excuses a lot.

    ™AgustMehhシ January 23, 2021 3:10 pm
    Notice how I never said we shouldn't have red haired antagonists. If the author feed into the story and made him a angry, violent, witch I would have a problem but they only made him "annoying" in y'all's opini... Elephants

    Whatever, I don't really like being associated with the bl community sometimes because it's pretty toxic.

Eddie December 5, 2020 4:18 pm

I'm going to break my rule of not commenting or reading comments because it can be pretty toxic. I'm from Kenya, from the luhya tribe, and moved to the United States as a kid so my mild criticisms are coming from a place of knowledge.

Is it so hard to draw non straight hair. Maasai people, and most people of Kenya, have 4c hair. I thought his hair was meant to be braided but no, it's just straight hair. In fact if you wanted to be as accurate as possible most Maasai people shave their heads because of the heat, that being said I completely understand why he didn't because he's from Nairobi, he is a city boy and they have more braided styles. Men of all backgrounds do not straighten their hair with relaxers/perms though so he's straight hair just reads as disingenuous.

Not to say it's impossible, Eastern Africa has a problem with self love. After the British colonization we force ourselves to assimilate to western ideals. We have skin bleaching treatments in the supermarkets, white people on all out posters, and ever doll is a white girl with blonde hair with a few with brunette hair.

I love that his cultural attire is correct. It makes me so happy that the author researched it. That being said he would never wear it in school in the city. Seeing how he's family is rich he 100% went to a boarding school (even if he wasn't most village kids still go to boarding schools if they have the fines). Boarding schools are notoriously anti tribal culture. You're not allowed to speak your tribal tongue and can only speak swahili and English/ maybe French (in his case most likely Japanese which is why he's so fluent) nor can you wear traditional clothes. If you did you'd be spanked or even beaten. The schools force kids to assimilate to the western world.

If you are mad that he's poly I see where you're coming from but stfu. Poly in of itself is not wrong, cheating is just when you break a relationships agreements. That being said Kenyan polygamy is rooted in misogyny and mostly develops into toxic family relationships. I have 2 grandmothers on my father's side and a total of 13 great grandmothers. My Pa used to talk about his fights and hatred of his half siblings because of him being born from the first wife. Women have no say in who/ if their husband's marry, so this type of poly is cheating, and so the wife's tend to hate each other and in turn the kids.

Imma take a quick side trip to talk about Kenyan misogyny. Up until recently (like a generation ago) it was expected for the husband to beat their wife that "misbehaved". If is no longer widely accepted but you can imagine how such events stain through generations.

Anyway, him being poly isn't wrong but culturally it's rooted in hating women so I don't like it because he might end up abusing people without knowing.

ALSO THE LESBIAN KENYAN MOVIE EXISTS. It's called "rafiki" which means friend. That being said it was banned in kenya so he didn't watch it there.

Weird side not again. When meeting people Kenyans firmly shake their hand with both hands and shake heavily. Hugging is weird to do with strangers, especially if he thought the uke was a girl.

Anyway I'm not mad at this, this was made by people who don't know anything about Kenya to enjoy a fantasy. It's like an Arabian getting made at Aladdin or Americans getting mad at Japan's tendency to make you all blonde and blue eyed. Though here I think it's better because it feels like the author tried (in everything except the hair) while Aladdins mistakes are because of unwillingness to learn about a cultural; and in manga it's because of a creepy fetishization of European features post world war 2. So hey, it could be worse.

And if you try to combat my claims using a documentary made by white people, don't. Message me and I'll show you proof of my identity :)

    Jenny December 5, 2020 4:28 pm

    Wow. Thank u.

    I like this manga, it's well drawn and written. Cute and light hearted.

    But your comment gave me a bit of an insight on what's made up and what's not in this manga. I wasn't really sure if the author was making things up or not.

    So thanks!

    Tsumi December 5, 2020 4:36 pm

    Your comment was so interesting to read!! Also I will watch Rafiki so thanks for letting us know it's a real movie:))

    Daddy’sBoy December 5, 2020 4:45 pm

    thank you for writing this! fictive media is almost never perfect at representation, and i’m lucky to ha e found your comment

    Elephants December 5, 2020 4:56 pm
    Wow. Thank u. I like this manga, it's well drawn and written. Cute and light hearted.But your comment gave me a bit of an insight on what's made up and what's not in this manga. I wasn't really sure if the auth... Jenny

    Thank you for not hating my comment. Last time I talked about African/ dark skin representation I got shot down by it being "just a manga". There's a manga that based characters off a marginalized group in Europe, used the g slur instead of romani, and said that their skin becoming fairer made them more attractive. I called it out but no one else had a problem with it. Same goes with talking about internalized misogyny & r*pe culture in the yaoi community, oh well.

    ImUrJk December 5, 2020 5:03 pm

    thank you for sharing this knowledge to us!! I'm a writer and researching the culture and background of any characters that I want is really hard especially if I don't really have a single knowledge about them. Having this information will make me very sensitive on how i will create the identity of my Characters.

    Basic Dickhead December 5, 2020 5:49 pm

    Thank you for the free education heheh

    Owl December 5, 2020 6:10 pm

    I wasn't sure if they were talking about rafiki until I saw my two favorite girls up on the screen!! I am super happy that the author put research into this work, but I do agree about the hair! I thought it was dreads and I was really happy about it because that hair style lacks in mangas. but then they showed his hair wet and being dried the way you would with a lighter type of hair. I was disappointed about it, but I'm still happy an author has been succesful on representing and welcoming cultures besides western. Hopefully they've explored more about assimilation and cultural stripping to address the tribal clothing somehow.

    Elephants December 5, 2020 6:32 pm
    I wasn't sure if they were talking about rafiki until I saw my two favorite girls up on the screen!! I am super happy that the author put research into this work, but I do agree about the hair! I thought it was... Owl

    Locs would've been cute. If you see someone in Kenya with locs they're probably Maasai. I could tell by looking at the hair that they weren't that though because locs on afro hair are still coily while his hair strains are straight. Again not mad but kinda tired of seeing type 1 hair on everyone.

    Ines_Ivy December 5, 2020 6:48 pm
    Thank you for not hating my comment. Last time I talked about African/ dark skin representation I got shot down by it being "just a manga". There's a manga that based characters off a marginalized group in Euro... Elephants

    I totally agree! I once asked about a bxb with police/mafia theme and with no rape or abuse (between partners) and guess what, 2/3 had rape and dubious consent ヽ(`Д´)ノ
    And once i wanted to read a romance story with one person being from diffrent country (mostly egypt cause i find the country interesting) and 2/2 girls had blue eyes, white skin, and yellow hair, i dropped both manga because it was too unnatural for me to see them stand out when everyone else had black hair and darker skin...( ̄∇ ̄")

    yaoitrash December 5, 2020 7:01 pm

    thank u sooo much for this, super interesting!!

    Elephants December 5, 2020 7:21 pm
    I totally agree! I once asked about a bxb with police/mafia theme and with no rape or abuse (between partners) and guess what, 2/3 had rape and dubious consent ヽ(`Д´)ノAnd once i wanted to read a romance... Ines_Ivy

    I don't think people realize that whenever a seme or uke rapes someone it perpetuates the homophobic notion from the 1950s that someone can't be gay unless they are raped by a gay person. Instead of proper bi and pan rep it's straight men who happen to just like one dude. It also pushes power dynamic struggles where young boys (students) are groomed by older men (teachers). Or a victim gets with their rapist. People don't want to put the writers in check even though they are cisgender heterosexual women fetishizing the gay experience and pushing homophobic stereotypes. I think this is because most readers are cishet women themselves that fetishize the amab queer experience. This doesn't even go into the way they villainize trans woman in most stories.

    Conclusion: make healthy couples or you have internalized homophobia

    As for the "all non asians have blonde hair and blue eyes and they're better than us" yeah that ain't it chief. Half asians are so misrepresented in manga because mangaka (is that the word?) Refuse to acknowledge that blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive genes. And when depicting indigenous or even middle eastern people don't make them have eurocentric traits because "it looks better". There was a manga about an amazonian girl where she was the only one with fair white skin and had pink hair while her people looked like regular amazonians.

    The love of blonde hair blue eyes is creepy in of itself. It started during ww2 and still exists which is a whole bag of worms involving their relationship with Germany (Not saying they are still colonizers that are pro nazi, I'm saying nazism great affected their culture in this way. Like how some white people may not support racism but subconsciously do racist things). Not all white people look like that, and just because they do doesn't mean they're inherently super attractive, smart, and wealthy.

    Elephants December 5, 2020 7:22 pm
    I totally agree! I once asked about a bxb with police/mafia theme and with no rape or abuse (between partners) and guess what, 2/3 had rape and dubious consent ヽ(`Д´)ノAnd once i wanted to read a romance... Ines_Ivy

    Wow I keep writing essays upon essays, sorry

    Monnie December 5, 2020 7:41 pm

    Thank you for this. I’m glad I got to learn about your culture...

    fire December 5, 2020 8:09 pm

    I could be wrong but I think the only reason why he wore cultural attire for his first day of school was to introduce everyone to his culture. That's what I understood from what the teacher said anyways.

    But yeah I agree with everything else. I don't know if maybe the author just doesn't know different hair textures because I thought it was odd that his seemingly straight hair was being dried like that with the hangers but dissapointing still anyways :/

    sakuramochi December 5, 2020 8:41 pm

    Thank you for breaking your rule of not commenting. It is always interesting to learn something about another culture "firsthand".

    Your comments o polygamy sum up well what polygame originally was all about, It is a difficult topic that is more complex than just good and bad. As a women, I cannot help but think about the abuse of women in Africa, when I hear the word "polygamy". But it is nice to be remembered of its positive meaning.
    So thank you for comment!

Eddie July 21, 2020 5:29 pm

I don't get why people look down on betas. This alpha-omega supremacy is weird. I mean sure they're the majority but at least they aren't raping people on the regular like another demographic. (I'm talking about when the mc scoffed at the love interest having beta partners. It felt bad to me like betas were inferior. Idk it's just my thoughts)

Eddie July 14, 2020 2:58 pm

People really out here wondering if the ceo will get a redemption arc.

It's a shounen ai, they will fall in love, baby's gonna have two dads so don't worry

Eddie July 10, 2020 3:14 pm

This is cute and all (5 stars) but what's with that girl in love with her brother. That was weird

    cripes July 10, 2020 4:32 pm

    Oh my sweet lamb.. you haven't even tasted yaoi's dark side then xD

    Eddie July 11, 2020 12:50 am
    Oh my sweet lamb.. you haven't even tasted yaoi's dark side then xD cripes

    I have, I've been here for 5 years. I was just giving a good what the fuck

Eddie July 1, 2020 1:09 am

Was it good: no
Was it entertaining: yes

Eddie June 26, 2020 5:16 pm

I don't think Suhyeon needs a lover right now, he needs a friend. A good, kind friend. But knowing stories like this be probably won't get one, nevermind a therapist

    chickennuggets June 26, 2020 5:19 pm

    Whenever I read stuff like this I wish I could put myself in the manga and just be besties with the sad guys. I mean I’d take them out for ice cream and show them memes... it makes me sad that they don’t laugh

    Vampire11 June 26, 2020 5:45 pm

    Yea I get what you and I’ve actually talked to a friend who was in a similar situation and she told me that sometimes having a friend isn’t enough and for her getting a lover helps fill a hole and without it she just feels empty even when having friends. Then I talked to my therapist about this and she told me I need to understand that there’s just so much a friend can do depending on a person and that’s just so sad because I wish there could be other methods. As for taking them out I think that’s really sweet because there’s some friends out there who won’t even do that

Eddie June 26, 2020 4:23 am

Someone needs to pull a Heather on this bitch seme and feed him poison

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